12.I knew you cared Draco...

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Cedric walked me back down to the dungeons, not to my dorm but my potions classroom.

"Right, I can't come after your lessons, but I'm pretty sure Blaise is in this class, if not, Fred and George have potions second, they will be here." Ced said.

"Alright..." I said while starting to panic. I felt like I was going to puke my guts up.

"Lex, it's okay, your going to be okay. I promise." He said holding out his pinky.

I connected my pinky with him and he kissed my forehead in a sibling way. Cedric is like a brother to me.

"I'll see you at dinner, I'm not going to lunch." I told Ced.

"Alright, I'll see you later. Good luck, don't bite anyone." Ced said with a small chuckle.

I slapped his back, not being able to reach his head.

"Later you short shit!" Ced called.

I laughed slightly to myself before entering the classroom.

The class was dark and gloomy. Viles upon viles covered the shelves in the classroom.

There were multiple desks scattered around. In the front of the class was who I'm presuming is Professor Snape. No one else was in the class yet so I made my way up to him.

"Good morning, professor, I just want to say thank you for helping me out with my...problem. I appreciate everything that you have done for me." I said while smiling.

He didn't smile back but he said, "Miss Salvatore, I am the potions professor if you need anything just ask me. I am also the head of Slytherin house so, if you do well in this class, I will be pleased."

He had a monotone voice while held no emotion. Just like when one's humanity is off.

"Okay sir, thank you." I smiled.

"Stand to the side, I will be assigning your seats." Snape said to the class who had now started to pile in.

Snape announced many names, people were in groups of 4.

"Mattheo Riddle, Theo nott, Draco Malfoy and Alexia Salvatore, table 4."

And I thought Snape and I were hitting it off...

I moved over to table 4 and sat down.

Draco and Mattheo sat across me which left Theo to the seat to my right. How great..

"Alright, get out your books, today we will be making the Wideye Potion. This potion awakens the victim and prevents sleeping." Snape announced.

"Look on page 17 of your books and get the ingredients and make it." He added.

"I'll get the snake fangs and the standard ingredient." Mattheo said.

"And I'll go get the billywig stings and the wolfsbane." Draco announced.

That means Theo and I were left alone together.

"Hey gorgeous.." He said.

"Hello." I replied.

"You know your hot as fuck, right?" He stated.

"Uhm thank you" I said a bit uncomfortable.

Don't get me wrong he wasn't bad looking, but he gave off a weird vibe.

"Anytime darling." He said while winking and placing a hand on my knee.

I smiled at him and tried to remove his hand which was now travelling to my upper thigh. For some reason I couldn't fight him. I was a fucking vampire for fuck sake. Why is he stronger than me?!

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