22. Mon petit papillon...

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Draco's POV*

Mattheo dared me to make out with Alexia.

I turned to her and she was blushing.

"You up for it? If you don't want to that's okay." I told her, knowing she has already had a bad day.

"It's okay, Draco, let's do it." She smiled.

She came over to me and straddled me. I put my hands on her waist and she connected her lips to mine.

I felt sparks, literal sparks. Like fireworks. She grinded on me, making me grow harder, causing me to moan into her mouth.

I could feel her smirking against my lips and I bit her bottom lip.

She opened her mouth slightly, granting me access.

My tongue slipped into her mouth and hers connected to mine.

This is nothing like I've ever felt before...

Alexia licked my lips before pulling away, leaving me hard and turned the fuck on.

"Okay! I'm tired, who else is tired? I need a piss, girls?" She said.

"Yup!" The girls said at the same time.

They all went into my bathroom, but before Alexia entered, she asked me and the boys if we could go into her room and get her clothes for the week and her teddy.

Me and the guys got up and went into her room.

They all stood there with their mouths open.

"Don't mention it to her, it will make it worse." I told them before going to get her uniform and underwear and normal clothes for the weekends.

"Why didn't she fight him?" Stefan asked sadly.

"She was drugged." I told him.

"I'm going to fucking kill him." He said before his eyes turned bloodshot, veins were coming out of his eyes.

"Hey, man, you eyes." I told him.

"Thanks." He said before controlling his breathing and his face went back to normal.

We got all of Salvatore's stuff and Stefan said he was staying for the night so I told the boys everyone could stay in my room tonight.

I grabbed Alexia's polar bear teddy and we went back to my room.

"STEFAN?" Alexia screamed.

"Oh god, what have I done now little one?" Stefan asked.

"You know because I'm your favourite sister and I've been on my almost best behaviour...?" Alexia smiled innocently.

"Sure...what do you want?" Stefan asked his younger sister.

"Do you have smokes?" She asked.

"I do, and I've got something else." He smirked before pulling out a bag with a bunch of pre rolled joints.

Alexia's eyes lit up.

"We're 13 and 14!" Alexia said.

"Lex, you've been smoking cigarettes and weed since you were 11, shut up." He said before sitting down.

"I'm up for it." I said.

"Us too!" The girls said.

"Sure!" The boys added.

"Lex?" Blaise asked.

"Only because I'm amazing and you all love me, your my people and I would hate for you guys to be high without me." She smirked before grabbing the lighter out of her brothers hand and lighting up a joint.

Everyone had 2 joints each.

Blaise was making out with George, Blake and Sofia were making out, Macie and Fred were together cuddling, Ellie and Stefan were talking while me and Mattheo were with a very fucked Alexia.

"So, you know Voldemort right, your dad, yeah?" She asked Mattheo.

"Yes...?" He said.

"Apparently he was hot as fuck when he was younger, and now he has no nose?" She asked.

"I mean, the no nose is true but he was probably not good looking." He laughed.

"How did he loose him nose? Did he run into the wrong platform? I mean I would blame him, if it weren't for the twins, my skull would have been broken." She said as me and Mattheo burst out laughing.

"Okay, okay! I know I'm funny, but let me get real okay! Serious talk now." She said with a serious face.

"Okay, go ahead." I smiled.

"Okay, so this Serious Black thing going around yeah?" She said.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"So, does anyone know if he's hot or not? Because there really isn't any good looking teachers here, I mean Lupin isn't bad, but he's a bit, different, you know? Do you get me? Like the scars, they're hot but where the fuck are they from? AND!!! Snape is just a slime grease ball who won't let me speak English, so I have to talk to him in bloody Spanish, yeah? And then, I mean Minnie, I.e, McGonagall, her first name is so cute, but anyways, she can turn into a FUCKING CAT!!!!! HOW FUCKING COOL IS THAT!" She blabbered on.

"Okay, Alexia you need sleep!" I laughed.

"I know but like I wanna know what Minnie eats, I mean, human food, or cat food? Bc I have cat treats in my room, I wouldn't mind sharing." She shrugged.

"Shut up." Mattheo laughed.

"Speaking of cats, where's Storm?" She asked.

"He's in your bathroom sleeping, I filled his water and food, I'll get him and his stuff in here tomorrow." I told her.

"Okie dokie! Who's sleeping then?" She asked.

"Well everyone is already sleeping." I said as I pointed to everyone.

"Oh...okay Mattheo, Draco, come on let's sleep it isss....2AM, and I'm fucking shattered." She said while yawning.

She got into my bed and called us over.

Mattheo was on the left, Alexia in the middle and me on the right.

She got her phone out and went into Snapchat, she explained the muggle devise to me and it's actually very interesting.

"Let's get a photo together." She smiled.

She held her phone up and she was smiling while me and Mattheo kissed each of their cheeks.

She snapped the picture and saved it.

She then did something in the tool app or something and it was now her new Lock Screen.

"Perfect!" She said while kissing me and Mattheo on the cheek before she snuggled into my chest while she held Mattheo's arm over her.

"Goodnight Princess." Mattheo said before drifting off.

"Goodnight Mon petit papillon." I said.

(My little butterfly)

I soon drifted off with the smell of vanilla and strawberries infused in my senses.


New chapter!! Sorry if it's shit, I'm rushing as it's currently 5:20 AM and me and my mate Ruby are hanging out my window saluting to Magpies.

Vote and comment lovelies!

All my love//

Word count:

1065 words x

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