Part 16

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I was overjoyed that we won our first official game ever! It was such an incredible feeling to have contributed to the team's success. TJ and the others wanted me to come to the after-party, but I just wanted to celebrate the win with my parents. They were so proud of me, and seeing their tears of joy made it all worth it.

That night, my phone kept buzzing with calls and messages from TJ and the team, but I ignored them all. The next morning, I went for my usual jog at the coast park of Long Beach. It was always a good place to clear my mind and take in the beauty of the surroundings. The locals were happy to see me and greeted me warmly, and I felt like I was becoming a part of the community.

As I sat on the bench, basking in the warmth of the morning sun, I heard TJ's voice calling out to me. I opened my eyes to see him approaching, shirtless and with a device in his arms.

"Like what you see?" he teased, a smirk on his face. I rolled my eyes and laughed, feeling a bit awkward at the same time. Memories of our past together flashed in my mind, but I quickly pushed them aside.

TJ sat next to me and caught his breath. "Why didn't you come to the after-party last night?" he asked.

"I celebrated with my parents," I replied, still feeling content with my decision.

TJ nodded. "Man, you should have seen them wasted last night. It was hilarious!" he said, his face lighting up as he recounted the events of the previous night. I couldn't help but smile at his enthusiasm.

We walked and chatted about the after-party and the match, and I realized how much I had missed out on. But when three local girls in bikinis approached TJ, I felt out of place and decided to wave goodbye and head out first. As I walked away, I could hear TJ laughing and trying to make small talk with the girls.

When I got home, I received a text from someone, and I couldn't wait to see who it was

Elliot: let's catch a movie as promised, I'll see you at 7:00 pm later tonight.

My heart started racing as I read Elliot's message. I couldn't believe he was actually going to do it tonight! I quickly replied, trying to keep my cool, but the excitement was bubbling inside of me.

I hurriedly went into my closet, trying to find the perfect outfit for tonight. I wanted to look good, but I didn't want to come off as trying too hard. After a few minutes of searching, I settled on a simple white shirt and ripped jeans. I paired it with my trusty white vans shoes, keeping it casual yet stylish.

As I got ready, I played 'So Excited' by the Pointer Sisters in the background. I couldn't help but lip sync and dance along in the shower, feeling the rush of anticipation building up inside me. I made sure to take my time getting ready, wanting to make sure everything was perfect for tonight.

🎤'Tonight's the night we're gonna make it happen
Tonight we'll put all other things aside
Give in this time and show me some affection
We're goin' for those pleasures in the night'

I was really feeling the vibe of the lyrics while getting ready. The upbeat tempo of "So Excited" by the Pointer Sisters was making me move and dance around the shower room. I was mouthing the words, feeling the rhythm in my bones, and belting out some of the lyrics in a falsetto voice. It was definitely putting me in the right mood for the night.

'I want to love you, feel you
Wrap me around you
I want to squeeze you, please you
I just can't get enough
And if you move real slow, I'll let it go'

'I'm so excited, and I just can't hide it
I'm about to lose control and I think I like it
I'm so excited, and I just can't hide it
And I know, I know, I know, I know, I know I want you' 🎤

As the music played in the background, I stepped out of the shower feeling refreshed and energized. But my peaceful moment was interrupted when my mom walked into my room and caught me dancing to the beat. I felt a bit startled, but I quickly composed myself.

"Someone's in a good mood," she said, teasing me playfully. "Are you going somewhere, honey?" she asked.

I explained to her that I was meeting up with a friend to catch a movie, and her smile grew even wider. "Is it a man?" she teased further.

I couldn't help but roll my eyes at her question. "Yeah, he's on my team," I replied, hoping to end the conversation there.

"Oh, so I've met him already, right?" she said, before the doorbell rang. "That must be him," she added, starting to make her way downstairs. But I quickly pushed her aside, insisting that I could answer the door myself.

I opened the door and saw Elliot standing there, looking dashing in his black shirt and pants. "Hi," he greeted me with a smile, and I couldn't help but smile back.

My mom appeared from behind me, and Elliot greeted her politely. "Hello, Mrs. Capuno. Nice to meet you," he said, extending his arm for a handshake. My mom returned the gesture and welcomed him inside.

"Mom, this is Elliot, my teammate," I introduced him, hoping to avoid any more awkward misunderstandings.

My mom gasped, and I immediately realized what she was thinking. "I mean, my teammate," I corrected myself, feeling a bit embarrassed. Elliot chuckled at my reaction, and I quickly ushered him out the door before things got even more awkward.

As we rode off on his bike, we headed to a mall in Long Beach with a cinema inside. We decided to watch Bohemian Rhapsody since we were both Queen fans. We grabbed some popcorn and soda and took our seats in the top left corner of the cinema to get a better view.

The movie was intense, and both Elliot and I were moved by Freddie's condition when it was revealed. After the movie, we grabbed some burgers for dinner and decided to take a stroll around the city.

As we walked hand in hand, I couldn't help but admire the views of the city with all its lights. The atmosphere was romantic, and I felt my cheeks flush as Elliot placed my hand across his hips, and I hugged him from the back.

Elliot parked his bike in a park called Heart Well in Old Lakewood City, and the view was even more mesmerizing. "You know what? This is my favorite place to go whenever I need to think and chill," he confessed, and I could see the sincerity in his eyes. I was starting to like this side of him.

"Well, I guess I'm not the first person you brought here, right?" I said playfully, trying to keep the conversation light.

"Yeah, I brought my special person here once," he admitted, and I felt a bit flattered that he was sharing this with me.

"What's her name?" I asked curiously, trying to keep the conversation going.

"His name," he corrected me firmly, looking at me intently as if waiting for my reaction.

I was surprised by his answer, but at the same time, I felt a sense of relief wash over me. It was good to know that Elliot was interested in guys too.


Author's Note:

Hi everyone! Omg so Elliot just confessed, and you think that's it? Go ahead and wait for the next episode!

Vote and comment you guys 💜👑

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