Chapter 22 *early christmas*

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I attempt to snuggle deeper into Lucy and I's bed. suddenly I feel the bed start to bounce "Get up you stupid striper!" Lucy yells, while jumping. "I don't want to you hopping hooker!" I groan. She kept jumping, and started singing "early Christmas, early Christmas" I groan "Please just shut up!" I get up and grab my stupid presents bag and walk into the living room where everyone is waiting "Took you long enough." Calum scoffs and I roll my eyes. "Okay let's get this present opening started." Josh shouts.
•2 hours later•

"Tessa you spent to much on us, why" Jace says looking at his tickets to the Super Bowl, Calum starring at his new Xbox one, Luke at his phone, and Kim and Lucy on there laptops, but Josh got a bunch of season passes to games. "Because I love you guys, duh" I say they laugh. I got Nike sports bra,Nike athlete leggings, Nike water bottle, Nike black shoes, and a pink Nike duffle bag, all from Everyone but Josh and Calum. "Okay, here is your last present from me." Josh said handing over a box. I unwrap it and see a check for dance classes already paid. I gasp "How did you know." I asked cause when I was younger I took gymnastics, and tumbling. "A little birdy told me" I laugh. I can use my new athletics stuff during practice, "here is my gift" Calum said. I open it and find a whole bunch of candy, movies, pajamas, and coupons to an ice cream place I town. "Awe, Cal you want to get me fat then eat me how sweet" I laugh he shakes his head "Nope, it's for when your not dancing, break up with someone, or just wanna hang with me." he smirked at the last one. I laugh and give them all hugs, "thank you guys love you" I drag the 'u'. They laugh and play on their stuff.
I jump on Luke and take his phone "Gimme my phone back you butthole." Luke wines. I run out onto the beach, "You can't catch me!" I run all the way to the tree. I turn on his phone and get on his snapchat, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and hack him on all of them. I make sure to turn off all the apps,"Tess, Can I please have my phone back." I nod and give it back. "Well, this was fun but bye!" I yell while running away her runs after me and I run into the house and into the first room I see. I instantly regret it because Kim and Jace are well having a hot make out session. I scream "Really!" Kim screams half naked. I stomp up to her and slap her and Jace "Were done Jace!" I scream and glare at Kim. his face drops "I'm so sorry I didn't even know what I was doing it just-" I stop him by putting my hand up. "I don't care you just a Cocky Cheater," I pause before saying "I can't believe I loved you" I hold back the tears until I get to my room on the way Josh stops me "Tess, what's wro-?" I push past him and walk into my room to see Cal setting up snacks and Netflix. "I heard everything, I'm on it" I nod and he opens his arms and I walk into his arms. "I love you Tess, I don't like it when your sad, Okay?" I nod "Kay, thanks Calum I love you too." we sit and turn on some random movie. Man, I have some incredible friends.
When I wake up I remember that today is the last day in Hawaii, I try to get up but something is wrapped around my waist. I turn to see Cal, I yawn and say "Cal, can you please move your arm? I really have to pee!" He chuckles "Sure" His voice is raspy and he looks really tired. He moves his arm and stretches then sits up, then I remember I share this room with Lucy. "Cal, where is Lucy?" He looks down at me, since I'm still laying down. "Um... last night you fell asleep and she said I could sleep In here she would just take my room. I nod and run to the bathroom to pee.

•Around lunch•
Jace POV

Ever since Tess broke up with me Kim has been clingy and desperate. "Come on baby, lets go finish what we started before that-" I glare at her "Don't you have a stupid boyfriend to go bother." I growl she shrugs and walks off to find Luke. When I walk out of my room I see Tess coming from the bathroom ready for whatever she is doing. God, she is beautiful, and I had to cheat on her with a desperate clingy girl. "Hey" Tessa says smiling at me I go to say hi but then I realize she was talking to, I turn and see Calum. Of course she was talking to Freeking Calum, he pulls her in for a hug and he glares at me. "Ready to go?" he asks she nods and I can't help but say "Where are you guys going?" I say as casual as I can. I mean it's hard when your ex girlfriend is hanging with your best friend. He smirks at her and she laughs and nods "Just taking my girl on her first date with the best guy ever" he kisses her cheek and she giggles "Awe, babe you missed" she pouts and kisses his lips. "Ew, get a room" she glares "We can't go to the room you were in Kim probably has some weird sickness" I here a gasp and I look and see Kim. Tessa laughs and they walk out, I really ruined it.
Tessa POV
As soon as Cal and I got outside we wipe out mouthes look at each other and laugh. "That was so gross!" He says and I fake looking hurt "Oh Tess I'm sorry... I just" he rambles for about three minutes then I crack and start laughing "" I say in between laughs and he glares "Really your good at acting." I laugh and flip my hair "I try" I say before walking away. "Tessa where are you going dressed like that!" Calum yells and I look down at my outfit. I'm wearing high waisted Cut off purple shorts and like a crop bikini top thing. I shrug "I'm going to Hawaii, babe" I say before running into an ice cream store. The cool air hits me square in the face, it feels nice. My phone rings and it's my Aunt "Hello" my Little cousin says "Tessie? Are you there? Auntie Jenny I don't think she wants to talk to mee" she drags out the 'e' I wait then say "Hey sis" I say just to make her smile "Tessie I miss you sooo much!" she says into the phone. I laugh "Me too I can't wait to come home to Christmas Family time with you." she laughs and screams "Candy!! Tessie I got to gooo" she hangs up and I laugh and see Calum already ordered. "Tessa I need to talk to you" he said seriously. I nod and he takes a deep breath. "I'm gay" he says my mouth drops "what you don't act gay?!" I yell whisper. He laughs "Im not the stereotypical gay, I just don't like girls" he shrugs and that's why he said gross when I kissed him. "I'm sorry for kissing you!" I laugh. He smiles and says in a game show host "Awe, Tess you kissed a gay! How does it feel?" I laugh and we walk home and kick our ice cream. We talk about anything and everything, when night comes we decide to eat out and go to a bonfire we were invited to. Lucy and I go to get ready I throw on my black and pink twisted strapless bikini top and black bottoms with a peach sundress over it. I leave my hair naturally curly and Lucy does the same, but her dress is blue and brings out her eyes. When I walk out, Jace and Josh look at me, well stare would be an understatement their gawking at me there mouths literally open in awe. Josh walks up to me and says "Man, Tessa you look amazing" I feel my face heat up and I probably look like a baboons red butt.
Bonfire. that's all I'm gonna say about the next chapter!! Any who Tessa is single baby!! But I'm so sorry for the slow updates writers block stupidness lol
Bye loves




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