Chapter Four

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I stand there, in shock as everyone stares at me.

" dont know what to say?" Chase has a stupid cocky smirk on his face.

"Just say, yes babe" Chase says.

This is just too much with the the new people. The crash. The house. I'm starting to feel dizzy, everything starts to spin.

"Are you ok?" Jace rushes over.

"No, I just this is too much I need to..." Then I start to see the evil black dots, the dots that took my parents, and ruined my life.


''Tessie, sweetie wake up I made pancakes!" my moms voice rings through out the house. I run into the kitchen, mom hands me a plate and then says, "We have to go your dads business dinner in the next town over." I nod and continue to stuff my face with pancakes and bacon.

*Later that night*

"Dad that was awesome food!" I say.

He laughs, "Glad you liked my speech" he says looking at me through the mirror, then he lookes back at the road.

I look out the window, day dreaming about who knows what. Then a car swirves into ours I fly and my head crashes into the window.

"TESSA" my mom and dad scream.

I scream.

"Tessa!" I hear my mom and dad keep saying then I start to shake.

"Tessa wake up, please" Someone's voice says.

My eyes shoot open, I'm in my room, and Luke is next to me. It was just a dream. They weren't here.

"Luke, t-the-they were here they said my name and I hugged them why did it happen? Why did they leave me!" I sob and Luke holds me in his arms.

"I don't know Tessie, it will get better, you still have me remember?" He says I nod.

"So why did you faint in class?" The blond haired boy who has always been there for me asks.

"Chase asked me out right in front of everyone. It was too much" I reply.

Luke looks confused. Then I explained how I met Chase and what happened before he asked me out.

"So he was only asking you out cause he was jealous? Do I need to kill him?" he asks.

Part of me knows he is joking and part serious. "No Luke! I got it." I laugh.

The rest of the day goes on until night. "Tessa love, time to Eat" my beautiful aunt yells.

I walk down the stairs. "Also, I asked your friends to come to supper." I hear her say, I bump into a blond guy.

"Woah! babe eager to see me!" I can hear the smirk in his voice.

"Chase how many times do I have to tell you not to call me babe? And how did my aunt get your number?" And then I see Lucy she gives me hug

"Hey Tess" she says.

Luke walks up to Chase. "I'm Luke, Tessa Best friend" He says to Chase.

"I was wondering why you were with him so much, now I know that your single..." he winks.

Luke glares at him and then snakes his arm around my waist, I don't move it because I'm used to him being like this.


We all sit at the table it I sit next to Chase, Luke sits across from me and Lucy sits next to Luke.

"Ok for supper we will be having Chicken Alfredo with Broccoli" Announces my Aunt, Yum! That sound delish! The platter of Chicken Alfredo with broccoli on the side is set in front of us. I can feel Chases and Luke's eyes on me. "Yummy! Thanks Aunt Jenny" I say and dig in and pile my plate.

"Well your appetite didn't change in the crash!"

Luke laughs and my smile fades at the thought of what did change in the crash. "Sorry Tess" he says realizing what he said.

Chases face looks so funny he is confused "I will tell you later, if that is okay with you Tess" Luke says to me and Chase.

I nod and start to eat and after four helpings of it I'm stuffed.

"As a beginning of the school year present, I hear by give you my fall cabin for this season!" my aunt announces at the end of dinner. My mouth falls open.

"Really! Can I take whoever I want" I ask. She nods and I'm suddenly happy that the weekend is the day after tomorrow.

I excuse my self and Luke and Chase get up and walk outside to talk and me and Lucy plan out our trip this weekend.

*Luke's pov*

I can't believe he did that to Tessa today!

What kind of monster dose that and makes her faint. Now Chase and I are about to talk about the crash.

"So what did you mean when you said that in there" The jerk asks.

"Tessa got in a car crash and has memory loss and a concussion. Both of her parents died in the crash and so she barley remembers any thing about anyone except me and Lucy she remember everything about us. So when you were being a jerk in class and asked her out she got overwhelmed with the thought and fainted"  I say.

He looks shocked, "So, she got in a crash and forgot almost everything and gets overwhelmed easy and faints." He clarifies.

I nod before saying, "If she goes on a date with you better not hurt her or I will hurt you so bad you you won't even be able look at her without feeling the pain, you understand?" He

just looks at me and nods then smirks. "So do you have a thing for Tessa or something agents me" he says.

"Just you" I walk away back into the house, With a smile on my face.

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