14. Boggarts

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*Draco's POV*

I had a free period right now so I sat in the infirmary waiting for the mudblood to wake up so I can make sure she's fine. 

I don't know why I'm so interested in her. She's a mudblood, nothing more than a disgrace to the wizarding world.

Then why do I feel attracted to her?

I started to get anxious. I'm not waiting for the girl to wake up, that's stupid. 

I put my bag filled with stuff for Salvatore as she started mumbling. I rushed out of the room and went back to the common room.

I said the password "Pure-blood" and stepped in the room.

I looked to the sofa and saw Mattheo and Blake on top of Theo.

I went to them just before Blake could land a punch.

"Hey, what are you doing?" I questioned.

"He tried to kill Lexi, he touched her inappropriately. He's getting what he deserves." Mattheo answered.

I wanted to join in, to make the dickhead feel more pain than Salvatore did, but that would mean I cared. And I dont.

I went to my room and opened my Astronomy book and started to revise. I had care of magical creatures in 20 minutes.

*Alexia's POV*

I woke up with a pain in my stomach.

I opened my eyes and let myself adjust to the room. I was in the infirmary, Draco brought me here.


I looked around to see if I could find him but all I saw was a bag and a note.

I looked at the note and noticed it was from Snape.

"Miss Salvatore, you are excused from care of magical creatures and divination, you will stay in the infirmary until our new Defence Against The Dark Arts comes to collect you. Someone, presumably one of your shadows, has brought you a bag of necessary items. Ask Madam Pomfrey if you need any blood, I have just got in more animal blood bags for you. I advise you to write a letter to your parents, informing them of today's events. Go to the owelry tonight after dinner and write to them.

-professor S.Snape."

I put the letter in my pocket as I looked through the bag. A new change of clothes, toothpaste and my charcoal toothbrush, my green hairbrush, a tampon, a pad, and some paracetamol which is the British equivalent to Advil.

I asked Madam Pomfrey if I could have a blood bag and a bottle of water, and she said yes. She told me no one else was in the infirmary so I could have it.

I took the paracetamol with the water and then downed the blood bag in seconds. I felt my eyes go bloodshot but I controlled it.

I felt my strength coming back but I had to be sure.

I looked around and saw a pair of scissors on the side. I dug the scissors into my leg and then lifted them back out. I healed instantly. I had my strength back, I can heal.

I thought back to what happened in potions as I got myself changed.


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