25. Sweet dreams, darling.

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Alexia's POV*

I walked into the bathroom, feeling myself starting to loose control.

My mother always does this. I love her but she spends her whole life in the hospital, she never has time for me and my brother.

My dad is different, he tries. But my mum? I can never rely on her.

I looked into the mirror and realised I wasn't alone.

"Hey, are you okay?" I heard a girl ask me.

"Fine." I said, trying not to loose control.

"Okay, well, can I get to the sink?" She asked.

"Mhm." I said as I moved to the side.

"Fuck." She muttered under her breath.

I saw her hand had started to bleed, my bloodlust was too strong.

I vamp sped to the girl while putting on a silencing spell.

I bit into her neck and tasted her blood.  Human blood, I've missed this.

She screamed endlessly until her head detached from her body.

I dropped the girls head and looked in the mirror.

"You...you killed her?" A girl said as she walked in.

"Damn, I should've locked the door." I smirked before grabbing her and killing her just like I did to the other.

I heard the door open once more and saw Macie.

"Alexia?" She asked, scared.

"Macie." I smiled.

"You need to calm down." She told me while backing away.

"No, I don't." I smiled.

"Fuck." She muttered before running out of the door.

"Now what do I do with you guys." I said to the dead bodies before me.

I heard chatter before Draco, Stefan and Mattheo came into the girls toilets.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here." I smirked at the boys.

"Lex, calm down." My brother said.

"Why should I? I'm a ripper, Stefan, And I'm fucking hungry." I growled.

"I'm going to clean this mess up, talk to her, get her to calm down. She wont kill either of you. If she tries, snap her neck." Stefan told the boys.

Stefan got the bodies and disappeared.

"Lexi, you okay?" Mattheo asked.

"Of course I'm okay Matty, I'm great." I said sarcastically.

"Okay Lex, you've just murdered two 11 year olds." Mattheo told me.

"W-what.." I said.

"It's okay, it wasn't your fault." Draco told me.

"No no no fuck, what did I do." I said to myself as I collapsed to the floor panicking.

"Hey, hey Alexia it's okay, look at me, breathe." Draco said coming down to the floor infront of me.

"D-Draco, I-I killed them. They were so young." I cried.

"Shh, look at me, Alexia, come on, look at me." Mattheo said, joining me and Draco on the floor.

"Close your eyes, breathe in and out, hold my hand, come on." Mattheo said.

I grabbed his hand and closed my eyes, I breathed in and out and tried to relax.

"Okay, now look at me." Mattheo said.

I looked at him through my tear filled eyes as I calmed down.

"That's good, your okay. Come on, let's go. Everyone's gone back to there rooms. Stefan is going home, you can stay in my room with Mattheo and I." Draco said.

"Okay." I said softly as the boys helped me up.

We walked back to the castle and they led me to Draco's room.

Draco's POV*

Mattheo and I walked Alexia back to my room.

Her face was covered in blood and her once white outfit is now stained red with the blood of two innocents.

"You need to get in the shower, get the blood off." I told her as she stared into space.

"Okay." She said as her voice broke.

"We will be just outside, call us if you need us." I told her.

"I'm so sorry." She said before going into the bathroom and locking the door.

"Do you think she's going to be okay?" Mattheo asked me.

"I hope so." I said as I laid out Lexi's pyjamas and underwear along with a bottle of water, paracetamol and her teddy bear.

I heard the shower turn on, so I know she was in the shower.

"I'll text her brother, tell her she's okay." I told Mattheo before grabbing her phone and texting Stefan.

"Stefan, it's Draco. Alexia's in the shower, she's calmed down. I think it best to tell your parents about what happened." I text him.

"Get into the bathroom now, she's going to try to kill herself." Stefan text back.


I ran to the bathroom door and banged on it.

"ALEXIA?" I screamed.

Mattheo picked up Lexi's phone and read through the messages.

"Fuck!" Mattheo said.

"Alexia, stand back." I said.

"BOMBARDA!" I screamed as my bathroom door blew up.

I saw Alexia with a wooden stake in her hands. She tried stabbing herself in the heart until I ran over and knocked her down.

"Let it go Alexia." I said.

"No I need to die." She cried.

"Lexi, please, we need you, we all do." Mattheo said.

"I'm a ripper, no one needs me. No one wants me." She cried.

"We want you, we need you Alexia! Please, out the stake down." I said.

"No." She said before trying to stab herself again.

"I'm so sorry." Mattheo said before he placed his hands on either side of her head until I heard a snapping sound.






"She's a vampire, she will wake up soon." Mattheo told me as he picked up Alexia's body, covered by a towel.

"Go get Cedric, she's closest to him." I told Mattheo.

"Sure. I'll be back soon." He said.

"See you in a minute." I said while stroking Alexia's now, wet hair.

"Oh Lexi, what are you doing to me?" I sighed.

"I need you to be okay, we all do. But especially me. I really like you Lex, I can't loose you too." I sniffled.

"Sweet dreams, darling." I whispered.

New chapter! And happy birthday to me!!'



Hope you enjoyed, now I'm going to sleep because I am absolutely shattered.


All my love//

Word count:

1026 words x

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