Chapter 21

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"Your going down loser" Josh chants to Jace. "You wish, Lucy knock her down" she smiles at me sweetly "sure thing babe" my mouth drops. "Kill em baby" I smirk at Jace "Anything for you
babe" his jaw drops. "Okay on three" Cal says "1....2....3....GO" he shouts and I grab Lucy's shoulder and push as hard as I can she barley moves.Oh crap she is tough, she pushes hard and I fall backwards into the water and take Josh with me. Bubbles form all around my face and my eyes burn,I see Josh smirking. He pulls my arm softly into his chest and we come out of water, "Nice job, babe" he does that stupid whisper thing again. I shiver and look over just to see Jace and Lucy hugging for a celebration, Josh and I sneak inside. "its kinda cold" he looks at me like I'm crazy "were in Hawaii how are you cold?" I shrug "With the water and the air conditioning" he looks grabs a blanket off the couch and wraps it around my shoulders "thanks" I yawn. my eyes are drowsy "I'm tired" I fall on to the couch and right before I fall asleep I here Josh say "Sleep well beautiful."
Josh POV
"Sleep well beautiful" I say to Tess and pick her up bridle style and start to carry her to her room. She moves in my arms, she is so beautiful, and Jace doesn't deserve her. Anger boils inside me, well until I see her sleeping face. I lay her down and but her sweatshirt on her and cover her. I kiss her forehead, "Good night Tess" I leave the room and standing in front of me is a very mad younger step brother. I smirk "what's wrong?" He crosses his arms "You just kissed my girlfriend!" He yell whispers. "On the forehead, and she has kissed me before so even." I shrug "she has not kissed you or even met you before she would have told me" he growls. I laugh "ya right I was at her house for a job, she kicked the crap out of me and kissed my cheek and I flirted with her" he just stands there then shoves past me into Tessa's room. "What the heck are you doing! She is sleeping" I do the same whisper thing. He ignores me and goes back to waking up Tessa, first he whispers her name and she just turns and I laugh, second he shakes her and she mumbles, lastly he screams and she jumps up. "What's wrong" she panics. "Oh nothing much it's just you, kissing my ex step brother" she pales "oh well I should have because-" he cut her off by scoffing "ya right your just lying" she looks like she is going to pass out I cut in "Tess, are you feeling okay?" She looks at me and shakes her head rushes to the bathroom and vomits. I hold her hair, "It's okay just some flight sickness" I tell her. When she done she says "can I please be alone, and thank you for helping me" I nod and get out. Jace is a Jerk.
Jace POV
I let Josh's words sink in.
My girlfriend kissed my step brother on the cheek not on the mouth. Now I feel bad for causing all of this drama, and I made her sick. Man, I'm an awful boyfriend. I know what I have to do to fix this I wait next to Josh out side of the bathroom. "What are you gonna do to fix this crap?" He asks I give the look "That only makes it worse" he says "Well I'm an awful boyfriend so it shouldn't effect her." I walk into her and Lucy's room Lucy is awake I walk up to her and tell her my plan at first she says she isn't going to break her best friends heart like that, Then we're on the same page.
Tessa POV
I wake up in my bed and Hot. I get up and Lucy isn't next to me, I grunt I have a migraine. I walk into the kitchen and my heart breaks, Lucy is kissing Jace. Jace is kissing Lucy. I run out the door, I need to stop running from my problems. I find like a little space under a tree far away from the condo, My boyfriend cheated on me for my best friend. This is all so confusing. I hate myself for thinking this relationship would work, and for thinking that I loved him. I just lay there for about three hours before I start my walk back to the house. "Tessa, your back where did you go dressed like that." Lucy asks looking at me I shoot her my best hate glare. She looks taken back "Is something wrong Tess?" She try's to touch my shoulder "Don't" I growl. How dare she! She can't just pretend that she didn't just make out with my boyfriend. She flinches at my tone, "Tessa you saw that" she whispers. "No duh and to tell you that is low and don't ever talk to me again. ever" I stomp off into my room and lock the door so Lucy can't get in. I pull out my phone and plug in my headphones. I have been in this room since I yelled at Lucy with was eight hours ago, it's now four thirty at night."Come out Tessa, you haven't ate all day." Luke wines through the door. I take out my headphones "Luke just shut up and leave me alone" I yell and turn my music all the way up.

I love ya, like milk to a baby, I'm craving ya baby, I need ya like a chest needs a heart. I'm apart of you baby and I know you feel it, too

We're like Mj glitter and white socks, Whitney and the Bodyguard, just like ATMs and Credit cards, I was made for lovin you boy.

I sing along to Jessica Sanchez 'This Love' I have always been told my voice was really good, but I think I sound like, well awful. I take out my headphones and walk open the door and Luke falls on his face "Ow, but I've always loved your voice, so falling was worth it." he gets up and smiles. I walk past him and don't smile and almost puke looking into the kitchen. All I can see are his hands on her hips and her lips on his. I shudder and walk to the fridge, I feel a pair of hands on my hips "hey babe" I roll my eyes and shove him off speaking of the devil. "What, cheat- I mean Jace." I spit. His face drops and pales "Tess, I'm sorry but-" I stop him "I don't give a crap you cheated on me with my best friend!" I try to hold in the tears, my throat burns. I finally let the tears drop and I sit on the island. "Oh Tess." He walks in between my legs and wipes the tears. "Why did you do it." I hick up. He looks me in the eyes "Tess, I had it planned because I though since I was a horrible boyfriend that if I did that it wouldn't hurt you" he explains. Horrible Boyfriend? He is the best boyfriend I have ever had! "Tess I have found out that," he takes my hand leads me out side the sun is setting it looks perfect. "I love you" he says and I'm shocked. "No, you don't" I shake my head "This is just for now then, then I'm gonna mess up and your gonna be done and you can date someone way better than me." I say sadly. He kisses me, his soft yet rough lips land on mine and our mouths move in sync. "Tess, I love you that would never happen, I wouldn't let it" he try's to reassure me. I nod "okay, I love you" I say it sounds crazy coming out of my mouth but who cares. We kiss and I hear a camera go off, "Lucy what the crap was that" I exclaim I hate when people take pictures of me. She shrugs "Lets make Memory's" I laugh and we go inside.
Guys I'm so sorry for the slow updates lately I've had writers block and I'm also sorry if this chapter was crap. Any way

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