1.Salvatore Boarding School

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*Present day*

Alexia's POV:

  I woke up to the vibrant sun, shining through the gap in the curtain, with my vampire hearing, I could hear the sounds of many voices clammering and chatting downstairs. Today is August 3rd. My birthday. I'm 13 today.

Oh my god! I'm starting at the boarding school today!

I quickly went into my bathroom and brushed my teeth. I threw on the clothes nearest to me and raced downstairs, following the noise of the chatting of many people whom I've yet to discover.

Anxiously following to where the sound lead, my excitement growing each moment. I was going at the pace of a human as I wasn't too sure if there were any humans home. When I got to the living room, the core of the chatter, my eyes glazed upon the people stood before me.

Auntie Care
Auntie Bon
Uncle Jer
and finally my annoying big brother Stefan.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY LEXIE" they all screeched simultaneously.

"Thank you!" I said as I ran up to my dad. He picked me up and gave me a huge hug. Before, I wouldn't have been able to hug him, as the constant hunger to rip open his artery and drain him of all the blood flowing through his veins was too strong. But thankfully I have it under control now. I think.

"Hey stop hogging the birthday girl she's my daughter too!" My mum said, pulling me away from my fathers grip and giving me a tight motherly hug. Her scent which used to drive me crazy now calmed me. Reminding me that I'm in control.

"Hey! What about us!" Auntie Care, Auntie Bon and Uncle Jer asked with a hint of jealousy. I ran over to them and hugged them all separately.

"And what about your favourite brother?" Stefan said to me as I turned my attention to him.

"Your my only brother Stef and come here you weirdo" I said while he came over to me and picked me up into a cozy hug.

"Now time for your presents Lex" Stefan told me. I looked around in awe. To the right of my living room, a few presents were placed next to my favourite chair in the living room. They were all perfectly wrapped. Except one. Im guessing that one was Dad's. He has absolutely no idea how to wrap presents.

"Okay which one should I open first?" I questioned, looking at the presents.

"My one!" Auntie Care said before anyone else could.

"Alright" I said, searching for the present with Auntie Care's name on it. Finally, I spotted it. It was neatly wrapped in my favourite coloured wrapping. Green and Silver. I ripped off the wrapping paper violently, antsy to see what I had received. Inside were two boxes. Auntie Care stopped me before I could open them.

"Okay, so as you know, me and your Uncle Stefan were together before you were born. Uhm, you also know he passed away a few months before you were born. He told me to give you this when you were old enough and he told me to tell you to open it alone. But this one with the silver ribbon is off me and you can open that now." Auntie Care told me while everyone in the room held in their tears, not wanting to cry at the mention of Uncle Stefan's name.

I was the only one really crying. I never got to meet my Uncle Stefan, meanwhile everyone had at least a year or many more. I never got to meet the Uncle I've heard amazing stories about. I will never meet the one man who understands what its like being a ripper. I wish I got to talk to him at least once. But I guess thats not happening.

"Okay thank you Auntie Care." I said while carefully pulling out the present tied with a silver ribbon. When I opened the small box I was stunned. It was a gorgeous silver bracelet with a green snake charm. Snakes are my second favourite animal/reptile, after a snowy white polar bear or maybe a dark black wolf, they're tied first. The base of the bracelet had a message that said, "You are stronger than you think. Believe in yourself and all will fall in place." I smiled happily to myself thinking about how much that message meant. I got up and gave Auntie Care a hug and went back to the presents.

Auntie Bon got me another charm for my new bracelet. A white feather, she said it was meant to symbolise freedom. Like a feather is free and so am I maybe? I wasn't really listening.

Uncle Jer got me a book on english literature. I wanted to be a book writer when I was older. I wanted people to get lost in my books just as I get lost in others.

Stefan got me a new dark green hoodie with Salvatore 03 in silver writing on the back and the 'S' for Salvatore was a snake, which was absolutely amazing.

Mum got me new clothes, new diaries as mine were now full, candy and some new trainers.

And finally Dad got me a necklace. It was charmed. Dad had asked Auntie Bon to place a spell on it. Whenever I was upset, all I had to do was go into a dark room and think of something happy, and the necklace would glow a green and silver light, covering the entire room with feathers flowing around the room.

I thanked my family and went upstairs, telling them that I wanted to open Uncle Stefan's present. I used my vampire speed to get to my room as fast as I could, not being able to wait to find out what Uncle Stefan had gotten me.

I got to my huge room and went to my king sized bed. I placed the box on my bed and opened it instantly. Inside was something beautiful.

Inside the box was a journal, a mood ring and a note.

The note said "My dear Alexia, yes I know your name. You are named after my best friend Lexi. I'm guessing my brother has told you that story. This mood ring was hers. I kept it, wanting to give it to my own child, but your mom was pregnant with you and I wanted you to have it. If your reading this then that means I have passed before I could meet you. I am looking over you and I am always going to be here for you and your brother who was kindly named after me. Whenever you are upset, angry or just lost, hold this ring close to your heart and call out my name and even though you wont be able to see me, I will be right there with you. If your reading this then that means your ready to know the truth. Theres something about you. I haven't met you yet, you are still in your moms tummy but I feel like your going to do great things. One day, maybe soon, maybe not, you will find out the truth. It will be hard to accept at first but you will have everyone's support. I have given you one of my journals I have just bought for myself, if I have passed away then I want you to document everything that happens, that way you can keep my journals going. I love you Alexia, Always.
Your Uncle, Stefan. X"

A tear rolled down my cheek as I finished reading the letter. I got the mood ring and slipped it onto my right middle finger.

"Thank you Uncle Stefan" I whispered to my Uncle, knowing he could hear me.

hey guys im really getting into this story! i hope you liked it.

if there are any mistakes please let me know.

and guys i know elena was in a magic coma and she couldnt have been preggers with stefan and lexi but shhh!

vote and comment!

All my love x

word count:

1351 words

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