24. Not it!

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Alexia's POV*

"What do you mean your father? Your the son of Voldemort? But your hot?!" I said.

"Thanks Lex, but my father, I haven't seen him for years but I remember going to America with him, he said he had business there. There was a family hiking, a son, a daughter and parents. You looked directly at us and he told me it was you, you were the one who he needed gone. He performed the killing curse on you, he thought you were dead, but your not...you have to stay under the radar Lex, if he knows your alive...." Mattheo trailed off.

"I survived the killing curse? IN YOUR FACE POTTER!" I screamed.

"Your a Mudblood, how could you...a 10 year old child live through the killing curse without your mothers love or some shit that happened to Potter?" Draco asked me.

"If I knew, Dray, I would tell you. I guess I'm just awesome." I said before the doors opened.

Ellie, Pansy, Sofia and Macie were accompanied by my brother, Blake, Blaise and George.

"What's up? Why do you look like you've seen a ghost?" My brother asked.

"Voldemort, the no nosed bitch tried to kill me, big brother, so now, I have to be careful of him as he doesn't know I'm alive." I said.

"What the fuck is a Voldemort? And why doesn't he have a nose?" Stefan asked.

"Voldemort is Mattheo's father, although he doesn't talk to him, he's like a serial killer or something, killed a bunch of people, and he doesn't have a nose...well I don't actually know why, I think he ran into the wrong platform, but who knows?" I said.

"Why is he trying to kill you?" Blaise asked.

"Because he's jealous of my good looks Blaisey.." I smirked.

"You have killer looks babe, you should be proud." Blaise said while walking over to me.

"Trust me love, I am." I kissed his cheek.

"Oh, stop it, I'm blushing!" Blaise said.

"You can take me right here right now!" I fake flirted.

"Yes please!" Blaise said while laughing.

"ANYWAYS!!!!!" Ellie screamed.

"Lexi, you look hot, Mattheo get dressed, Draco, sort your hair out, here's your apples, Stefan and Blaise stay here since your already ready, everyone else, get ready and meet by the great hall to go to Hogsmade." Ellie explained.

"Yessir!" I saluted.

Everyone left so it was just Draco, Blaise, Stefan and I left.

"So what we going to do for the next 30 minutes while everyone gets ready?" Draco asked while handing me an apple and blood.

"No clue, Blaise?" Stefan asked as he drank some of the blood.

"No idea Darl, what about you cupcake?" Blaise asked me.

"We could always get high?" I suggested.

"Lexi, wait until next year, I'm getting my supply then, it's not long." Stefan said.

"Fine...anyone want a smoke?"
I asked while getting out my pack of Sterling SuperKings.

"Yup!" Draco said as I handed him one.

"I don't smoke Cigarettes." Blaise said while laying on Draco's bed.

"Just had one." Stefan said.

"Come on, open your window Dray." I told Draco.

I sat on the windowsill as Draco stood behind me.

We lit our cigarettes and put them to our lips. I inhaled the smoke and held it for a couple seconds, I slowly exhaled as I felt my body relaxing.

"Stefan?" I said.

"What's up little one?" Stef asked.

"Your not mad, right?" I asked.

"Mad at what?" He asked in confusion.

"About the thing that happened with, you know, uh- T-Theo?" I stuttered.

"Little one, look at me." He said.

I turned around with tears in my eyes as I looked at him.

"It wasn't your fault Lex, I'm not mad with you, with that dick head I am, but not with you...I could never be mad at you. Your my sister and I love you." Stefan assured me.

"I love you too Stef." I sniffled.

I finished my cigarette and jumped down from the windowsill with help from Dray.

"Okay, is everyone ready?" I asked.

"Yup." Everyone replied.

"Let's get going then my little sugar plums." I smiled while getting my shoes on.

We all walked to Hogsmade side by side. We went to a place called the 3 broomsticks and got something called butterbeer.

"Okay, so I bet 5 galleons that Lexi will throw up." Mattheo said.

"Fuck off Mattheo!" I said while laughing.

"I bet 5 galleons she will vamp out." Stefan said

"STEFAN!!" I shouted.

"Bet you all 5 galleons she will be fine until we get back to my dorm, then she will throw up. She has a tendency to be sick in my room." Draco added.

"Oh come on! What is it, bully Lexi day?" I said while sitting next to Draco as Mattheo sat the other side of me.

"Yes, Lex, it is." Stefan answered.

"Oh fuck off, all of you." I laughed.

"Okay, who's getting the butterbeer?" Blaise asked.

"Not it!" Ellie said while putting her finger to her nose.

"Not it!"

"Not it"

"Not it"

"Not it"

"Not it"

"Not it!"

"Not it!"

"Not it!!!"

"Fucking hell, why is it always fucking me?!" Draco stated angrily.

Everyone laughed as Dray got up to grab the butterbeer's, Mattheo and Blake went to help him.

I was sat opposite Pansy as she kept staring at me and blushing.

"So...my little bi queen!!!!!!! Got you eye on anyone yet?" Blaise asked me with a smirk.

I looked directly at Pansy.
"Maybe I do, maybe I don't, that's for me to know and for you to...never know." I smiled back.

"Your no fun." Blaise whined as he glared playfully at me.

"So Stef, are you going home tonight?" I asked my older brother.

"Yeah, one of your teachers is apparating me back home. There's a family day next week, Dumbledore informed me, he said he was announcing it tomorrow morning. I've told the family, everyone is coming, they're all very excited, especially Auntie Bon and Auntie Care." Stef explained.

"What about mum and dad?" I asked.

"Dad said yes and mum said she will try." She smiled sadly.

"Of course she did." I said getting upset.

"Lexi, calm down, your eyes." Blaise told me.

"Fuck off." I said before getting up and walking to the toilets.


New chapter, I don't know when I'll be updating next, not in a good headspace!

Hope you enjoyed

All my love//

Word count:

1087 words x

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