32. Hogwarts is my home...

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Alexia's POV*

We spent the whole day just hanging about and having fun until it was 8:40 and we had to go back to Hogwarts.


I got back to Mystic falls after McGonagall apparated me and the Malfoy twins back.

I threw up before walking into my house.

We were greeted by my family and friends. Ellie and Dray were staying over my house for a week and I was very excited.

I sighed, counting down the days until my 4th year began at Hogwarts in my head.

Don't get me wrong, I love my family, but Hogwarts...Hogwarts is my home.


Guys! I'm sorry for the shortest chapter in the WORLD!!!

This is the end of the first book and I will be beginning the 4th year in a separate book!!

I hope to have the first 5 chapters out by next week, but I'm not too sure!!

Anyways!! Have a good day/night or whatever! I'll see youz soon!!

All my love//

Word count:

171 words x

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