Part 24

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This episode is dedicated to my good friend @MedelValencia I asked him to create the cover of my book and he never fails to amaze me with the new cover. Thank you so much, brother!


As TJ leaned in, his hands running over my chest, I felt a rush of excitement mixed with guilt. I knew what he wanted, but I couldn't let him distract me from our practice. "We have practice," I reminded him, avoiding eye contact.

TJ didn't give up, though. He whispered in my ear, his voice low and seductive. "You're a teaser. You're just gonna leave me hanging?" I felt my resistance slipping away, but I managed to pull away from him.

"I'm sorry," I said, as I quickly left the restroom. TJ followed me, and I could hear the smirk in his voice as he spoke. "Don't be sorry. I'm coming for you," he said, making my heart race.

As I walked into the gym, I felt the eyes of my teammates on me. They knew something had happened between TJ and me, and I didn't want to give them any more reason to gossip. I rushed to the changing room, trying to avoid TJ's gaze.

But he followed me in, his smirk still in place. I couldn't bring myself to meet his eyes, knowing that I had just told him I liked him. What was I thinking? He was just after my body.

I quickly changed into my training outfit, ignoring the teasing of my teammates. Elliot, my friend and teammate, asked me why I was late, but I lied to him, not wanting to make things awkward.

I knew what I was doing was wrong. I was torn between a man who only wanted me for my body and a man who cared for me as a person. I had made out with TJ and told him how I felt, but I couldn't ignore Elliot's sweet gestures and honest feelings.

During practice, I tried to focus on the drills and ignore the tension between TJ and me. Our mentors had told Seth and me about a new training plan for the libero position, and I knew it was going to be tough. But I was determined to push myself to the limit.

After the floor drills, I was drenched in sweat. Elliot handed me a towel and a bottle of Gatorade, his cheerful demeanor lifting my spirits. He asked me if I was ready for the exam, and I asked him the same. He made a face and said he was, thanks to me. Then he pulled me into a hug, and I felt a sense of comfort that I had never felt with TJ.

I could see the jealousy in TJ's eyes as he watched us. I told him that Elliot and I were not together, but he was persistent. He did sweet things for me, and I wasn't sure if I was ready to give that up for TJ's temporary pleasure.

Coach instructed us not to play that day, as we had an exam the next day. As I waited for everyone to leave the shower room, I couldn't help but think about the choices I had to make. But for now, all I could do was focus on the exam and the tough training that lay ahead.

When I'm sure everyone's outside, I entered the shower room. I scanned my phone and look for Ciara ft. Justin Timberlake tracks and play - Love Sex and magic.

The hot shower felt heavenly as it poured from my head down to my toes. The steam and water worked their magic, soothing my mind and body, erasing all the distractions and chaos that I felt today.

I couldn't shake off the thought of wanting both of them, TJ and Elliot. It's crazy and selfish, I know. But I couldn't help feeling thrilled with the idea, the mere thought of it making my cheeks flush and my heart race.

What if I could have them both? What if I could explore these feelings and desires without anyone getting hurt? The possibilities were endless, but I knew deep down that it was just a delusion, a selfish desire that could never be fulfilled.

"Baby, show me, show me
What's your favorite trick that you wanna use on me
And I'll volunteer
And I'll be flowing and going
Till clothing disappears, ain't nothing but shoes on me, oh, baby"

But as I stood there under the hot water, my mind wandering and my body relaxing, I couldn't help but let my imagination run wild. What if I could have my cake and eat it too? What if I could have both TJ and Elliot, without having to choose between them?

I quickly shake my head, trying to dismiss the thought. It's not fair to Elliot or TJ. I can't just play with their emotions like that. It's not right.

I try to focus on the warm water and the calming steam, but my mind keeps wandering back to the same thoughts. I can't help but wonder what it would be like to have both of them.

As the water continues to pour down my body, I try to clear my mind and come up with a solution. Maybe I should talk to both of them and figure out what I really want. It's not fair to keep them both in the dark.

But then again, what if they both reject me? What if I lose them both? I can't bear the thought of that. I need to be careful with my words and actions.

"All night show with just you and the crowd
Doin' tricks you've never seen
And I bet that I can make you believe
In love and sex and magic
So let me drive my body around ya
I bet you know what I mean
Cause you know that I can make you believe
In love and sex and magic"

I knew it was crazy, but the thought of it was enough to make me smile and feel alive. As the hot water poured down my back, I found myself lost in the rhythm of the music. The beat was infectious, and I couldn't resist the urge to move. I closed my eyes and let the water wash away all the distractions and stress of the day.

As the song reached its chorus, I started to move my hips like I was dancing at a club. I imagined myself as Ciara, powerful, sexy, and in control. The steam filled the shower room, creating a hazy atmosphere that added to the ambiance.

After a few minutes, I turned off the shower and stepped out of the cubicle, feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. As I wrapped a towel around my body, I realized that the locker room was not empty as I thought it would be.

To my surprise, I saw TJ and Elliot getting dressed in their respective lockers, ready to head out. I hadn't expected to see them, and my heart skipped a beat as I wondered if they had seen me dancing in the shower. I quickly composed myself and tried to act normal 

I couldn't help but feel curious when I saw TJ and Elliot in their lockers fully dressed and ready to head out. "I thought you guys head out already?" I asked them, my eyes wandering towards their direction. Without any hesitation, Elliot replied, "I was waiting for you." I smiled at him and turned to TJ. "Cap you still here?" I asked him, trying to sound surprised with a hint of sass and excitement.

"Uhh, yeah I think I forgot something," he responded, making me raise a brow. "Okay, why don't we have dinner together? sound good?" I offered, looking at them both. Elliot quickly responded with an "alright," while TJ begrudgingly agreed with a "fine." I commanded TJ to wait for me, and both of them seemed to agree.

As I stood there, a crazy idea popped into my head. These jocks gave me a hard time waiting for them to finish taking showers and stuff before I do to avoid an awkward situation. So, I decided to intentionally drop my towel and walk past them to my locker, grab my bag, and get my body regimen. I was butt naked, flashing my body to them, feeling powerful.

TJ looked amused, whereas Elliot immediately reddened. I chuckled at his expression. He grabbed TJ by the shoulders and urged them both to move out of the changing room. "We'll just wait for you outside," he said. I couldn't help but let out an evil laugh inside. It worked, well, for Elliot mostly. I was glad to know that I had that effect on him. I did my beauty regimen and let them wait. Of course, I had to take care of myself, still look good and smell good. Satisfied with how I looked, I went outside to meet my boys, thinking to myself that this was going to be interesting.


Author's Note:

Hi! Thank you for reading this episode!

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