27. Werewolf bite

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Draco and the others went to Hogsmade again leaving me and Blaise alone in Blaise's room.

I was laying on Blaise's lap as he played with my hair.

"What do you think about George?" He suddenly asked.

"Hmm?" I asked confused.

"George, what do you think about him." He blushed.

"He's a great guy, might be a Gryffindor but he's a good guy. I think he likes you." I smirked.

"W- no." Blaise stuttered.

"Oh come on! I see the way you look at eachother." I laughed.

"Shut up." He pushed me playfully.

Malfoy stormed into the room with snow all over him.

"What happened to you?" I laughed.

"Potter I think." He snarled.

"What's he done this time?" I asked.

"He hurt me and the boys! Throwing snowballs at us! Dragging us down a hill. Absolutely ridiculous." He ranted.

I laughed before I got up from the bed.

"Come on, let's go, you need a shower." I told him before saying goodbye to Blaise.

Draco and I walked up to his dorm while he kept ranting about saint Potter.

"Come on, enough ranting, go!" I said as I pushed him into his bathroom before lying down on his comfy bed.

I picked up Storm from the floor and the placed him on my stomach before closing my eyes.

I must have drifted off because I felt someone shake me.

My eyes fluttered open to see Draco in front of me, shirtless.

"Hey." I yawned while rubbing my eyes tiredly.

"Hey." He slightly chuckled.

"What time is it?" I asked.

"6am." He replied.

"Woah, we better get ready for class." I said while getting up.

"We have 2 free periods then Divination and Potions. Then lunch and Astronomy." Dray told me.

"Then why wake me up?" I groaned.

"You were squishing Storm." He laughed before I looked at the black cat stuck between my side.

"Oh!" I exclaimed before lifting myself off my cat.

The day went alright and we were now in astronomy.

We were learning about the stars or some shit. I started nodding off on Dray's shoulder.

I woke up to feel a hard pillow.

I looked up to see a sleeping Draco underneath me.

We were back in his room. I looked over to his clock to see that it was 2am.

I cuddled into Dray before drifting back to sleep.

I woke up Saturday morning and Draco and I joined his friends down near Hagrid's hut.

Buckbeak was getting executed today due to Mr Malfoy.

We heard someone walking down and saw the golden trio.

"Ah come to see the show?" Dray asked.

"You! You foul loathsome evil little cockroach!" Granger snapped before pulling her wand out and placing it against Dray's neck.

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