Part 11

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I woke up early the next day, eager to find out who had been leaving those letters in my locker. As I walked towards my locker, I saw a figure standing in front of it, and although I couldn't quite make out who it was from the back, I saw him put something inside.

"Hey! What are you doing to my locker!" I shouted as I ran towards him, but he was quick to disappear. I couldn't believe it - I was so close to catching him!

Frustrated, I took a break and caught my breath. "Damn it," I muttered to myself. I was dying to know who this person was, but I had no idea how to find out.

But then I remembered the yellow letter that had been left in my locker yesterday. I opened it up, and my cheeks started to burn as I read what was written inside. The anonymous admirer had praised my performance in the tune-up game, but also asked me to stop wearing revealing clothes because he was jealous.

I couldn't stop blushing as I headed to my first class, my mind racing with thoughts of who this person could be. I was flattered by his compliments, but also a little creeped out by the fact that he was watching me so closely.

During practice, I noticed that TJ seemed off. I was concerned about him, especially since we had a big competition coming up. So I approached him and asked him what was wrong

I followed him, "Hey TJ, can I talk to you for a second?" I paused, he looked at me with the same emotionless eyes he had. "Yeah Sure, what about?" He replied dryly. "I noticed you're kinda off today, is there something wrong?" I make my voice as soft as I can to sound completely genuine. I want him to know that even if he's an asshole towards me sometimes I consider him still as my friend. 

He smirked, "Naaaah, it's fine. Personal matters" he replied. He insisted not to talk about it. 

"Want to talk about it?, I'll listen" I'm not used to seeing him like these so I insisted as well. 

He sighed, "Apol, Seriously I'm fine, Thanks for the concern though." He then smiled at me then ruffles my hair before entering the shower cubicle. He just brushed it off and told me it was personal. I tried to insist, but he refused to talk about it.

After practice, it was just me and TJ left in the changing room. He told me he was leaving, so I said goodbye and went about my usual routine. I took off my gear, jersey, and socks, and put on some music on my phone.

Arianna Grande's - Into You played on my phone.

As the water from the shower head hit my body, I closed my eyes and let myself relax. I danced along to the music, feeling carefree and happy. Even though I still couldn't figure out who was leaving those letters in my locker, I felt grateful for the support of my teammates, and for the moments like this where I could just let go and be myself.

Author's note: Warning Hot scene coming

I felt a sudden grip on my waist from behind, and I could feel someone's body pressed up against mine. I jumped in surprise as TJ breathed heavily down my back. 

He was just as naked as I was, and I was frozen in shock at his actions. I couldn't form any words; I was trembling and paralyzed. 

What was he doing? I felt like I was in a daze.He leaned in closer to my ear and whispered, "Thank you for showing that you care. This is my way of appreciation." I could feel a smirk forming on his lips. He started grinding against me, and I could feel his manhood getting harder by the second. I was completely helpless. 

Suddenly, he pinned me aggressively against the cold tile wall and grabbed the soap. 

He washed my entire body using his hands, and I could feel his body pressing into me from behind. I arched my back, feeling all of him, and grabbed the back of his neck, kissing him lustily. He started this, so I was going to go along with it. 

Hot water dripped from his face onto my chest as he sucked on my nipples, and I couldn't help but gasp.Is this really happening? I thought to myself. 

 I mustered up the strength to switch our positions, so I was facing him now. I didn't care anymore if he saw my feminine body, or if our penises were grinding against each other. Did he want me? I was going to give him what he wanted. 

 The steam was coming out from our bodies, and I was losing my mind. "I thought you went out..." I started to say, but he interrupted me with a "Shhhhh" and kissed me deeply. His tongue was probing my mouth, and I was completely lost in the moment.

He pinned me to the tile wall of the cubicle and ground against me softly. He was so hard, and I couldn't help but moan from the pleasure of it all. Both of us were gasping for air, and I broke off the scene to tell him that I was confused about what he was doing. 

 He didn't answer my question; he just smirked and looked at me lustily. What was going through his mind? 

Was he not serious about this? 

Was it all just a game to him? 

 I let him finish behind my back, but he didn't really fuck me, as I told him I wasn't ready yet. 

We finished taking a bath and changed in complete silence. It was super awkward, and I was still confused as to why he did that to me. 


What the hell? 

We didn't do it all the way, and part of me was offended by what happened, but I didn't do anything because it felt right as well. 

What the fuck was wrong with me?Suddenly, I was curious. Was he gay too, or was he straight and just liked to explore? 

He walked towards me and put his hands on my shoulders. "I told you, it was my way of appreciation," he said calmly. "Don't act like you don't like it," he added, smirking like a maniac. 

 I was fuming with anger, and my face turned bright red out of frustration from what he just said.

 But I didn't want to talk to him right now. 

The question about his sexuality kept bugging me, so I asked, "You're not into girls, are you?" I waited for his response.He faced me and shrugged. "Maybe," he said, grabbing his bag and heading out of the shower room. 

What the hell? How was he so cool about this?I was left there alone, dumbfounded. "Are you coming or not?"  

As I stepped out of the changing room, I couldn't help but feel confused and disoriented. What had just happened in there? 

My mind was racing, and I couldn't seem to make sense of anything. 

 TJ was waiting for me outside, and I could feel his eyes on me as I walked toward him. 

I was still angry at him, but a part of me couldn't help but feel attracted to him too. It was a confusing mix of emotions, and I didn't know what to do about it. 

 "Look, I know you're mad," TJ said as we walked towards our cars. "But you have to admit, that was pretty hot."I didn't respond, still trying to process everything that had happened. 

TJ could be so frustrating sometimes, always pushing my buttons and testing my limits.


Author's Note:

OMG! I just wrote that! 😳😳😳

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