Part 39

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Elliot and I were on the phone, bickering about what he should wear to dinner with my parents later tonight. He insisted on dressing up fancy, but I told him it was not necessary since he had already met them before. I suggested he wear something comfortable instead, but he wouldn't budge.

Eventually, we shifted our conversation to the interviews we had back in Utah. Elliot excitedly told me about his interview with the recruitment coach of Stanford. I couldn't contain my excitement and screamed, "Elliot, that was awesome! Stanford? Oh my god!" He echoed my excitement with the same level of enthusiasm. "Well, it wasn't like he's asking me to join their team, but he asked me where I wanted to study for college," he explained in a calmer voice.

I encouraged him, "Ohh, I mean he wouldn't be asking if he's not interested or sees something special about you, right?" Elliot still seemed uncertain, "I guess, but he did not proactively ask me for a scholarship." I didn't want him to get his hopes up, so I told him not to think too much about it, even though I couldn't help but feel excited for him. It was Stanford, after all, and it could be a big opportunity for his career.

Elliot then teased me about being recruited by the agent of Balboa Bay Volleyball Club. I admitted that I was recruited and accepted the offer. "I told them I'm down," I said timidly, not wanting to sound boastful. Elliot was quick to show his support, "I mean, wow Apol! That's a good opportunity! I'm sure you'll kill it there." I thanked him for the kind words and support before we decided to end the call since I needed to help my mom prepare dinner.

For tonight's dinner, my mom and I made mac & cheese paired with Brussels sprouts Caesar Salad. We didn't cook Filipino food because Elliot is health-conscious and we have to follow the diet plan given to us by our mentors. After cooking, I freshened up while listening to Love to Love You Baby by Donna Summers.

I've always had a habit of playing music while taking a shower. It's a small thing, but it reminds me of the time when I was refreshing up. So, I asked my dad to install a speaker box in my bathroom. It's been a routine of mine for as long as I can remember, and I never miss a beat.

After finishing my shower and getting dressed, I went out to my room to change when I was greeted by my boyfriend Elliot. He brought me a beautiful bouquet of sunflowers. "You had a habit of catching me while changing my clothes, eh?" I joked with him, giving him a peck on the lips as he handed me the flowers.

Together, we headed downstairs to greet my parents. They weren't surprised to see Elliot there, but they were curious about how he had asked me to be his boyfriend and what made me say yes. Elliot told them everything, and my mom couldn't help but giggle. My dad seemed to approve of our relationship since he and Elliot got along so well. My parents were delighted that we didn't hide anything from them, and they were proud and supportive.

The dinner was awesome, and we talked about our experiences in Utah. We even shared some exciting news with them, which surprised and delighted them. Afterward, Elliot and I volunteered to do the dishes. We cuddled in my bedroom while watching Netflix, and I couldn't help but admire how gentle and respectful he was. He was more into cuddles and sentimental things, and he always made sure that I was comfortable with anything before initiating anything physical.

A month passed after the training camp, and nothing significant happened. We got back to school, which was boring aside from practice. However, I received a call from the recruitment manager of Balboa Bay Volleyball Club. They told me that the training for the U17 Roster would start in January of next year, and they had booked me a boarding house in Costa Mesa, California, where I would share a room with my teammates until the end of the tournament. Even though Costa Mesa wasn't far from Long Beach, I gave them my approval since they had already booked the boarding house for me. Later that day, I received the contract from my email, printed it, and submitted it to my coach here in Long Beach.

Halloween was so much fun! Our team hosted a costume party and celebrated our previous games. Surprisingly, TJ hosted it for everyone. My teammates put on some funny and amazing costumes, and they were at it during the party. TJ, as expected of him, wore nothing but a Spartan skirt and belt, showing off his manliness to everyone.

I had this idea to dress up as Jessie from Pokemon since I'm a huge fan of the show. I was in a full-drag costume with slick red hair, embodying Jessie. Jessie and James are the comedic villains from the show. It was my first Halloween here in America, and it turned out great. Halloween is the one time you can wear anything you want and not be judged because it's meant to be fun. Many students came over wearing their best costumes too. I recognized some of the girls who were cheerleaders and members of the band, and boy, did they look sexy as hell. I'm sure the guys had a good time.

Elliot was wearing a Harry Potter-inspired wizard costume, showing off his abs. He matched it up with a wand he said he had when he was little. He was a fan of the show, which reminded me of the time he insisted we watch the whole Harry Potter series that night. 

Everyone turns out drunk or tipsy but I was told that it was all normal. And you know them teenagers are wild when they get drunk. Students making out, the bathroom is occupied, and all that shit. I am feeling a little tipsy too but lucky for me, I was accompanied by my boyfriend all night. All in all, we enjoyed the party TJ hosted. We had so much fun with them drinking and playing. 

That same night Elliot was chatting with his classmate and I was looking for another restroom since the one downstairs was occupied. So I decided to look upstairs. I unlock the first door to the left when unfortunately I saw the host of this party on top of a cheerleader I recall as the one he flirts back then. 

He was pounding her hastily to even notice me when I opened the door. 

To my surprise then I gasp and muttered "Oh, my bad" And move to close the door. 

He looked while still pounding the girl when our eyes suddenly met She then make TJ face him while they're at it.

I closed the door before anything happened but the memory of what I saw remains in my mind.That night, their moans and gasps were playing back and forth in my mind making it hard for me to sleep. 


Author's Note: 

Alright so listen, I will probably finish this movie in the next chapter. 

Now if I will earn more comments, reads, and votes I might continue this story in another book. Please just let me know. 😍💜👑

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