3.New Friend

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Alexia's POV:

I woke up early the next morning, remembering the conversation with Aunt Care last night. Today is going to be awful. Im dreading the conversation with this double-door guy. Im still confused, I mean, I, Alexia Rose Salvatore, a ripper-vampire, is a witch? I thought if your a vampire you can't be a witch? Or you would be a heretic? And a wand? Come on this must have been a dream.

I went into the bathroom and took a long warm shower. I used my strawberry scented shampoo and my vanilla conditioner. I then grabbed my strawberry body wash and got out of the shower. I got dressed into a pair of black ripped skinny jeans, dark green 03 Salvatore jumper and my black converse high tops. I let my hair flow down my back, it was damp but not dripping. I wore my necklace, bracelet daylight and mood ring and sprayed a bit of my vanilla perfume on my neck and headed downstairs.

As I reached the bottom if the stairs I saw my mum, dad, brother, auntie Care and 2 people who I've never met before.

One of them was young, he had soft brown hair, pale skin, rosy cheeks and brown eyes. He looked about 15-16 ish? He wore black robes with a yellow and black tie. Next to him stood a tall man. He had a long white beard that accompanied his long white hair. He was dressed in robes and had crescent moon shaped glasses that covered blue cloudy eyes.

I looked across the room to Auntie Care as my blood lust was coming back. She knew what I was trying to tell her.

"Excuse me, we will be right back" Auntie Care said before dragging me away to her kitchen.

"Lexi, you need to control it, that is your new head master Professor Albus Dumbledore, and one of his students. If you kill them you will be in so much trouble. They're wizards, your a witch, don't hurt them." Aunt Care told me.

"Auntie Care I don't want to hurt them or anyone. I don't want to kill anyone." I replied

"I know kid but the only way to not hurt them is to control yourself, okay?" Auntie Care said.

"Alright, I'll try." I replied again.

Auntie Care and I went back into her living room. I sat next to my brother opposite the two strangers.

"Hello, you must be Alexia, am I correct?" The old man asked me in his heavy British accent.

"Uhm, yes sir." I replied.

"It's wonderful to meet you Alexia. Now we are here to discuss what Hogwarts can offer you and if you accept I will tell you everything you want to know." Professor Dumbledore said.

"Y-yes Sir." I replied stuttering as my anxiety was starting to show.

I looked at my brother as he rubbed my back calmingly as he knew it always calmed me down. I gave him a small smile as I  turned back to face Dumbledore.

"Right then, Hogwarts is a school for young wizards and witches, like yourself. Hogwarts teaches many subjects no muggle school will ever teach you, such as Defence Against The Dark Arts, Potions, Care of Magical Creatures, Transfiguration and many more. Hogwarts offers hospitality for everyone and welcomes anyone who possesses the gift. You, Alexia are a muggle born. It means that neither of your parents possess the gift but you do. There are many muggle born witches and wizards in the school so don't worry about being the only one." Dumbledore said.

"This young gentleman next to me is a student from Hogwarts, Alexia, he will be your shadow if you come to our school. We both know about your situation and we would still love to have you in our school. If you come to Hogwarts, all teachers will know about the vampirism so if you ever feel like you are going to loose control they will let you leave class and come and find your class shadow, Cedric Diggory. Cedric, as your shadow, will meet you after every lesson to walk you to class, if you get sorted into hufflepuff, he will be with you in the night, dinner, lunch and breakfast. However, if you are sorted into another house there will be another temporary shadow for you."

"You are probably wondering what I mean by houses. Hogwarts is divided into 4 houses. While your at Hogwarts, your house will be your family. The houses are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin. When you come to our school, you will be sorted into your house. If you are sorted into Gryffindor, your shadows will be Fred and George Weasley. If you are sorted into Ravenclaw, your shadow will be Cho Chang. If you are sorted into Hufflepuff, your long term shadow will be Cedric. And if you are sorted into Slytherin, your shadows will be Ellie Malfoy and Blaise Zabini. However, if you get any house other than Hufflepuff, Cedric will still be your shadow but only to walk you to your classes. The people I have mentioned know about your vampirism because they can look out for you. So I will tell you their names again so it stays in your mind. " Dumbledore continued.

"From Gryffindor: Fred and George Weasley.
From Ravenclaw: Cho Chang.
From Hufflepuff: Cedric Diggory.
From Slytherin:Ellie Malfoy and Blaise Zabini. Do you think you will remember that?"

"Yes sir, Gryffindor, George and Fred Weasley, Ravenclaw is Cho Chang, Hufflepuff is Cedric Diggory, and Slytherin is Ellie Malfoy and Blaise Zabini." I replied.

"Very good. Now any questions from your parents?" Dumbledore asked while looking at mom and dad.

"Yes, what will Lexi do about feeding? She can eat normal food as long as she has a balanced amount of blood in her system?" My mum asked.

"Yes I thought that would be a question. One of our Professors, Professor Snape, he can get the blood. He can get the animal blood if that is what you would prefer, Mrs Salvatore?" Dumbledore asked.

"That is wonderful, she looses control at human blood so I think animal blood will be best." Mom said.

"Mr Salvatore, do you have any questions?" Dumbledore asked my dad.

"I do, what will living arrangements be like? Will she share a room with anyone? Because if so she might not be able to control the bloodlust." My dad said.

"Alexia will have her own room due to circumstances. Another two students in Slytherin have their own room. If she is placed in Slytherin, her room will be next to theres. However if she is placed into another house there will be a separate dorm for her away from the boy's and girl's dormitories. "

"Okay, thats alright." Dad replied.

"I have a question." My brother piped up.

"Of course, Stefan, is it?" Dumbledore asked.

"Yes sir, would we be able to visit Lexi? I know she is probably going to come home over the summer break, Christmas and so on but during the time shes at your school, are we able to visit?" Stefan asked.

"As you mention it, I do believe we are having a family day next year. All of your family can be invited, if you want, the date is not decided yet but I will write a letter to your parents when I get more information." Dumbledore replied.

"Okay thats good, thank you." Stefan said.

"Now, Alexia, do you have any questions?" Dumbledore asked me.

"Uhm yes sir, why hasn't Cedric said anything?" I asked curiously.

"Oh of course, Cedric, you are allowed to say hello, don't be shy!" Dumbledore exclaimed while slightly chuckling.

"Uhm hello.." Cedric said sweetly.

"Hello Cedric, nice to meet you." I said giving him a small smile which he gladly returned.

"Well, Alexia if you would like to attend Hogwarts, you will need to come with us for the rest of the day to get your school supplies and get you a wand. If thats okay with you of course?"

I looked around at my family and I knew that I needed help. I didn't want to hurt my family anymore. So thats why I said:

"Yeah, I'm ready."

new chapter!! hope youz liked it! sorry its taken me so long to do another chapter my mind went completely blank.

anywaysss please leave comments and vote this chapter!

if you have any problems let me know!

all my love//

word count:

1419 words

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