17. Your heart is beating really fast

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Mattheo's POV*

Lexi was now asleep in her bed while George and I were sat on the floor still awake.

"So how do you know about her?" George asked me.

"My...father...he told me stories about vampires, he made me research them. I wasn't sure if she was one until I saw her boggart change." I told him.

"Oh...right. Your father..." George trailed off.

"I'm not in contact with him anymore." I told him.

"Okay." George said.

Lexi started to stir awake.

"Hey, Lex. How you feeling?" I asked her.

"You need to leave, he's going to find you Dray...." she said.

"She's hallucinating again." I told George.

"Your father doesn't like me very much, he thinks I'm making you weak. I don't think your weak." She said.

She continued talking about a young boy with a horrible father and lovely mother.

Suddenly her eyes were rolling to the back of her head as foam starting coming out of her mouth.

"Fuck! Go get Malfoy next door!" I screamed at George while trying to get Lexi to sit up.

Lexi was now seizing in my arms.

"What? Why are you waking me up at 2 am?" Malfoy asked as he walked into the room.

"Lexi is seizing again, you need to do the spell." I told him.

"Whatever." Malfoy said as he came up to us.

Malfoy said the spell then lit his wand with the Lumos charm.

"Salvatore, I'm going to say three things again, and you need to tell me what they are when I ask okay?" Draco asked.

"Mmm" Lexi mumbled.

"Apple, wand, quill." He said.

Draco did a whole check up on her before asking her to repeat the words back to him.

"Uhm, cigarettes, halloween and apple." Lexi said.

"No, that's not right psycho." Draco said.

"Draco, can you stay here with her for the night. I need to go back to my dorm and George needs to get back to the Gryffindor commons." I asked Draco.

"Are you serious?" He asked.

"Your the only one who knows how to help." I answered.

"Whatever." Draco said before I left to go to my room.

____.                                            ____.

Draco's POV*

George came in to me at 2am, shouting about Salvatore having a seizure. I acted pissed off but I was already awake.

I don't know why, but I was feeling anxious about her. Wondering if she was alright.

I went into the room and did the charm, I told her to repeat 3 items again.

This time she mixed them up, her head was gone.

Mattheo told me to stay in her room until she gets better.

So I did.

Raising Hellfire  D.M.   {1}Where stories live. Discover now