Extra Chapter

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I tip toe into the house I may never see again, I've decided to grab some stuff from Jenny's house. I'm going to that school in New York, I sneak up to my room and grab a bunch of clothes, my Max card, school bag, make up, and toiletries. I also write letters, Luke, Noah, Lucy, Chase, and Jenny. I sneak into Noah's room and put down the little gift from London with the note attached to it. I go into Jenny's room, I set down the bracelet and note on her bed side table and on the counter is everyone else's. I walk out side, and take one last look at the house. I feel a tear come out. "I'm gonna miss you guys" I say and start walking to the rental car, I put my stuff in the car and put my car charger in. I set my flight for two tomorrow In a couple towns over. I stop at the house I haven't been to since the accident, I park and use the extra key under the plant. I walk in and turn in the light, it all looks the same before we left it. Messy, we were in such a hurry because I took to long in the shower. I walk up to my parents room, so clean, and perfect. I lay down in the middle like I used to when I was young. Amber and I both fit we were so tiny.

Flash Back

"Daddy, Amby and I are scared!" I pout in the front of his door. "No Tessie, you have to sleep in your bed. Like a big girl." I start to cry, which makes Amber cry. "Mommy, can we please sleep with you" I cry. Mommy looks at Daddy, "Sure sweetie" they move over and we lay between them. I cuddle Amber and she cuddles me, "I dove you Tessie" Amber says, " I love you too Amby" I close my eyes and darkness takes over.

Flash back over


I was so happy, carefree, just my family and I. Amber was two and I was four, I cry as I lay between were my parents are meant to be. I walk over to my moms closet, my parents had two closest. I look for her box, a box that she said one day I could use it during my wedding. I open the box and see a little diamond headpiece, with a long vail attached to it. I cry when I see my parents wedding photos, they were so young and in love. I look at the pictures for a little longer then go into Ambers room. I just stand there not knowing what to do, because my little sister always yelled at me to get out, now that's she is gone I get to look around. I walk over to a desk and open a drawer labeled "Letters for my big sis" I laugh, and open the drawer. In the drawer are different colored envelopes each labeled different. I pick one that says 'When I'm gone'

Dear Tessa,
Your probably reading this because I've died from cancer. I know what your thinking, 'My Little sister wrote a letter to me about her death, at age fourteen' it's because I have some things I want you to do. 1) when I go, don't morn for about a month! God knows you will, I want you to go in my closet and take out the box labeled 'first card' I have something for you. 2) At my funeral play 'Thinking out loud' by you know who, But I want you to sing it, I've always loved your voice. 3) At my funeral make sure you don't, And I repeat don't let me dress in black I want you to do my hair and make up. 4) you know those tombstones mom and dad had paid for, for when they went, I want to be next to them. With a butt load of Flowers and notes in my casket. 5) I want you to take all of my money, and buy your self a 'in memory of your Amby' gift. 6) lastly, I want you to get married and have loads of nieces and nephews, and give one my name as a middle name. I love you so much and I will miss you Tessie!

Love your little
Amber! xoxo

I just cried and cried, she wants this and I will give it to her I promise. I walk over to her closet and pic up the box with the correct label, I open it and find pictures and drawings of Amber and I. One drawing is one Amber drew it was amazing, I put the box and notes in my car and walk down to my room. It's small my twin sized bed and dresser, I walk over to my closet and find a sweatshirt that Amber and I both had with some boots my mom bought me and leggings my dad helped me pic out. I leave the house lock the door, then head to the mall for my gift, I don't take to long I get her a little sis locket with a pic of me in it and I get a big sis locket with a pic of her in it. I get in my car and drive to the air port, time to start all over.


I feel as if Confused dosen't need a sequel, I think that if you have any question about Tessa's Future you may leave comments and I will do a Q/A on Tessa and her Future. I also wanted to thank you all for reading my book It means alot to me and I love you al for reading it, even though some of you didn't leave comments or favorite all of my chapter I really am Thankful. If you liked this you can also check out my other 5sos Fanfic, Falling for the Band boy. Byeeee Later on I may do a Epiloge Okayyyyy Loves. I love you all :*


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