Untitled Part 8

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"WHAT IN THE WORLD ARE YOU GUYS DOING IN THE POOL AFTER HOURS" Some Security dude screamed at us. We all ran out of the pool and I grabbed my crutches and wobble out, I started to walk faster until someone grabbed me by my forearm and yanked me back. "Where do you think your going." The security guy whispered in my ear giving me chills.(and not the good kind). "I'm going to have to take you to the hotel-" he didn't get to finish his sentence because he got pulled from holding my forearm which left a big purple bruise on my arm. I watched as he got punched across the face with so much force you could hear the guards jaw break."Don't you ever put your hands on her again" Chase growled. The guard coughed up blood then fell to the ground moaning in pain. "Are you okay" Chase looked at me with concern. I nod "Just a bruise" he grabbed my crutches handed them to me. We walked back to the hotel room in silence, I opened my mouth to talk but he walks into the hotel room with out another word.
Were leaving the hotel to day because were a day behind. We put our stuff in the car and hopped in the car With Chase and Jace up front and Luke,Lu, and I in the back Luke is in the middle."I don't understand why I have to sit up here with cardigan boy, can't i just sit back there with Tessa and Lucy" Chase complained for the hundredths time in the past hour. "We only have one hour left so can you just be quite.'' Luke suggested while trying not to reach over the seat and strangle Chase. For the next hour it was arguing,Yelling, and annoying sounds. We pulled into a long dirt road and it felt like forever until we say the 'small fall house' It was HUGE. Everyone raced out of the car and ran into the house except me I had to wobble and find my crutches and get my stuff."here let me help you" Jace says and I blush.Why in the world did I blush he just helped me jeesh! 'lonely I'm Mr.Lonely I have nobody for my own' plays as my ring tone "Hello" I say "Hey Tess it't me Assshhhyyyy'' he slurs "Are you drunk Ashton'' "noooo, maybe, okayy a little'' he slurs again. ''ash why are you drunk''I ask concerned ''cause you dont care about me and I love you Tessy and you don't love me back you only love Luke and that's not fair" he pouts and i hear a car start and a door close. "Ash I do love you I just don't remember you Im sorry I don't know why I only remember Luke" I say and Jace looks at me. "Tessy where are you Im going to come and get you up'' he laughs "I mean come and pick you up and save you from Lukey pookie the meanie bo beenie" "Ash please dont drive drunk and on the phone" I plead."Fine I wont be on the phone Bye Tessy Im on my way" he says hanging up. I drop the phone and yell for Luke. "Yea" luke pants out of breath from running to me."Ash is trying to find me and he's driving drunk and I dont want him to be hurt Luke what am I supposed to do." I flustered. I put my head in my hands and sob Luke grabs me and hugs me. I sob into his shirt "It's going to be ok he will be okay" he consoles."Its my fault, he is looking for me and he is going to die because of me I hate my self.God I'm such a bad person. Just leave me alone" I grab my phone drop my crutches and run. I run and ignore my ankle and I dont stop I just keep going.



Ashton Pov:

"Fine I won't be on the phone bye Tessy I'm on my way" I hang up on the girl I love to death. I'm going to find my Tessy and hurt Luke for taking me from her.Before Tessa got in the accident he said He would do everything in his power to break us up because he thought i was just playing a joke on her that Butthole.hahaha I just said butthole I look at my phone to see if I have any calls form Tessa. I don't then I see a Bright Light and Hear a Fly Fly oops i mean choo choo, ah crap I mean air plane. Why is there a Fly Fly on the rod I mean Roan Crap I mean road.I stop the car just in time to see the fly fly crash in to my car. I scream "Stupid Fly Fly."



Luke Pov:

Tessa hasn't called me yet, or even came home and I'm getting worried. Man, I sound like such a girl. Anyway ever since she ran off i haven't gotten a notification on how it is back home so im just checking my phone to make sure she is all right oh and Ashton too i guess. "Were gonna have to split up to find her" Lucy says worried.Chase says "I'l stay here" i get so mad I get right in his face grab his collar and Growl "She is missing and you will help find her weather you like it or not and also if you do stay here You will watch inside and out side this house Now do you hear me you stupid- you know what I don't care what you do Okay when she gets back I will tell her and she will never ever talk to you again." he looks at me then smirks "That is if she come back and also don't ever get in my face unless you want a dislocated jaw" I stand there with my jaw dropped. How dare he say that I lift my hand about to punch him when my phone goes off. I run to my phone and look hoping a call from Tessa. Oh no there was a Plane crashed into a Drunk driver whose name is Ashton Irwin. He can Lung Cancer and is In a Coma.




Hahahahaha Cliff hanger and also there names are also kinda dumb but this is my first book in all so if you guys want to give ideas on whats gonna happen next message me also if you wanna make a new cover sent it to me.




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