8.Sorting Hat

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I got off the train followed by Ellie George and Fred. They led me over to a large man with a head full of dark brown hair and a beard. He looked intimidating but also friendly.

"Hagrid, this is the new student, Alexia Salvatore." George said.

" 'Ello Lexia, ge' on the boat with the firs' years." The large man said.

He had a weird accent which I could hardly understand.

The others went into carriages while I went over to the boats.

I got onto one of the boats without any other kids. First years, they're 11 years old. How nice.

We road in the boats until we came upon a huge castle-like boarding school. It was beautiful.

We got off the boats and reached the doors to the new school.

As soon as I walked in, my jaw dropped. Staircases upon staircases, portraits that moved, even ghosts roamed the golden halls. The school is spectacular.

The first year's and I walked up a staircase which we were met by Professor McGonagall who told us about the 4 different houses. A first-year was crying, probably scared or home-sick, why? I couldn't tell you, this school is magnificent.

"Hey, kid, you good?" I asked the small boy.

He looked up at me with his watery eyes and unexpectedly jumped up and wrapped his hands around my neck.

What the fuck...

The boy wouldn't let go so I eventually wrapped my arms around his waist and supported him so he wouldn't fall.

McGonagall announced that they were ready for us so we entered through the two big double doors. I was taller than the rest of the people walking in, even with my 5"2 height, I was overtowering everyone who was about to get sorted. I put the boy down as he composed himself.

All of the first year's were sorted. The boy whose name I learnt to be Max Lewis, got sorted into Slytherin.

"Alexia Salvatore." McGonagall pronounced.

I walked up to the stool holding my head held high, fuck other people and what they think about me.

All eyes were on me as I sat down on the stool. Just as McGonagall was about to put the sorting hat on my head it instantly shouted the house I would be greatly suited for... And that house was...


(jkjk carry on 😊)

"SLYTHERIN" the hat screeched.

I looked out into the ground to see Cedric's eyes following me. He gave me a slight smile.

I went to the table with the rest of the Slytherins and sat down beside Max and across from Blaise and Ellie. I looked down and noticed that my tie was now green and silver, and on my robe was a crest accompanied by a snake.

"Glad to see you here Alexia." Ellie said.

"Thanks, why did the hat not think for longer?" I questioned as Max held my hand for comfort.

"I'm not sure, you were probably destined to be a Slytherin." Blaise answered.

Suddenly a piece of paper landed in front of me. I opened the parchment and read..


I wrote on the paper

"B negative, creep." and handed it back to Astoria. She looked at it and passed the note to Draco and two other guys who sat on either side of him.

"Stupid fucking mudblood" Draco muttered.

"Why is there a mudblood in Slytherin?" Astoria questioned.

"I can hear you, you know! My hearing is very good so come say it to my face, yeah?" I shouted over to them.

Draco rolled his eyes while Astoria got up and came over to me, she pushed Max off of the bench.

"What the fuck are you doing?" I said to her as I helped Max up and back on the bench.

"The little half-blood needs to move." She said.

"Or what?" I challenged.

"Or I'll hurt you, I know Voldemort so be careful!" She threatened.

"What the fuck is a Voldemort?" I questioned.

Astoria looked at me with wide eyes. She started coming even closer as I got up.

This girl was taller than me, probably about 5"6 maybe, but she didn't scare me.

I got inches away from her face and said "Show me what you got, girly."

The girl raised her fist about to punch me when I grabbed her fist and twisted her arm behind her back and drop kicked her to the floor.

I spun her back around so I was sitting on top of her. My hand tightly around her neck as she started to turn blue. All I could see was red. I was blinded with anger.

I felt 4 pairs of hands around me trying to pry me off the bitch. When I wouldn't budge, 2 more pairs of hands grabbed me and lifted me off her.

I looked back to see Malfoy, Blaise, George, Fred, and two teachers.

"Take her to her dorm room, here's her key." The professor with black greasy hair and a long nose told Malfoy.

"Alright." Malfoy replied with a snarl.

Malfoy picked me up and threw me over his shoulders and carried me out of the hall as I kicked and screamed for him to let me go back and rip off her head.

I felt my eyes go bloodshot and my fangs coming in.

Fuck, fuck, fuck.

"MALFOY YOU NEED TO PUT ME DOWN NOW," I screamed as I didn't want to hurt him.

"Calm down, psycho, we're almost there." He replied with a snarl.

"Draco, please!" I begged.

"Don't call me Draco you filthy little mudblood." He told me as he dropped me onto a king-sized bed. I didn't even notice we had arrived, I couldn't see anything, my vision was blurry and disoriented.

"Malfoy, you need to leave right now!" I threatened.

"Fuck you, you filthy mud-" He cut himself off. "Your eyes.." he said while pointing to my face.

I quickly turned around and tried to control my breathing. Malfoy's heart was beating fast that's all I could focus on.

"Malfoy, please get you sister.." I trailed off as I started panicking, not wanting to kill Malfoy.

"And why should I help someone like you? Your a fucking disgrace to the wizarding world." He complained.

"Malfoy, if you don't get you sister your head will be off your shoulders in seconds, don't fucking test me." I warned.

"Who do you think you are threatening me? Your nothing but a fucking mudblood, you don't belong here." Malfoy sneered.

"Malfoy, if I wanted you dead, you'd of been dead the first day we met in Diagon Alley, so pipe down, yeah?" I sneered back.

Malfoy walked out of my room muttering words like "unbelievable". "Disrespectful". And so on.

I was pacing in my room when Ellie and Blaise walked in. My eyes were still bloodshot and my fangs were still out. I couldn't control it.

I needed blood....Astoria's blood.

New chapter, I hope you liked it. SLYTHERIN BABY!!!!

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All my love//

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