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                                     Alexia's POV:

As I walked through the wall between platform 9 and 10 my sight was overtaken by hoards of students in multiple coloured ties.

Some were saying their goodbyes to their families while others were loading their trunk on the train. I went to put my trunk on the train when someone suddenly bumped into me, making me fall back.

I looked up to be met by the same grey-blue eyes as before. Draco Malfoy.

"Again, Mudblood, watch where you're going." He said while giving me a look of disgust.

"You were the one who bumped into me Draco." I said harshly.

"Don't call me Draco you fucking Mudblood."

"Oh fuck you, Malfoy."

"Just stay out of my way, yeah?"

"Whatever." I said as I put my trunk into the train and went onto the Hogwarts Express.

I looked through the train looking for an empty compartment. I finally found one and sat in pulling out my book. It was "To Kill A Mockingbird" by an author called Harper Lee. I loved this book.

I was sat on the train for about an hour until the train came to a sudden halt.

Well that was quick.

I walked out into the hallway of the train and looked around to see other people were doing the same. We're not there yet?

I got my book and carry on bag as I started walking down the train, thinking everyone was getting off.

I suddenly felt really cold, vampires don't get cold. The windows suddenly started to freeze over. It's only fucking September.

I looked around and suddenly I saw a cloaked figure floating towards me.

What the actual fuck?

It kept creeping closer and I started to feel depressed and that I'd never feel happy ever again in my never ending immortal life.

"Okay, creepy little scary thing, this is all new to me the whole witchy woo thing so I'll ask you kindly to back the fuck off. There's a boy called Draco Malfoy on this train somewhere, go fucking scare him you scary fuck." I told the cloaked figure.

It didn't stop coming towards me until I was backed up against the wall. I fell onto the ground as the cloaked figure put its bony hands out and grabbed me. The scary fuck lifted me off the ground and started fucking sucking my life out of me. Kinky bitch.

"H-hey f-fuck o-off" I struggled to say.

It didn't stop. I heard screams. I saw blood until I heard someone shout something like "Expresso pandemonium" is that a fucking spell?

I felt the bony hand leave my jumper and I saw a white light. I fell to the ground and everything went black. I was in and out of consciousness and heard a few voices.

"What the fuck happened?"

"Hey kid, get up!"

"That's Alexia, we're her shadows Blaise."


Then nothing.

I woke up to someone slapping my across the face.

"WHAT THE FUCK! WHO THE FU-" I screamed.

I saw a group of people standing in front of me I knew a few of them.

George, Fred, Cedric, Malfoy, a blond haired girl who looked a bit like Malfoy, a dark skinned hot as fuck boy, and a girl with black hair who looked very weird, kind of like a bug.

"Hey, sorry for the slap, we have been trying to wake you up for a good hour." The blonde girl said.

"What happened? What was that ugly ass floaty thing?" I asked.

"It was a dementor, they're here for Sirius Black." The blonde girl told me.

"What is a serious black?" I questioned. It sounded like a bad band name.

"Not a what, a who. He's a dangerous criminal who escaped Azkaban not too long ago." Cedric answered.

"Oh, cool, what did the dementor want with me?"

"It might have been confused because of your uhm, problem?" The dark skinned boy told me.

"My problem? Ohh right." I said.

"Well, here. Eat this, one of the new professors told Harry it will make him better." George told me.

"I don't like chocolate." I said with a frown on my face.

"Who doesn't like chocolate?!" George and Fred said in union.

"Me." I said simply.

"Well you need to have something. Wait I know what will help, come with me." The blonde girl told me.

I got up from my laying position in a compartment.

We walked to the bathrooms and she checked to see if there was anyone else in there.

"Okay, the coast is clear." She said while going through her bag. She pulled out a blood bag.

"H-how do you know?" I questioned.

"I'm Ellie Malfoy, I'm one of your Slytherin shadows." She said nicely as she handed me the blood bag.

"Don't worry, it's animal blood, one of the professors, Snape made each of your shadows have a blood bag on them at all times just in case." She added.

I took the animal blood from her hands and drank it all in 5 seconds.

"Uhm, your eyes..." Ellie told me.

"Oh, sorry." I said while calming my breathing. I felt my eyes go back to normal.

"Alright, while we're here put on your robe, it's blank right now but when you get sorted it will change." She told me.

"Alrighty, love." I replied while slipping on my robe over my clothes. I pulled out my phone and earphones and put music on.

"What the hell is that?" Ellie asked while looked down at my phone.

"Oh uhm it's a muggle device called a phone, look..." I said while showing her the apps on my phone such as Snapchat, spotify, Instagram and so on.

"Woah, if my family saw one of these they'd be disgusted because they're muggle items, my father is very discriminative against muggle borns and so is my twin brother but me and my mother don't really have a problem with them." She told me.

"I'm a muggle born, your twin calls me a mudblood which I heard isn't a good thing to be called." I replied.

"Draco is complicated, take no notice of him, and if your placed in another house than Slytherin be careful of him." She warned me.

"Okay, I'll take your advise on your dick of a brother." I said smiling.

"Okay. Come on, we're at Hogwarts, let's go."

This is it, hello Hogwarts, are you ready for Alexia Salvatore?


Heya hope u like this chap, I'll be adding new characters next chapter!

Vote and comment!

All my love//

Word count:

1098 words

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