23. Red slitted eyes? Green light...?

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Draco's POV*

"Shhh, you'll wake them up."

"Quick get the photo!"

"Got it."

I woke up to see everyone standing in front of my bed.

"What the fuck are you doing?" I asked.

"Look at your positions." Ellie smiled.

I looked over and saw Alexia on top of me, her legs entangled with mine while Mattheo was spooning her.

"Okay, let her sleep, she had a hard day yesterday, what's the time?" I asked.

"It's 7:30, we will go down and get breakfast and bring some up, what do you guys want?" Blaise said.

"Get us, a bottle of water each and green apples and get a bagel for Mattheo. Oh and uhm blood for Alexia.." I said.

"We will be back in 30 minutes!" Ellie said.

"We're going to Hogsmade later as it's Saturday, so we will get ready while you eat your apples." Blake added on.

"Okay, now get out." I said while getting off of my bed, lightly so I didn't wake Alexia up.

"Bye." They all said.

I got up and went into the bathroom to shower, Alexia and I kissed, damn... that kiss was amazing.

I heard someone banging in my room so I got out of the shower and put a towel around my waist.

I saw Mattheo getting out of bed, he wasn't walking straight.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"My glasses, where are they?" He asked.

"You wear glasses?" I asked while getting dressed.

"Yup, I usually wear contacts but I lost them so..." he said while finding his glasses.

"Hey..." I heard.

"Hey Lex, you alright?" I asked.

"Yeah, where's Snowey?" She asked.

"Snowey?" I asked.

"Yeah, my teddy." She said while yawning.

"Oh, it's on the floor, you knocked it off when you were sleeping." Mattheo said.

"Can you grab it for me please?" She asked in a quiet voice.

"Yeah, here, are you okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, just hungry." She said.

"Hungry for people food or blood?" I asked her.

"People food." She giggled

"Well everyone went down to breakfast, they're bringing us apples and Mattheo a Bagel." I told her.

"Good." She said before getting up.

She was in short shorts and a bra.

"What are you both looking at?"" She asked.

"Your tits." Mattheo said.

"Okay, well I'm going in the shower, towel?" Alexia's asked me.

"Under the cupboard." I told her before she went in the shower.

"So.. what's going on with you and the little vampire?" Mattheo asked.

"Nothing is going on, why you asking, you interested in her?"
I asked slightly jealous.

"Of course I'm interested, but a friends with benefits type of thing, we wouldn't work in a relationship." He explained while laying on my bed.

"Oh, alright." I said while sitting on my sofa.

"Okay boys, how do I look?" Alexia said.

I looked over to her and my mouth dropped.

I looked over to her and my mouth dropped

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(Alexia's outfit)

"Woah..." I said.

"You look hot as fuck." Mattheo winked.

"Thank you." She smiled.

She put on 2 rings, a necklace and a bracelet.

"What are those rings?" I asked.

"Well this one is my daylight ring, it lets me walk in the sun without looking like a burnt potato, and this is a mood ring from my Uncle Stefan." She said while looking sad.

"Your uncle Stefan was the ripper of Monterey, right?" I asked.

"Y-yeah.." she trailed off sadly.

"Look at this necklace though." She said.

"Turn all the lights off and make it dark in here." She ordered.

I did what she said and she closed her eyes.

Suddenly lights of the Slytherin colours lit up the room with feathers floating around.

I stared in awe as Alexia danced while feathers fell around her.

"Woah." Me and Mattheo said.

"I know, now get the lights back on." She told me.

I turned the lights on and all the feathers disappeared.

"So how do you do that?" Mattheo asked.

"My auntie Bonnie is a witch, but she doesn't need a wand, sometimes I don't either apparently. She placed the spell on it and my daylight ring." Alexia's explained.

"That's fucking awesome." Mattheo laughed.

"Yeah." She smiled.

"So where do you live?" Mattheo asked.

"Stalker." I answered.

"Shut up Dray, I lived in Wiltshire for a couple years, then moved back to Mystic falls, a town in Virginia, that's why I don't really have an accent." She told us.

"I live in Wiltshire." I told her while sorting out my hair.

"Maybe we met each other then, I wouldn't know, I don't have any memory of that time, only since I was killed." She shrugged.

"Did it hurt? Dying I mean." Mattheo asked.

"No, not really, I saw someone or something in a cloak, a green light and then nothing. I saw my parents, red slitted eyes and a young boy crying." She told us as she stared into space.

"Red slitted eyes? Green light...?" Mattheo asked.

"Yeah, I can't get the vision out of my mind." She said sadly.

"Alexia...I think I know who tried to kill you..." Mattheo said.

"What? Who?" Alexia asked.

"My father...Voldemort."

What. The. Fuck....


Oooh shittt we're getting on with the story brooo!!!

Anyways, sorry I haven't updated, I've had writers block and was struggling, I should get another 1 or maybe 2 chapters by Saturday, it's now Wednesday, but I'm not sure.

Hope your all having a good day/night or whatever!

All my love//

Word count/

914 words x

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