Chapter 18

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Today I'm just gonna sleep in. My stupid phone rings "hello" I hear breathing "Hey Tess it me Luke- please don't hang up, can we please meet up we need to talk" I think it over "Um no because I'm not going to see you when I can just stay home and watch Netflix. so bye" "Tessa please don't-" I hang up and walk down stairs. Jace: good morning beautiful, sorry I can't hang out today:( miss you. I smile at the text and the door bell rings."Dang it can't a girl just watch Netflix on a Saturday with out being disturbed" I whine and open the door to see a very tired Luke."what do you want, cause if your looking little princess Kim she isn't here" I spit out rudely. "Geez Tessa I can here to see you not to find Kim, also don't talk about my girlfriend like that." he scolds. I roll my eyes and let him in. "So talk, you have about ten minutes until my movie is fully loaded." I say looking at the Tv. He starts "Tessa can you please for give me pretty pretty please, when we go to Hawaii you can't just ignore me the whole time, and also Kim is my girlfriend your gonna have to except that." he says and laughs, I stare at him emotionless. he gets down on his hands and pleads "Tessa please be my bestie again" I laugh at his choice of words. "Yes you may." He shouts and hugs me. I let him stay and we watch Netflix till Luke has to go.
At noon I lay down to take a nap.
"Tessa, you can't just pack up for Christmas and go to Hawaii!" My aunt exclaims. "uh ya I can and I'm already packed and everything so too bad" I scream. "your mother would be so disappointed in what you're becoming" I snap my head toward her "what did you just say" I growl. "I said your mother and father would be so disappointed in this rebellious, snobby, teen you've become. it makes me feel like I haven't raised you right. I mean your seventeen and 1/2 and still like this." She shakes her head. then I say "Don't tell me what my parents would think because you aren't them and will never be!!" I run to my room and slam the door "I hate you Jenny! I hate you so much!" then she walks into. my room "you will not talk to me like that" she pulls out a lighter and some gasoline "see I didn't have to take you in" I shake "what are you doing." she laughs evilly "I'm teaching you a lesson" she dumps the liquid on the ground and lights the lighter. "stop it, don't please, I won't go, I will do anything just don't please!" I scream. "To late Tessa" "TESSA, TESSA, TESSA" I watch the flames go off. I shake rapidly, "please" I whine.
I open my eyes and jerk up I breath hard and when I look around it all looks normal it was just a dream. I scream when I see someone in my closet, he walks out and he starts to touch my hair. "Get off you pervy House stalker" I scream and grab his hand and yank it forward then push back. He falls and groans and I run he grabs my ankle. "let me go!" I kick him in the face and stomp on his wrist and run all the way to the kitchen and grab a knife."And Cut!!" Some dude yells and my aunt pops out. "Jenny, who are these people" I scream. "Woah calm down, it was a test to see if that ever happened if you would be okay, except you didn't call the cops, but other than that your good." I look at the man and walk up to him he is a bit older than me maybe nineteen, he is kinda cute. "Um. are you okay?" He looks at me and smiles "ya I'm fine" I look at his sling. "are you sure? because I really am super sorry" I look at the floor, he softly grabs my chin and says "I'm fine but I couldn't help but notice the screaming while you were sleeping" I blush. "Um just a nightmare" he looks straight into my eyes "Your beautiful, why such bad nightmares" he frowns and I blush, again. I shrug and change the subject "what's your name?" He drops his hand from my face and says "I'm Josh and you are?" "I'm Tessa, I wish I didn't kick your face" I get on my tip toes, grab his face and he bends down and I look at the big purple bruise on his cheek. Im a couple inches from him, I kiss his purple bruise "I'm sorry for the bruise and everything else." I whisper and he nods. "Tessa can I have your number" I nod and grab his phone and type my number in his phone. He stands up and I think to my self. I just kissed a stranger and I also just gave my number out to the guy who I kicked in the face. "Perfect seen guys" I look at the guy who has a camera. where did he come from. "what do you mean seen?" He shrugs "I mean that perfect moment you guys just did" he packs up and leaves.
"Tessa, love time for dinner" I hop off my phone and decide I only have two days left until Hawaii and I haven't even asked yet. I sit on the couch and wait, were having pizza for supper, or as my aunt puts it 'comfort food that you only eat on the weekend.' Jenny walks in I cut right to the chase "Jenny can I go to Hawaii for a week." she drops her pizza "and who is paying for this 'trip to Hawaii' " she uses finger quotes. "Jace got me them for a Christmas gift" I shrug. At the sound of Jace her frown disappears "Awe!! if Jace is going then you can" I laugh finish my pizza and go up stairs to get ready for bed. I get into the shower and wash my face,hair, and body. When I get out I use my night time face wash to wash separately, then I get under my duvet and drift off to sleep.
Okay so short chapter but new character! Josh is Bae lol I love all of my characters but seriously I can't wait for the shopping chapter and HAWAII!! Okay so thanks for 291 views
Love you guys
More comments for lots of people let me know what you want to happen. um ya so bye

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