10.Out of control

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*Alexia's POV*

I was pacing in my room when Ellie and Blaise rushed in. I couldn't focus on anything except the hunger I had, the craving to rip Astoria and Malfoy's artery's out and drain them of their blood until their lifeless bodies laid limp on my floor.

"Alexia, you need to calm down before you get out of control." Blaise told me.

"Oh why didn't I think of that, how fucking smart." I snarled back.

"Lexi, put music on from your muggle device and I'll get you a blood bag from my room, it's just across the hall." Ellie said calmly.

"Ok..." I trailed off while getting my iPhone 11 out and putting on my Spotify playlist. I got my speakers out and turned my Bluetooth on.

Blaise got out his wand and casted Silencio to make sure no teachers could hear my music.

The song "Master of puppets" by Metallica came on and I sat on the floor concentrating on the masterpiece.

Ellie came back and had 2 blood bags in her hands. My fangs came out as I used my vampire speed to snatch the blood out of her hands.

I drank the blood in seconds but it didn't complete me. I needed more blood. Human blood.

"Get out before I rip your heads off." I said to my two Slytherin shadows.

"We can't leave you!" Ellie shouted over my blaring music.

"GET THE FUCK OUT NOW!" I screamed as I came inches away from the both of them.

"I need to go see professor Snape, if you need anything call George or Fred." Ellie told me.

"How am I supposed to get them?" I questioned.

"I'll get George for you." Blaise told me.

*George's POV*

I was sat in the Gryffindor common room playing exploding snap with Fred.

Someone banged on the door continuously so I got up and opened the door to be greeted with Blaise.

"What do you need Blaise?" I asked while turning around to go back to the game.

"It's Alexia."


"Fred, go get the blood bags from our room. I'll be back." I told my twin.

"Come on." Blaise commented while leading me out of the common room and to Alexia's room.

Blaise knocked on Alexia's door and we didn't hear anything.

"I put the silencing spell." Blaise told me.


Blaise opened her door and what I saw was fucking scary.

The kid was laying on the floor, blood pouring out of her mouth, 12 blood bags empty beside her. She had broken part of the desk apart and is stabbing herself with it.

"Put it down, Lexi." I said to her while inching towards her.

"No, no I have to. I need to die! I don't want to hurt anyone." She cried.

She was covered in blood and tears were pouring down her face.

I walked up to her and sat in front of her.

"Lexi, look at me." I said calmly.

"No, no George please I don't want to hurt you." She screamed.

"You're not going to hurt me, just hand over the stake," I said.

"No George stop! Please George, let me do this..." She pleaded.

"Look at me right now!" I shouted.

She looked up at me and I put my hand on top of hers and got the stake off of her. She was bleeding a lot but she was a vampire. She can heal...

"I need you to calm down before you end up hurting yourself or someone else, alright?" I said.

She started panicking. Her eyes went bloodshot and veins shot from her eyes. Her fangs came out as she backed away from me.

"Alexia...Calm down." I said.

She looked at me.

"Please..." She told me in a soft but vicious voice.

"I'm trying to calm you down! Now calm down and focus on your breathing not on anything else." I told her.

Fred came rushing to the room with 2 blood bags. Alexia's eyes shot towards him and she ran over to get the blood. She snatched the blood from my twin's hands and drank them instantly, not coming up for air.

"Alexia, you need to calm down." Fred told her.

"Can I just be alone...please?" She pleaded with tears streaming down her pale face. The blood was dripping down her face and body.

"Yeah...sure." I replied.

"Wait...will you get Cedric?" She asked.

"Yeah, okay. We will see you in the morning kid." Fred said.

"Bye..." She replied.

*Alexia's POV*

I was sat on the floor shaking for about an hour when Cedric busted through the door.

"Ced..." I choked out.

"Hey, I'm here it's ok, your okay. Your safe now." He replied as he came to me and hugged me.

I was a lot calmer now that Ced was here. I don't know why, he just makes me feel safe, in a brotherly way.

"Come on little one, let's get you cleaned up." Cedric said while helping me into the bathroom.

I told him it was okay for him to help me, I trusted him.

He helped me get out of my bloody clothes and ran a bath for me.

I got into the bath and Cedric washed my hair for me while I washed my body. He turned around out of respect but I knew he wouldn't do anything.

I got out of the bath after 30 minutes and Cedric helped me back into my room. He helped me get changed into my pyjamas and got me into bed. He put the towel in the wash basket in my room and told me that they get taken down to get clean every 2 days.

I asked Cedric if he would brush my hair as I was feeling very weak, and he said yes.

Ced brushed my hair until there were no more knots in it and he lay me down on my bed and stroked my hair until I was drifting off to sleep. I felt him get up and leave my room but he left a note on my dressing table. I was too tired so I fell asleep leaving the note until morning.


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All my love//

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