Chapter six

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The whole day was really just the same but Luke was ignoring me since we walked into the school and I don't know why. I'm just about to walk into Home EC then I see Luke.

"LUKE!" I shout, he doesn't even turn and keeps walking, I run and catch up with him.

"Why are you ignoring me Luke?" I ask trying to keep from yelling or crying.

He shakes his head, "I don't deserve to be your best friend."  I wrap my arms around him and look up at him since he is a freaking tree.

"What's wrong Luke? Please tell me!" I plead.

He looks at me and says, "Fine, do you remember where our tree is?" I think for a minute then remember what he is talking about.

When we were younger, he would go there when his parents would argue or when people would pick on me.

I nod and we go out to his car, driving in silence. When we get to the park we get out of the car and climb the tree. Luke starts to climb it in front of me, he goes to the middle of the tree. Then I follow and he helps me up, I sit across from him.

"My dad said I need to stop spending so much time with you and go out for football for a scholarship, and also that you need to grow up and find some girl friends. He said I was holding you back from doing so." He said the last part so low I could barely hear him.

"Luke you are the most perfect best friend ever and you just help all the time, I love you Lukie." I said calling him our childhood nickname.

I went in for a hug then my leg got caught on a branch and I fell, I hit the ground hard on my ankle. "Ow!" I cried.

Luke came flying down the tree I thought he was going to fall. "Tess, are you okay, I'm so stupid of course your not you just fell out of a tree" he started to ramble on.

"Luke- can you please take me to the hospital" I grunted from pain. He got up and I tried to get up then I fell back down.

"Ow, Luke I can't walk on this foot it hurts." I wined, he picked me up bridal style and jogged to his car. I buckled up and we went to the hospital.

"Tessa I'm so sorry this is all my fault I shouldn't have done that I should have just told you at school!" he cried.

"Luke you didn't do it." I say he just nods and drives to the hospital.




"Her ankle is just sprained, sir." said the doctor for the tenth time, because Luke is freaking out.

They put wrapping around it and gave me crutches, its no big deal it just really hurts with pressure.

"Tessa, just take your pain pills one every five hours and it should take the pain away, don't add too much pressure on that ankle." he said.

I nod and Luke and I walk out of the hospital. "Do you just want to cancel the trip this weekend?" Luke asks.

I shake my head no, "I will be fine." We pull up at my house since school is over and I start to pack my bags for the trip.

I pack a swimsuit, pajamas, hiking clothes, some sweaters, and hoodies. "Luke I'm ready wanna go and pick up Lu, Chase, and Jace?"

I shout, it takes me awhile to scoot down the stairs, don't ask. "Aunt Jenny today at school I sprained my ankle and I'm leaving to the fall house, bye love you see you Monday!" I say quickly hoping she won't notice.

"Stop right there little missy you did what today at school?" my aunt Jenny stops me.

"I kinda sprained my ankle" I say quietly.

"You aren't going anywhere" my mouth falls open.

"WHAT!! WHY? Thats not fair I'm going to take my medicine and Luke will be there too please!" I whine.

"Okay as long as you are safe and Luke is there and also you call in the morning and at night before midnight, every night." she says.

I hobble over to her "Thanks so much I love you!!'' I say.

I take my crutches, Luke grabs my keys and we walk to my Jeep. "Luke if you even scratch my baby I will kill you! Understood?" I warn half joking, he puts his hands up

"I understand ma'am" he says, I laugh and get into the back seat.

You may be wondering 'why in the world are you sitting in the back' because I need more room for my crutches! duh stupid.

"Hey Lu you're sitting in the shotgun seat." I say as she gets in. "So you're in the back with the two boys who like you ohhhhh!" Lucy coos.

"Whatever" I say.

When we pick up Chase and Jace they glare at each other.

"Come on guys we have a 12 hour trip! Grow up and get your panties out of a twist" I say, Everyone laughs except the two boys.

"you're a bit-" He starts.

''Ohh language please Mr.Chase!" I say laughing.

He steps on my ankle "owwww" I scream.

Luke pulls over and says "What the crap did you do to her already? You prick!" he shouts,

"Luke he didn't know!" I grunt.

"Dude what don't I know!" Chase asks, confused.

I pull off my sock and you can see my wrap "Oh Tessa, I'm sorry I really didn't know!" he says.

"Its fine" I say back to him. Luke starts the car then glares at Chase before driving again.


We stop at a Mcdonalds because Lucy and I forgot that we were in a car full of guys.

"Man I'm going to need a Big Mac." Chase says getting out of the car and shutting the car door on me, leaving me and Jace in the car alone.

"Wow what a gentleman." I say full of sarcasm, Jace laughs.

"Let me help you out" Jace says. He got out of the jeep, grabbed my crutches, laid them down, grabbed my waist and set me down.

His hands are still on my waist, causing warmth on were his hands are. "Guys get a room!" Chase says rolling his eyes, Jace took his hands off my waist leaving my sides cold he bends down and hands me my crutches with a smile. We walk inside the Mcdonalds.

"Looks like you and Jacey poo are getting close." Lucy says in my ear. I laugh and shove her, walking into the the restaurant. The cashier looks at me and smiles then Chase sees that then puts his arm on my shoulder. I noticed that, and shook his arm off.

"Chase what are you doing" I say kinda harsh."Its okay babe, don't worry." he said with a cocky smirk on his face.

"You're a jerk." I say and order. We get our food to go. Now Jace is driving for the next three hours, leaving Luke, Chase and I in the back.

This should be fun.




Okay guys I need some opinions on what you think about this book




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