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*Draco's POV*

I got seated on the table with Mattheo, Theo and the Mudblood, great!

Mattheo and I got up to get the ingredients.

"You know Theo?" Mattheo asked.

"Yeah?" I said.

"He's been acting off..." He stated

"What do you mean off?" I asked

"I'm not sure, he seems distant and he's always staring at Lexi." He said.

"Why do you care about the mudblood." I snarled.

"Draco, don't be a dick, she's actually pretty cool. You saw what happened with Astoria, that girl is strong." Mattheo said with a smile like he was proud of her.

"She's still a mudblood, you shouldn't be associating with her. Your a Riddle, have some standards." I told him as I grabbed the last ingredient.

We went back to our table and I noticed that Salvatore looked pale and like she was going to cry.

What happened?

Mattheo said "Okay, here are the ingredients." And we got to work.

Salvatore stayed still the whole time looking like she was scared.

"Hey, Lexi, you good?" Mattheo questioned.

"Mhm, fine." She said holding back her tears.

"Salvatore, what is wrong? Your about to burst out into tears, you are going to ruin the potion." I said trying to cover up my slight concern.

"I'm fine Malfoy..." She said while looking at me.

I went back to my potion, she obviously wasn't going to tell me.

Salvatore started to cough and this made me and Mattheo look up at her.

"Alexia, you as pale as a ghost, what's wrong?" Mattheo questioned.

She shook her head no.

"Salvatore, what the fuck is wrong?" I whisper-shouted.

The mudblood suddenly started coughing up blood. No one else had noticed bar my table.

"What the fuck!" Me and Mattheo said at the same time.

"I'm fine." She choked out.

"Your coughing up blood, psycho, your not fine." I said while standing up.

"No, no, no." She panicked.

"Holy fuck..." Mattheo said when he went next to Salvatore.

Mattheo and I looked down at the knife and the placement of Theo's hand.

"Did you fucking do this to her?" Mattheo asked.

"Maybe I did, maybe I didn't." Theo smirked.

Mattheo got Theo off her while I called over Snape without causing a scene.

"Miss Salvatore...?" Snape questioned.

"I'm not healing sir." She said while still coughing up blood.

"Malfoy, take Miss Salvatore to the infirmary now, tell Madam Pomfrey I will be there in 15 minutes with help." Snape told me.

"Yes sir." I answered.

"Come on psycho." I said while picking her up bridal style and carrying her up to the infirmary.

"Draco, just let me die..." She said when we got near the main hall.

Raising Hellfire  D.M.   {1}Where stories live. Discover now