26. Quidditch

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Draco's POV*

It's now 11pm, Lexi is still dead, well, more dead, I guess.

She's on my bed peacefully, Mattheo and I went down for dinner and brought back Lexi some food.

Cedric came for a while but had to head back to his dorm.

I looked over to Lexi and suddenly she shot out of bed gasping for air.

"Hey, are you alright?" I asked walking over to her.

"What happened?" She asked.

"You were trying to kill yourself, Mattheo had to snap your neck, you have been out for a few hours." I told her.

"Fuck, I'm sorry if I scared you guys." She sniffled.

"No, you didn't, we're just worried about you Lex." Mattheo said.

"What time is is?" She asked.

"It's like 11pm." Mattheo said.

"I'm sorry about today, I honestly didn't have any control. They were both 11...how could I do that." Lexi panicked.

"Hey, hey it's not your fault, okay?" I told her.

"I didn't mean to kill them..." she sniffled.

"We know Lex, we know." Mattheo added.

"You need to get some proper sleep, school starts again soon." Mattheo said.

"Yeah...ok." She said sleepily before nodding back off to sleep.

The sound of Alexia's light snores indicated that she was now in a deep slumber.

"Come on, let's sleep." Mattheo said.

Mattheo slept on the sofa while I slept on the floor.

{few days later!}

*Alexia's POV*
Hogwarts was now on lockdown as Sirius black apparently slashed the Griffindor common room door, i.e the fat lady who sings terribly.

All the houses are in the great hall submerged in sleeping bags.

I was in between Draco and Mattheo while the rest of my Slytherin friends were scattered around.

I couldn't sleep so I looked to my right to see Mattheo fast asleep.

I turned to my left to be greeted with a familiar pair of gray-blue eyes.

"Cant sleep either?" I asked.

"Nope" Draco said while popping the 'P'

"Let's play a game." I suggested.

"What game...?" He asked unsure.

"I ask you a question and you ask me, we keep going back and forth until we get tired." I smiled.

"Uhm..sure." Draco lightly chuckled.

"Okay my turn first...Why don't you like being called Draco?" I asked.

"In my first year, Weasel laughed at my name, I've been self conscious about it ever since." He told me truthfully.

"I swear, one day I'm going to avada kedavra that satsuma. Why be self conscious about your name? Draco means Dragon in Ancient Greek." I informed him.

"I just don't like it." He said.

"Okay, Dragon, your turn." I smiled.

"What's you favourite memory?" He asked me.

"I have one great one. Okay so one day I was doing this bunny diet, right? Because human blood blah blah blah....Anyways!!! My dad and I went to the Mystic Grill for human food because I didn't loose control. When I got there, everyone in my family was there. My brother, aunts, my uncle, even my mum was there. Anyways after that my father made me this drink okay, it was lemonade with blueberry syrup and vanilla syrup. Dragon, I can't tell you how much I loved that drink. Anytime I go there, I don't even need to ask. They make it for me. Oh! Oh! And one time, my Auntie Bon made me pancakes with whipped cream shaped as fangs and said my dad used to make them for her! It was really funny." I explained while giggling.

"I'll have to try that drink sometime." Dragon smirked.

"Of course! I'll get you one, one day." I said excitedly.

"Okay your turn Lex." Dragon told me.

"Okay, what are your parents like?" I asked while smiling.

He looked at me with a sad look in his eyes before saying "My father isn't the best father, he prioritised his work over me many times, he never has time and only speaks to me when it's got something to do with him. But my mother, she's a wonderful woman. She always cared about me, was there for me. When I was younger my father went on a business trip for 2 months, my mother and I planted flowers in our garden and decorated the house with christmas decorations. But then my father came home and wasn't pleased." He explained.

"Your father sounds like an ass." I told him.

"Yeah." He smiled softly.

Dragon and I kept asking questions for a while until I suddenly nodded off.

The last thing I remember was him telling me the story about how him and his house elf Dobby used to be best friends.

A few days passed again and Lupin was off again so Snape was teaching us page 394, werewolf's again.

Granger kept popping up out of no where.

We're learning about the differences between animagus' and werewolf's.

Draco was sat beside me and howled when Granger answered the question.

We had a bunch of homework from Snape so everyone was moody.

Draco sent a note to Potter about him getting hit by lighting during quidditch.

Following that day, after lessons were over, a spot was open on the quidditch team for a new seeker as Draco quit.

Ellie wanted me to try out so I did.

We were flying on brooms and I had Draco's old uniform on with his Nimbus 2001 broomstick.

I tried out and I got the part as Seeker.

The next day was the quidditch match and it was raining horribly.

Potter caught sight of the snitch so I followed him.

I was on Potter's trail until I felt my face get cut and heal repeatedly.

I saw dementors and so did Potter.

They tried sucking the life out of us both until we lost grip on our brooms and fell through the sky.

I heard a loud booming voice scream something before I blacked out.

I woke up in the hospital wing to see all of my friends around me.

I looked over to my right to see all the Griffindors around Potter.

The twins looked at me and sent me a sorry smile before Potter woke up.

"Hey, how are you feeling." Blaise asked.

"I feel fine, hungry though, whens dinner?" I asked.

"It's now, you want to go?" Draco asked.

"Duh." I said while jumping up off the bed slightly dizzy.

I looked down to see Draco's old uniform still on me.

"It suits you, keep it." Dray said.

"I can't! It says Malfoy on it." I laughed.

"So what? Just keep it, instead of buying a new one." He said.

"Okay." I smiled before we walked into the great hall for food.


New chapter! Sorry for the wait, I've had serious writers block.

I'm writing a new story, a Stefan and Damon Salvatore story, if you want to check it out.

I'll try and update soon!

Vote and comment!

All my love//

Word count:

1160 words x

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