11.First day jitters

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I woke up feeling sick with bad pains in my stomach. My fucking period. Great.

I got my toiletries out of my carry on bag and grabbed a tampon out. I went to the bathroom to get sorted.

I got out of the bathroom and went to my phone, it was 4am. Breakfast is at 7am. I had 3 hours to spare. I started to get all the stuff out of my trunk and put them in the correct places.

I organised my bed, a black fitted sheet covered the bottom of my king sized bed with a dark green duvet with 4 big pillows, 2 medium and one small. I put my teddy I've had since I was born on my bed. It was a white polar bear.

I put all my books on a shelf. I asked Ced before he left if he could fix my desk and he did.


I looked over and saw a note by the side of my bed. I opened the note and it said;

"Hey little one, I had to go back to my dorm room, I left you one blood bag, and Dumbledore asked the elves to give you animal blood as a drink at breakfast. You will get your timetable at breakfast, so come to me when breakfast ends. I will take you to your fist class but then Ellie and Blaise will have to take you to the rest. I will see you later...
Xx Cedric :)"

I smiled to myself as I unpacked everything else. I let storm out of the cage as he got on my bed.

"Okay Storm, it's 6:45 and I don't know how the fuck to get the the great hall so I will see you later baby." I said as I stroked my cat.

I went in my closet and pulled out my uniform, a white polo shirt, my  black skirt, black knee high socks and my robe and tie. I put on some mascara and lipgloss. I pulled my hair up into a messy bun and grabbed my bag with all my books in there as I didn't know which classes I had.

I put my black wedge heels on and left my room, locking my door on the way out with my key. I put the key and my iPhone in my bag and looked around.

I noticed the door next to me, that's Ellie's room right?

I knocked on the door, no answer.

"Ellie?" I shouted.

No answer.

I banged on the door until it opened revealing a half naked Draco.

"Oh, fuck, shit sorry!" I said while turning around.

"What do you want mudblood?" He asked.

"I thought this was your sisters room. I don't know how to get to the great hall." I answered.

"Wait there, you filthy fucking mudblood." He snarled.

I rolled my eyes and waited for Draco to come back out.

Draco came out with his uniform on and his bag around his shoulder.

"Come on, I am only doing this because Ellie is sleeping still. So don't fucking make me regret this." He snarled again.

"Yes sir!" I saluted.

He rolled his eyes as he strutted down the hall. He reached a staircase going down and we went down to a gorgeous room. This must be the Slytherin common room.

Dark green and black walls complimented the aesthetic. Outside the windows was a lake. We were under a fucking lake. 

Sofas and a fireplace scattered across the grand room. A piano in the corner of the room and a few more chairs were set around. Some desks were spread around with a few paintings hanging on the walls.

"Woah.." I said.

"Keep up, mudblood." Draco called from the door.

We walked along hallways and up the stairs. We were at the bottom of the castle-school.

Draco led me to the doors of the great hall.

"Wait 5 minutes before coming in, I don't want to be seen next to a filthy little psycho mudblood." Draco stated.

"Awe, is little Malfoy embarrassed?" I asked in a fake baby voice.

"Fuck off." He answered sharply while going into the hall.

I did as Draco said and waited for about 5 minutes before entering.

I sat across from 3 boys and next to 2 girls.

"Hey, I'm Mattheo, Mattheo Riddle." The boy with a scar said.

"Hi, I'm Alexia Salvatore, nice to meet you." I said shyly.

"This is Theo Nott and Blake Lestrange." He introduced the two other boys.

"Hi." I said blushing. Why was everyone so good looking in this fucking school?

"Hey, I'm Macie Lougher." A girl with mousy blonde hair said.

"Hello." I answered.

"And I'm Sofia Nathaniel." The other girl said.

"Hi." I replied tired of all these introductions.

Ellie ran into the hall and rushed to me.

"Sorry I'm late, I slept in." She said white tying her hair back into a ponytail.

"Yeah I know, your brother told me. I thought his room was yours." I stated.

"Oh, cool." She replied not really listening.

Dumbledore announced something about Sirius Black and dementors but I didn't really listen, my cramps were fucking killing me.

"Hey, you okay?" Macie questioned.

"Yeah, just cramps." I said while inhailing sharply.

"I think I have something that might help." She said with a smirk.

Macie rummaged through her back and brought out pills.

"What are they? Advil?" I questioned.

"No, they're nothing dont worry about it, they will help. You wont feel the pain. Take one now, it wont have much of an effect but at dinner, take 2 more and you'll notice the difference." She said with a wink.

I put the bright purple circle shaped pill on my tongue and drank water to help it go down.

It didn't take long for me to start feeling a bit light headed but nothing else came of it.

After breakfast, mine being a cup of animal blood and a piece of plain toast, McGonagall handed everyone their timetables.

My lessons today were:

3.Care of Magical Creatures
6.Defence Against the Dark Arts

Great! Potions first.

"Let me see your schedule." Ellie said.

"Your in none of my classes except DADA. Draco, Theo and Mattheo are in all your classes though." Ellie added on.

Fucking great. 2 hot guys and 1 annoying ass dick of a boy.

"I have to go see Ced, I'll see you in DADA." I told Ellie while getting my bag and going over to the Hufflepuff table.

"Hey Ced." I said sweetly.

"Hey little one, let's get going. What do you have first?" Ced asked.

"Potions!" I said excited.

"Potions with professor Snape, how....exciting." Ced said in a groan.

"Come on Ced, let's go." I said while pulling him out of the great hall.

Potions, Snape, Draco, Theo, Mattheo....how lovely.


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