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Mattheo led me to his room. It was in the main part of the common room up the stairs and on the left, however Ellie, Draco and I's rooms were up another flight of stairs away from everyone else.

Mattheo walked up to his door and opened it, letting me go in first.

I looked around to see his room was painted a dark grey, black and white.

It looked very modern but not the best.

I stood awkwardly in the corner of his room, not knowing what to do.

"You can sit down, I don't bite." He said.

Yeah, but I do...

"Okay." I answered.

I sat on his bed, it was a double, not as big as mine, but still comfy.

"I know..." Mattheo said.

"Huh?" I asked.

"I know about you, what you are..." he said while raising his eyebrows.

"W-what do you mean?" I stuttered with anxiety.

"Lex, I know your a vampire." He said.

"H-how?" I asked, worried.

"My father, he made me research about vampires when I was younger and in contact with him. He taught me about the Original family, the Original vampires. Your descended from them, one of their blood is your origin. Who's is it?" He asked curiously.

"Niklaus Mikaelson. The Hybrid. My aunt Caroline turned me and my brother, she got turned by my mother's doppelgänger Katherine, who got turned by Rose who got turned by Mary who got turned by Klaus." I answered.

"Your a Salvatore , Damon Salvatore's daughter, Elena Gilbert-Salvatore's daughter, Stefan Salvatore's niece, am I correct?" He asked.

"Yes." I answered simply.

"Stefan, your uncle is deceased, before you were born, right?" He asked another question.


"And your uncle was The Ripper of Monterey?"

"Yes he was."

"There's something missing, what are you hiding...? Your boggart, detached limbs, heads off, body parts....Your a ripper too, aren't you?"

"Yes I am."

"Holy shit."



"Oh, Macie handed me these, you weren't at lunch, she said you were going to take them at dinner but I said I didn't think you were going to go." Mattheo told me.

He handed me 4 purple circle shaped pills. This is a lot.

I asked if he had water and he grabbed me a bottle of water from his night stand. I put all 4 pills on my tongue and washed them down with the water.

"What are them pills?" Mattheo asked.

"No idea, Macie gave me one to help my period cramps." I said.

"Oh, they don't look like paracetamol. They kind of look like MDMA." He said worried.

"What is MDMA?" I asked.

"It's a drug, it's a psychoactive drug. There's tons of side effects, you can throw up, get paranoid, hallucinate, you sweat and shake, sometimes people die from it. You can get addicted easily. It takes at least 30 minutes - 45 minutes to kick in. That's enough time for me to go to Macie and ask her what it was. You stay here." Mattheo warned me.

Raising Hellfire  D.M.   {1}Where stories live. Discover now