Part 38

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The second set was intense, and my team was caught off guard by the other team's combination plays. They used decoys to deceive our blockers and were able to make successful spikes. I tried my best to block them, but their hits bounced off of me. Despite this, I managed to dig a spike that had no blocker, and the crowd went wild. I paused for a moment, acting like the strength of the hit didn't bother me at all. The commentators loved that dig. Unfortunately, we lost the second set, and we were now under pressure to win the deciding set.

The match between our teams was tight, and the crowd was loving it. During the third set, I used my signature move, the butterfly dig, and the crowd went crazy. It was my last resort to get the crowd on our side, and it worked like a charm.

We managed to win the match by 28 to 26, and TJ's fast jump service led us to victory. The team celebrated by jumping and shouting together, and our coach hugged us tightly, overjoyed by our win.

After shaking hands with the players of West Junior Highschool, I hugged each one of them since I couldn't help it, and they hugged me back. A few photographers took pictures of us, and some reporters from Utah Sports News interviewed some of my teammates. We supported TJ during his interview by doing silly things behind him, and it was all in good fun.

Our coach then introduced some people wearing formal attire, and we later found out that they were university recruiters. We shook their hands as they congratulated us, and to my surprise, I was interviewed by a recruiter from Balboa Bay Volleyball Club. They asked me if I would be interested in representing Longbeach as a Libero for Balboa Bay for the Under 17 roster.

I was surprised by the offer and thrilled at the opportunity. I gave them my approval as my coach gave me a thumbs up while I was being interviewed. The manager promised to keep in touch with me after the competition, and I thanked him before returning to my coaches. My teammates congratulated me on the opportunity to play for Balboa Bay VC, and I felt proud of myself for being recognized by their coaching staff.

During the awarding ceremony, we received many awards, including the Best Opposite Spiker for TJ, the Best Wing Spiker for Elliot, the Best Setter for Ivan, and the Best Libero for me. TJ was also awarded the MVP, which we expected. It was the happiest day of our training camp, and the other awards were given to the players of the other teams.

To celebrate our victory, the school treated us to dinner and another night at the hot springs. The following day, we had a sparring match with UCLA college, who had recently arrived at the training camp. We knew it was going to be a tough match since they played at the college level, and as expected, we lost. They had heavy and loaded spikes, and their quick plays were exceptional. Vanjoe and Ivan had a hard time reading their spikers, thanks to UCLA's setter.

Despite the loss, we put up a good fight in the receiving department. Seth and I managed to dig some of their spikes, and we were satisfied with that. We had a fun time getting to know UCLA's players, and they gave us some insights and motivation to be better and prepare ourselves for college-level volleyball.

That night was the last night of our training camp in Salt Lake City, and Elliot had invited me to spend it with him. He took me to a fancy restaurant where we had the most delightful dinner together. We talked and laughed, enjoying each other's company. It was a night to remember, and we had so much fun that we didn't want it to end.

After dinner, we returned to our hotel room, where we cuddled and took pictures. I posted one of the photos we took in the mountains where Elliot carried me in a bridal pose on Instagram, captioning it "Boyfriends" and tagging him. Within a few minutes, the photo received a lot of likes and comments from our friends and family, including some of Elliot's friends, who congratulated us.

We stayed up all night cuddling, and we eventually fell asleep in each other's arms. The next day was the end of the weekend, and it was time to say goodbye. I didn't want to leave Elliot behind; we had so much fun together over the past few days in Utah.

"I'm going to miss you," I said, rubbing Elliot's chest.

"I'm going to miss you too," he replied, resting his head on mine. "When do we make plans to see each other again?"

"We'll make plans soon when we return to Long Beach," I reassured him.

"When do we tell your parents about us?" Elliot asked, and I knew this conversation was coming.

"We'll tell them soon," I said, snuggling closer to him. Elliot leaned down, brushing his lips against mine. He ran his fingers through my hair and pulled me closer, and we shared a passionate kiss. It wasn't the first time we kissed, but each time felt like the first.

The next day, we thanked the organizers and people responsible for the Fall Sports Tournament and the Tune-Up game with UCLA before heading to the airport. We arrived at Los Angeles Airport from Utah and headed back to school. We thanked all the coaching staff for the opportunity before we went to our respective houses.

When I arrived home, my mother ambushed me with questions about the post I made on Instagram. She wanted to know everything, and then she asked me to invite Elliot for dinner the next day so they could formally meet him as my boyfriend. I agreed to their requests and returned to my room.

That night, Elliot called me, and we talked about our plans for the future. We were excited to be together, and we knew that we wanted to make it work. We made promises to see each other again soon, and we couldn't wait to make more memories together.


Author's Note:

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