Chapter 25

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When I wake, my phone goes off about a million times. I squint and see there all from my aunt, I put my phone on speaker and call my aunt while getting ready for the airport. "Hello, Tessa I was calling to see if you've left yet because it's Christmas Eve" I laugh "Nope getting ready, for the airport right now, but I promise that I will be there on Christmas" I hear a cry and a sigh "okay got to go, Noah is upset I love you." I reply "I love you too." I hang up and continue getting ready. I out on some make up, mascara, Foundation, and lip gloss. I put on my gray high waisted skirt, and Blue, white, and Gray crop top. I leave my hair natural, and walk out the door. I have all my bags it's really hot outside, when I get to everyone's rooms there still asleep. I scream outside each one of there doors and they all swing open. "What the hel-" I cover my ears "What the Hello kitty!" I scowl at Josh. He shrugs and looks me up and down, "Merry Christmas Eve" he says and I say "Please go get dressed and ready I promised to me home by tomorrow." I walk away to the main office. "Awe, how did you sleep Miss.Tessa" Kaya the person at the front desk asks and I laugh "Oh just swell, I avoided my friends and slept like crap because of the stupid plane delay" we both laugh until everyone comes in the main office. "Tessa, Do you want to go to breakfast" Lucy asks. I shake my head "Nope, I'm eating at the airport, maybe Kai can keep me company" I mutter the last part. They all stare at me and I shrug and walk to the rental car. "Tessa listen where sorry that we were being jerks, okay gosh, you don't have to act all drama queen about it." I roll my eyes at Luke and mutter "Merry Christmas Eve to you too." The car starts and I put my headphones in and blast my music. I feel a tap on my shoulder but I don't look at anyone or say anything I just keep looking out the window. I see we're almost to the airport it's an hour till noon which is when the plane is going to take off, Hopefully. When we pull up to the airport I grab all my stuff and wait in line for Starbucks, again. Kai is working today so we talk for about thirty minutes then it's time to board the plane. We swap numbers and I promise to come back and visit, which I highly doubt I will any time soon. On the flight back home I sit next to some guy who looks just like Marcus Butler. "Hello sir, have you ever been told you look just like the YouTube famous Marcus Butler" he laughs and nods "Nope, probably cause I am Marcus Butler" my mouth drops his accent is so hot. "Oh my gosh, can I please have a picture with you!" He nods and pulls out his phone and we take a bunch of pictures on his and on mine. He follows me on Instagram, Twitter, and adds me on snap chat. "Tessa, I don't usually do this but can I have your phone number" he asks and scratches his neck. Marcus Butler wants my number. I nod, now speechless "Um 555-657-8866" (q/a: not a real number, and pretend Marcus doesn't have a girlfriend) he types it in his phone and gives me his number. I sleep the rest of the flight, when I wake up Twitter and Instagram are blowing up with followers and likes favorites and retweets. Marcus laughs "Just don't read the hate, it can be quite awe full" I laugh and the plane lands "Until next time?" He says and goes in for a hug, once his arms wrap around me my arms hug his torso. "Maybe next time we can collab as like a new friend tag or something" I laugh, again "Ya, or maybe the girlfriend tag" I wiggle my eyebrows and he laughs. We hug and get off the plane, he is staying In Malibu for a few days for some meet and greets. "Why don't you just stay with me, my aunt wouldn't mind" he looks at me "Really?" I giggle "really, we have enough space I mean we live in a mansion for gods sake" his eyes widen "I'm staying" is all he says and we walk over to my jeep where everyone is waiting on me. "Luke move to the back Marcus is sitting there" his eyebrows furry, but he moves anyway. I drop everyone off and I drive back home.
Marcus and I get out and he just stands there. "Marcus, lets goo it's Christmas Day!" He shakes his head and walk into the house. "Tessie!!!" I hear and Noah jumps into my arms. "Hey chickadee" she smiles and looks at Marcus. "Who are you, I'm Noah and I'm 5" he laughs "I'm Marcus Butler, Tessa's friend" she looks at him funny "You talk weird, but I was told not to tell people there weird but sometimes I do anyway" she shrugs and he laughs. "Come on I will show you your room." We walk up the stairs and Jenny gives me a big hug and says Marcus is aloud to stay.His room is across the hall, "Well the kitchen, living room, and pool is out the back door, of you need anything I'm across the hall." he nods and disappears into 'his room.'
I get on Twitter and post a collage of the pictures on the plane. 5 minutes later it has about 1000 retweets and favorites. I read threw the comments
'Wow she is so Lucky' from @mrsbutler01
'She is such a thot' from @butler01
'My otp!!' From @lolbutlerismine
I laugh at the last one. Today is Christmas, And I didn't even think to get Marcus anything. I call Jenny cause I'm lazy "Tessa your just upstairs" she laughs "I'm leaving tell Marcus I'm going to get his presents" sh says okay but to be home by 6:00 cause that's when we open presents. I knock on Marcus's door, "Come in" I walk in and Marcus is shirtless. Holy mother of baby Jesus, he is gorgeous. "Take a picture it last longer" he winks and I blush. "Well I'm leaving to go get your presents" I say and his eyes widen "I totally forgot it was Christmas, I have to call my Mum and get you a gift" I shake my head "You don't Have to get me anything, you staying here is enough." I look at the ground and he gets up and grabs my face softly "as sweet as you just said that I'm coming too I have to get you something" I nod. We tell Jenny bye and get in my jeep.
•Marcus POV•
When we get to the Mall we separate and promise to meet at the food court when we're done. I barely know anything about Tessa but I can tell from when her door was open she did gymnastics, and did get dance classes from her friends, I also know her size because her tag on her shirt was sticking out. I decide to walk into some jewelry store, "Omg! Are you Marcus Butler" I nod "Yes, I am" she squeals and calls her friends over. "Can we take a picture with you" I stand next to them and smile, "oh thank you, I love you" I laugh "I love you too" she looks like she is about to faint. "What are you doing in Malibu, And more importantly in a jewelry store" one of her friends ask. "Getting a present for a friend" she nods "Is it that Tessa girl that you met on a plane" I nod "I don't like her, she is just using you for followers and popularity." she says and walks away. Man, Americans are really forward and kinda rude. I find the perfect gift for Tessa, its a pandora bracelet with a little gymnastics girl, with ballet shoes, a lei, and a YouTube symbol on it. I hope she likes it, it comes in a blue square case with a white bow. "Excuse me ma'am where are your toilets" I ask and the lady gives me a weird look then says "Our Restrooms are next to the food court" I nod. Why in the world do they call the toilets 'restrooms' do they sleep In there. When I walk in the cubicles are weird they have a gap under, and on both sides of the doors. I sigh and do my business, once I'm done I wash my hands and text Tessa. She replies that she is almost done. I walk and wait for Tessa in the food court.
•Tessa POV•
I walk into Hollister and bye Marcus a new red beanie and a new north face jacket since the weather up there, also I bye a whole bunch of food cards and chips for when he gets home. I'm on my walk down to the food court, But I see Luke and Kim making out bye the water fountain. I walk loudly past them making sure I made lots of noise, They notice me and Luke speaks up "Hey Tessa" I smile "Hi, I can't talk I'm meeting Marcus at the food court" his smile fades "How did he even get here, and why are you with him?" I laugh "Oh Luke, you don't understand he is living with me until he goes back to London, also I'm with him because he his my friend and favorite YouTube." I spin on my heels and walk over to Marcus. "Hey" he pulls me In for a hug. "Hey-" I was cut off bye a scream. "Oh gosh your Tessa, Marcus's girlfriend!" I laugh and I start to tell them I'm not Marcus's girlfriend, But he stops me and says just go with it. I smile at them "yep that's me, did you guys want a picture with us" they scream "he is with you so cute that is totally my new otp, yes I would love a picture with you!" Marcus and I stand next to the girl and Smile. "Thank you so much, your way prettier in person." she hugs me and I laugh "Thank you, what's your Twitter I will follow you" she tells me and I follow her and she thanks me again. "Wow, Tessa what is it like to be Marcus butlers girlfriend" I shrug "I wouldn't know" he whispers "Would you like to be my girlfriend?" I gasp and look at him. Marcus butler asked me to be his girlfriend!!
Awe babes follow me on Twitter
Anywho love you all.

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