31. Just friends?....

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Alexia's POV

We entered the Malfoy Manor and heard a scream.

"Oh my days, who is screaming?" Blaise asked.

"Its probably-." Draco started before someone ran through the room and got Draco onto the floor.

I looked down to see a young girl, maybe 2 years old hugging Draco.

"Guys, meet our sister Hallie-Mae." Ellie said.

Everyone awed before Draco got himself and his youngest sister up.

"Dray! Dray!" Hallie-Mae screamed.

"Hello baby." Draco smiled.

"Who?" The little blonde asked pointing at everyone.

"Hals, meet everyone." Draco said before he showed Hallie everyone.

"And this is Alexia." Draco smiled as he showed his youngest sister to me.

"Lex." She smiled before reaching out to me.

"Hii!" I smiled as I got Hallie out of Draco's hands.

I held her on my hip as she played with my hair.

"Okay, let's go get a drink." Draco said leading us into a big room with a lot of alcohol.

"I'm not drinking today." I said while playing with Hallie.

"Okay." Draco said as he kissed my lips and sat down, pouring himself some fire whiskey.

I kept bouncing Hallie until she giggled and cuddled into me.

"She likes you." Draco smiled.

"How do you know?" I asked him.

"She doesn't let people touch her. Only me and my mother. You must be special." Draco winked at me.

I smiled before Hallie was sick on me.

"Oh baby..." I said while lifting her up.

"Where's her room?" I asked.

"Well she usually stays with me in the night but she can stay with you tonight if you want." Draco smiled at me.

"Sure." I smiled.

"I'll show you." Draco said as he got up and led me upstairs.

Draco took me to my room and brought in Hallie's crib and bottles. He got her nappies and her dummy before he got me one of his shirts and Hallie's bed wear.

"Well it's getting late, we're going to be downstairs drinking, what are you going to do?" Draco asked me.

"I'm okay here watching Hallie. I'll just read, go have fun." I smiled at Draco.

"Goodnight." He smiled before kissing me.

"Happy birthday Dragon." I smiled at him.

Draco left my room as I walked into the bathroom.

I ran a bath for Hallie, only a little bit full and added bubbles and her water proof toys.

I bathed Hallie before getting her changed and putting her in her crib while I got changed myself.

I put on a pair of my shorts and Draco's shirt before picking Hallie up and taking her onto the Queen sized bed.

I held her in my arms as I fed her and rocked her.

She smiled at me and giggled as I pulled a funny face at her.

"Your so cute!" I laughed at her.

"You n Dray kissy." She said while pointing at me.

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