5.A Vampire Life

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Alexia's POV:

Cedric and I walked into the house and saw only my auntie Care and Stefan.

"Where's Mum and Dad?" I questioned my Aunt as she gave a a pitiful look.

"Your mom had to go into work and your Dad has gone to sort out school for Stefan." Auntie Care informed me.

"Oh, okay." I said starting to feel upset. That sadness soon turned into anger.

Why? I couldn't tell you. Perhaps it was because I thought I would be able to tell them how I didn't loose control all day, how I thought they'd be proud. But they're not here. They don't care. I'm not important. I'm a waste of space, I'm a problem. Who wants a ripper for a daughter?

"Lexi, your eyes." Auntie Care said while slowly standing up.

I took in what she said and felt the veins popping out of my eyes, my fangs were starting to grow as my body shook with anger. I tried breathing in and out to calm myself down but it didn't work.

I looked over to see Cedric with a hint of fear in his eyes while Dumbledore looked at me with sorrow? Did he feel bad for me?

"I don't want to hurt you." I said to Dumbledore and Cedric.

They nodded as they took a step back and went to the door.

"I will see you on September 1st, get to kings cross station, go to platform 9¾ and you will get on the train for Hogwarts. We will be happy to see you again. Goodbye." Dumbledore said as he walked out.

"Cedric..." I said as he turned to look at me.

"I'm not scared, I trust you." He said with a smile on his face, he knew I was upset that he may be scared of me.

I gave him a small smile as he left. I fell to the floor and went into the corner. My brother told Aunt Care to go hunt something for me as he walked over.

"Hey Lex, look at me. Your going to be okay. Just breathe with me alright. Deep breaths." He said trying to calm me down. His hand went to my back and rubbed it calmingly.

I closed my eyes and started to breathe but it wasn't working.

"I'm sorry.." I said to my brother as I used my vampire speed to go to the one place I knew would be able to help. The Salvatore boarding school.

As I reached the gates of the school I rushed in and barged through the doors panting and un able to breathe.

"Get Hope Mikaelson" I shouted at one of the students. They ran to an office and my dad rushed out accompanied with Alaric and Hope.

"I can't control it. Please help me"

Hope held my hand and took me into an empty room and she sat me on a bed.

"I'm going to need to to tell me one thing you can hear, smell, feel and see." She told me as I looked at her in confusion.

"I hear a group of boys laughing, I can smell blood in the kitchen, I can feel the fluffy blanket on this bed and I can see you." I replied slowly calming down.

"That's good, now can you tell me what you see now?" She said as she lit all the candles in the room with her mind.

I looked around and saw Alaric and my dad. How didn't I know they were here?

"Thank you Hope." I said as I felt my eyes go back to normal and my fangs go back into my sore gums. I still felt the hunger but it wasn't as strong.

"Whenever you feel out of control have someone, anyone with you, human or supernatural and focus on one thing you can see, hear feel and smell. Your holding my hands so maybe hold the persons hands too, do anything to calm yourself down, just don't do it alone. If you need to scream then scream. Just don't give in to the bloodlust no matter how hard it is." She said with a small smile.

I looked down and notices I had dug my nails into her skin so much I saw dried blood.

"What if that happens to a human." I say, motioning to her now healed hand.

"Ask them if they're okay focus on there eyes. Don't think of the blood. It might take some time but just feel the hunger slowly die down" She told me.

"Okay, I will." I replied.

My dad looked at me with regret in his eyes. I looked at him for a second then rolled my eyes as I got up and went back to Auntie Care's.

So sorry for this short chapter i just wanted to get this one out.

This is probably going to be the shortest chapter.

next chapter will have a time skip and she will be going onto the hogwarts express.

who will she meet? will she encounter the rude blonde she saw previously? or will new faces make an appearance .

read to find out loves :)

have a good morning, evening, night or whatever :))

All my love//

word count:

872 words

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