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I own none of the tvd characters or hp characters! only the characters i have created.

I also want to say that this fan-fic follows the time of the harry potter movies so in the third year, it will follow the scenes of prisoner of Azkaban so and so.
i know the time lines dont match but it is a fanfiction. if you have any problems please tell me!

                               3rd Persons POV:

Alexia Rose Salvatore, daughter of Damon and Elena Salvatore. Damon and Elena had taken the cure for vampirism and had two children. Their youngest being Alexia at almost 13 years old, and their oldest being their son Stefan James Salvatore at the age of 15.

Alexia has jet black hair like her fathers that reached her lower back, accompanied by glacial blue eyes, sitting behind long dark eyelashes. Her pale skin complimented her features. Alexia was the splitting image of her father, while Stefan mostly took after his mother in looks. His dark brown hair hung effortlessly over his forehead slightly covering his blue-brown eyes. His lightly tanned skin matched his mother's perfectly.

The Salvatore siblings were both going to attend the Salvatore Boarding School as they were both vampires.

(2 years ago)

Alexia is 10 and Stefan is 12. The Salvatore's had just come back from a hike when Stefan dropped to the floor, unconscious. Alexia saw something in the shadows. Someone was wearing a black cloak and was holding a stick in their hand. The cloaked person made eye contact with Alexia and their red slitted eyes grew wider. Alexia saw a flash of green light and then darkness. Damon and Elena rushed to the unconscious bodies and looked for a pulse. When they weren't able to find them, Elena had to call Caroline Forbes, her best friend. In less than a minute, Caroline appeared using her vampire speed.

  After Caroline looked for the two's pulse, she found the heart beat of Stefan, slowly but surely fading, while Alexia's heartbeat was almost gone. Stefan had been poisoned by something and Alexia? They had no idea. Caroline told Elena and Damon that the two siblings were seconds away from dying. There was only one thing that would save them. Vampire blood. The two parents agreed as Caroline sunk her fangs into her wrist and put it onto Stefan's lips. Eventually Stefan woke up with a gasp and Elena grabbed him and pulled him into a hug, as Damon waited impatiently for his daughter to wake. While Damon was waiting for Alexia to wake up he noticed a cut on her collar bone in the shape of a lightning bolt.

Caroline fed Alexia her blood, but she didn't wake up, however her heartbeat was steady, so Damon, Elena and Caroline took the siblings to the hospital. The two children were okay but had to stay overnight for observation. However, Caroline's blood wasn't enough for the two kids and they died in their sleep.

Because they still had Caroline's vampire blood in their system, they came back and were in transition. They both had to drink human blood so they drank the blood of a nurse that was near. Damon and Elena were in the room while Caroline went outside to call Bonnie.

Stefan went first and completed his transition without any problems. He pulled back at the right time and didn't loose control. However, when Alexia tasted the humans blood, she lost control. She drained the nurse of her blood.

Damon and Elena tried to get Alexia off of the nurse but Alexia was strong, too strong. Caroline finally heard the commotion and went to see what happened. When Caroline managed to get Alexia off, the nurse fell to the floor, her head detached from her body.

Alexia was a ripper.

Damon and Elena stared at Alexia with shock in their eyes. Just like Stefan, Damon thought to himself. Caroline was still holding Alexia her back from going for her parents and attacking them.

A few hours later, the Salvatore siblings were let out of hospital, they had to wait until dark to leave as they didnt have daylight rings yet.  Alexia had to go with Caroline in her car because the bloodlust was still too strong for her to be around her parents.

When they arrived at their large house in mystic falls, Bonnie Bennett, their mothers other best friend, was waiting there already. Bonnie had already made two daylight rings for the two new vampires.

Damon had to invite his children into their house as they were now  unable to enter a house without being invited in.

Bonnie had to cast a spell over the two newly turned vamps, the spell Bonnie put on the siblings was an ageing spell. Basically, the two would grow up and age like humans but they would still be vampires. Another part to the spell was that Alexia could get periods, she could get pregnant in the future, and the two siblings could also get sick but could not be killed, unless, obviously, they get staked, they get set on fire, get their heads chopped off or their hearts got ripped out. Normal vampire death.

Bonnie placed her hands on the side of Stefan's face and put the spell on him with no problems and made sure he was okay, because sometimes this spell can make one feel unwell.

However, when Bonnie was placing the spell on Alexia, Caroline had to keep Alexia's hands down so she wouldn't attack Bonnie. When Bonnie touched Alexia's temples, she was pulled into a vision. Alexia already had magic, but not her type. It was a weird type of magic that sometimes required a wand, but not always. Bonnie saw the cloaked guy attacking Alexia, the wand in his hand. Alexia was in a huge boarding school, not the Salvatore's, a different, unfamiliar one. There was also a boy, a platinum blonde haired boy. She saw a war. She saw death. Bonnie pulled herself out of the vision and turned to the child's parents. Bonnie told Damon and Elena what she saw and they thought it best not to tell the siblings. 

Over 2 years, Damon, Elena and Caroline have been trying to get Alexia out of her ripper stage and get her to the Salvatore boarding school. After 2 years of the bunny diet just like her uncle, Alexia was able to kind of control her blood lust.

On Alexia's 13th birthday, she was to start the Salvatore boarding school along with her 15 year old brother Stefan.

*end of flashback*


Hey guys, i hope you liked the introduction to my new story!
I am going to be focusing on this story more, but i do also have another story called 'Little Dove' you can read that also if you would like to, just visit my profile.

anyways, please comment and vote, if you have any questions or anything you can message me and i will be happy to answer anything you ask.

anyways, hope you have a good morning/ evening/ night or whatever

all my love x

word count:
1192 words

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