2.Bad Day

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                                   Alexia's POV: 

I finally got up off my bed and went back downstairs. My mood ring on my left pointer finger, my daylight ring on my right hand on the 4th finger, the necklace hanging around my neck effortlessly, and the charmed bracelet clinging to my left wrist.

  "Okay then, who's ready for school?" Mum asked as she looked at us. Today would be mine and Stefan's first time at school since the transition.

  I was terrified. I haven't been around anyone, bar my family of course, but what if I loose control? What if all my training was for nothing? What if I kill someone again?

  "Go get your uniform on Lexi, and then we can go." Dad told me, noticing that I was daydreaming.

  I went upstairs and put on the uniform we had ordered a couple weeks ago. I slipped on the shirt, skirt and jumper and matched it with some black tights and black booted wedges.

I went back downstairs and everyone had already left except mum, dad and Stefan.

"All ready then?" Dad asked.

"Yeah, lets go." I replied.

I didn't pack a bag for a week, only an overnight stay to see if I would be able to stay there or not.

We got into the car and drove to the boarding school. We got to the gates and my heart was pounding. Auntie Care met us here just incase I lost control.

We went inside and saw Alaric, Dads best friend. We went up to him and sat down in his office.

"Ah Damon, good to see you again" Alaric said.

"I knew you missed me" Dad replied with a smirk.

"And who are these?"

"These are our kids. Stefan James Salvatore, 15 years old, vampire, good transition, feeds on human blood. He doesn't struggle with control and he can stop at the right moment." Dad informed.

"And then this is Alexia Rose Salvatore. 13 years old today, vampire, well she definitely struggled with her transition, she only feeds on animal blood, she hasn't been around anyone in 2 years and as shocked as I am to say this but, shes just like my brother Stefan. She's a Ripper." Dad finished.

Alaric stared at me in shock and studied me closely. He leaned back in his chair and scratched the back of his neck.

"Wow, uhm well Stefan why don't you go with Marco and go look around while I have a chat with your sister, okay?" Alaric said to Stefan.

A boy around Stefan's age who I'm assuming is Marco came in and took Stefan out of the room.

"Okay Alexia, I'm going to have to do a few tests on you to make sure its safe for everyone that your here in this school okay?" Alaric asked me.

"Yes thats fine" I replied.

Alaric asked Mum and Dad to leave but said that Auntie Care could stay.

He brought in a blood bag and placed it in front of me. I got up out of the chair and sped over to the corner of the room, getting away from the intoxicating smell of human blood.

"Okay well that isn't good. There are some humans who pass through this boarding school very occasionally. Let's move on." He said.

Soon enough, a girl my age walked through the door.

"Alexia, this is Hope Mikaelson. She is a tribrid and I want you and her to stay in this room for an hour together and do some tests,  okay?" Alaric said.

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