Chapter 13

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One week. One week, I was sick all by myself until six everyday. Now that it is November I can count down till Christmas. I finally get out of bed and hop in the shower the hot water hits my muscles and I relax. I wash my hair for the first time in a week, When I get out I put on my a black long sleeve crop top with a Marvel Super hero skirt with like suspenders thing, my black heart earrings, my new 'Bae' beanie and rhinestone high tops and to top it all off with my Vans backpack. I straighten my hair and look in the mirror and nod I look hott and not sick at all. When I get out of my car (Luke got a ride from Jace) all eyes are on me. I hear Cat calls get death glares from jealous girls, When I get to my locker Kim is standings there with out her possy. "Zaym. Tess you look hot!" I roll my eyes and say "Hey Kim, what brings you to my locker" I ask slightly sarcastic. "Just wanted to invite you to my party, and please bring your cute best friend Luke" I shiver at the thought of them dating. "I will think about going" she walk away and I get my stuff out of my locker For home room. When I walk in I sit in the back because I want to play my phone. Then some guys I've never seen before come and sits next to me "Hey I'm Evan" he has dark almost black hair and dark blue eyes he was hot. "I'm Tessa" he looks at me and nods "Your a hot thing aren't you?" I look at him "No I'm no thing thanks though" he laughs and the teacher walks in. "Today we have a new student "I'm Evan" the teacher gives him a look to come up and say his last name. He stays where he's at and pulls out his phone and headphones and starts listening to music. She rolls her eyes, "Okay today......" The rest of the day is boring, I didn't even see Luke or Jace all day. I walk to my locker and put my stuff in there, I see Chase I run after him "Hey" I say he doesn't stop or even look at me.I grab his wrist but he pushes me off and I land on the ground. "Ow you stupid Jerk! I didn't know it was that time of the month do you need a tampon" I yell and everyone stops and looks at me and Chase they circle around us. Chase stops looks at me his eyes are dark and scary "Tessa if I were you I would shut up now" he growls. "Lucky you, you aren't me" I say back even know I know I shouldn't have. He comes down to were I'm at on the ground "Tessa I swear I'm not in the mood at all so knock it off." he whispers and I push him "You aren't my boss so you shut up and leave me alone because your just some 'Bad Boy' but I don't give a crap okay don't take your problems out on me and don't be mad at me earthier for trying to help." I yell and push myself out of the circle and stomp out of the circle into my car and drive I don't know where I drive to but I drive for half an hour.
Chase POV

"You aren't my boss so you shut up and leave me alone because your just some 'Bad Boy' but I don't give a crap okay don't take your problems out on me and don't be mad at me earthier for trying to help." She yells pushes be stops off into her car and drives off. "Woah man she is one Hot babe, is she your girl" some new kid says. I nod "So back off" why the crap did I say that. I get on my bike and take it home. "Mom I'm home." She comes out and hugs me my anger go's down a bit. "hey Hun did you pick up the me-" she was interrupted by a Little lily "Chasey!" My younger sister says she is eight. "Hey Lilly bug" I pick her up and twirl her she laughs. When I go to my small bed room and Tessa Pops into my head. She went the opposite way of her house and I pushed her I promised my self I wouldn't end up like him like my birth dad. I pick up my phone and Call her ring she doesn't answer Dang it I call Jenny "Hello Ms. Collins has Tessa came home yet?" I can hear crying "sh-she hasn't yet I don't know where she went can you please call Luke or Jace please" she cries I tell her sure. crap I did this to her and none knows where Tessa is "Jace where is Tessa?" I hear him say something babe. she must be there. "Tessa isn't here why would she be?" He whispers "dude your cheating on her and she has gone missing" he laughs "Gone missing ya right. anyway bye" he hangs up I hate him so much I call Luke and he doesn't answer. I get off my bed and tell my mom I have to go do something and leave.
I Have gone through this whole town and she isn't here I start to drive until I see this empty space and two people sitting there looking at two cemetery stones I park my bike. I walk up to them, "excuse me I'm sorry but have you seen a teen girl with long brown hair and Dark brown eyes" I ask they don't look up "no" he says I recognize that voice "Luke?" I look down and see Tessa "Tessa?" I know it's them. "Congrats Chase you found me go ahead push me down and yell at me please do" she says whispers. I sit next to her she moves away from me and says "Just go away" she tries not to cry. "please Chase go" I get up and get on my bike and drive home I call Jenny and tell her where she is and she cries harder and hangs up. I lay down on my bed and fall asleep dreaming about Tessa.
Two updates in one day!! Hope you guys liked it but all of you guys are still ghost readers!! Follow me on polyvore at unicornpower123i. that's a weird name I know lol!

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P.s please ovoid typos and if you have any ideas message me!!

Love you guys

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