21. Truth or dare....

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Alexia's POV*

Draco and I walked down to the hall to eat and meet my brother.

We got into the main hall and everyone was staring at us.

"What you all looking at huh?" I shouted.

Everyone turned back around except Potter and Ginger.

I walked up to the Gryffindor table.

"Can I help you?" I asked.

Draco was behind me snarling at Potter.

"What was up with your boggart?" Potter asked.

"None of your fucking business you four eyed bitch." I said.

"Godric."Harry said.

"I don't know who Godric is but I'm going to go socialise with people who's parents are still alive." I smirked.

Ellie and the girls caught me up.

"Take that back!" Harry screamed.

"Go cry to Voldemort. Oh! Wait, wait....Why don't you go to Hogsmade? Oh right..you need parents permission." I laughed before walking away.

I heard the ginger muttering a spell so I got out my wand and sped over to him with my vamp speed.

I put my wand to his neck.

"Don't make me fucking hex you, I like your brothers, I don't want your family having one less child." I snarled.

"Get off him!" Hermione Granger said.

"Oh look! It's the other Mudblood." Draco laughed.

"Draco, you do realise that I am a Mudblood aswell, right?" I asked him.

"Yes but I can tolerate you." He smirked.

"True, very true. Anyways! Hermione Granger, you know it all, tell me what would happen if I Avada Kedavra'd your little satsuma right here right now?" I asked.

She looked at me blankly.

"Okay, I'll tell you. He will drop to the floor dead like Potter's parents. Then I will kill Harry and everyone you ever loved and make you watch as their heads fly across the room. I will then use the crucio curse on you until you beg me to kill you. Then and only then will I let you go, alone with no one to go to." I explained.

"Little one." I heard.

"STEF!!" I screamed.

I ran up to my brother and gave him a big hug.

I looked over to the Gryffindor table and the trio's mouths were open.

"Close your mouths or you'll catch fly's." I shouted to them before going to the Slytherin table.

"So! Introduce me then!" Stefan said.

"Okay so this Blonde seagull is Draco Malfoy, his twin sister is over there her name is Ellie, then there's Blaise Zabini, Mattheo Riddle, Blake Lestrange and others who I've forgotten the names of, everyone, this is my older brother Stefan."I said while pointing to each of them.

Everyone said hello to him.

"So your in Slytherin?" He asked.

"Noooo." I said sarcastically while rolling my eyes.

"So who's that guy staring at you? Your boyfriend?" He asked while pointing at Theo.

I froze, Theo was looking right at me with a smirk.

"Draco..." I said while my hands began shaking.

"It's fine, your okay." He said while rubbing my back and giving me his right hand to play with his rings.

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