Part 12

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Today why I woke up I knew it was gonna be a bad day. I woke up with the worlds worst Head ache and I puked. "Mom I can't go to school, I'm sick" Awe crap "I mean JENNY IM SICK I CANT GO TO SCHOOL UNLESS YOU WANT ME TO PUKE AND YELL AT EVERYONE FOR BEING LOUD" I scream and my head is on the verge of exploding. She walks into my room laughing "My room is just six doors down I can hear you, and I could tell your sick you look like crap." I don't even say something back as she leaves my room. I text Luke, Jace,Lucy,Chase I'm sick, Jace, Lucy, Chase reply with 'feel better soon' or Jace just says 'k' He couldn't even send 'hope you get well' or anything. Luke sent me a 'if your sick then I'm sick I'm on my way over' I laugh at his text and go into the bathroom. Man, I really do look like fu fu lol or crap. I put my hand up to my mouth at breath out to smell my breath. Oh dear Lordy my breath smells like something crawled into my mouth and died, then after it died it puked too. I decide to brush my teeth and put on some black leggings, sports bra and a big hoodie.
Some time around nine o'clock Luke comes finally with a black eye and a busted lip. I walk as fast as I can and wrap my arms around his waist for a hug. He wraps his arms around me. "Luke what happened?" He gives me a knowing look "He did this, he was up when I was going to leave at eight but he was drunk and grabbed me and said 'off to see that stupid girl that stupid, stupid girl who lies to you about being your best friend she just wants to use you... just like my past fourteen girl friends. She doesn't like you! you wast of air and space just die' then he pushed me down and punched and punched all over my face." Luke look down at me and shook his head and let me go. "Tessa what if he is right?" I look at him "Luke, you are my best friend I would never use you and he isn't right about anything you aren't a wast of anything you are amazing don't ever believe him, but you need to tell someone about this please just do it I hate the way he treats you." He just pulls me in again "Tess I will I promise and Love you Tessie tee" I laugh at the nickname he gave me when we were little "Love you too Lukey Pookie" he laughs and sit on the couch for the rest of the day.
Luke and I fell asleep on the couch. I hear the door open and I just guess that it's my aunt "I'm here to make you feel better tess-" I hear Jace and turn and see him standing across from me he has chocolate and a big thing of flowers and balloons. Then I realize why he stopped talking Luke has his arms around my waist and I was hugging him in my sleep. "Hey Jace what are you doing here?" I ask quietly he just shakes his head and walks away "Jace wait pleas it's not what it looks like" he stops right in front of the door and look at me "It looks like my girlfriend's 'best friend' is trying to steal her from me and your falling for him" he looks sad and angry. "No, Jace we just fell asleep like that and you never even asked me to be your girlfriend you just asked me on a date that we haven't even went on." I say kinda rude. He walks up to me looking sorry "I'm sorry Tessa I didn't know I just guessed and I will take you on that date as soon as your better I promise can you forgiven please?" I nod and he pulls me in for a hug. Just then Luke walks in and says "Am I missing something because one minute you were mad at her then the next your not?" We laugh and Jace Joins out couch movie, sick day.
Kinda short and also give me ideas if you want something to happen in the book!! Also thanks for 134 reads!!love you guys
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P.s sorry for the long update I kinda deleted it twice lol

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