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Time Skip, 1st September.

Alexia's POV:

I woke up with a slight headache. The night before I was up until 2am, catching up on some Hogwarts subjects that I have missed from the past two years I haven't been attending the school.

One of the books I had to get was a monstrous type of book that almost ripped my whole closet to shreds. I figured the only way to calm it would be for me to be kind to it. I stroked the spine of the book and it shivered and relaxed.

I'm so smart, haven't even gone to Hogwarts and I've tamed a wild book. I thought to myself.

Today however was a different story. I wasn't feeling as confident today, I was feeling more anxious. I was starting my third year at Hogwarts today. To say I'm shitting it would be an understatement. I'm fucking terrified.

I got dressed in black skinny jeans, long boots which stopped just below the knee, and a white jumper which covered my lightning bolt shaped scar on my collar bone, which I have had since the day I died.

I had all of my necessary items in my trunk which was very heavy by the way. Storm was sleeping in his cage. I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth, applying hardly any makeup. A little bit of mascara and lip-gloss will do.

I sprayed myself with my vanilla perfume and packed away all my essential items; toothbrush, toothpaste, tampons, pads, blood bags. Just the usual.

My dad told me that a professor was coming to our house to apparate me to Kings-Cross Station. Great more apparation.

I went downstairs with my luggage in hand. My wand was inside my boots so I wouldn't loose it. When I reached my living room, waiting for me was only my dad, Aunt Care and Stefan.

"Where's mum?" I asked to no one in particular.

Dad and I have made up. I was mad at him and mum for not being there but I can't hold grudges against my family for long.

"In work, she wanted to see you off but they needed her there." Dad answered looking a bit upset.

"Alright, when is the professor arriving?" I asked my Dad.

"They should be here any minute." Dad replied. Not even a minute after a knock came from the door.

"Hello, I'm here to take a Miss Alexia Salvatore to Hogwarts?" A woman said.

I came from the living room to be greeted by friendly eyes. This woman was tall and skinny. She wore a pointed witch hat and her hair was up into a ballerina bun. She gave off a warm vibe.

This professor looks nice

I walked towards her my trunks and all my necessities in hand.

"Hello ma'am, I'm Alexia, how are you?" I asked politely.

"I'm doing very well thank you, and yourself?" The woman asked with a small smile on her face.

"I'm okay. If you don't mind me asking, who are you? I know your a professor but I don't know your name." I said hoping I wasn't over stepping any boundaries.

"Oh, how silly of me. I'm professor Minerva McGonagall, I teach transfiguration at Hogwarts. A pleasure to meet you." McGonagall said putting out a hand for me to shake, while I happily took.

After I shook professor McGonagall's hand I turned to my dad. "I'll miss you, I'll contact you as soon as I'm settled in." Cedric told me that we had to send letters to contact people as electronics were banned or no purebloods knew what they were. So I wouldn't be able to text or call. Although that wouldn't stop me from sneaking my phone in to listen to music.

Raising Hellfire  D.M.   {1}Where stories live. Discover now