Chapter 28

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•Tessa POV•
My Aunt Kimberly died last night while holding Noah. Noah isn't as bubbly as she used to be, she is way quieter and she only plays with her doll that was given to her from Kimberly. Marcus left For meet and greets and all my friends are still being jerks, but my dance classes start tomorrow so I have to start to stretch so I don't pull a muscle. I run over to my closet and pull out my some random work outfit. It's just a black sports bra and hot pink spandex shorts. I toss on black Nike Tennis shoes, Grab my phone, and a water bottle. My aunt is staying home from work so she can be with Noah. I wave and get in my jeep and drive to the gym.
When I get there it kinda packed, I walk in and start a Gym membership. Then I go over to the Treadmills, I start jogging and after awhile I'm running and sweating. I hear laughing and look around and see Chase, I stop the treadmill and run up and hug him. "Chase I haven't seen you in forever!" He doesn't hug me back, "What's wrong?" He laughs "Your all sweaty and I just got here and now I stink" We laugh and he finally hugs me back. "I missed you too Tess." We both pull out of the embrace, "So, word around town is your dating Marcus Butler?" I laugh, and nod. "Yep, who told?" He chuckles. "Oh you know, only twitter, Instagram, Google, you know all that good stuff." I sigh "Yep, I'm 'famous,' they all just hate me for dating him!" We laugh loudly and people notice us and a
teen girl comes up to me. "Aren't you dating Marcus Butler?" She scoffs. I just smile "Yep, but this is my friend Chase" she stalks away and doesn't say say anything back. Chase went to go work out and I Decide to go to the gymnastics area Arabs practice my flips, handstands, balance, and some other stuff. I haven't decreased, or improved since I was younger. I walk over to this thing on the wall and I put my foot in the loop and put my hand in the hole and pull and my leg goes straight up. "Wow! Impressive, very Good tilt! Any classes?" I turn and see a lady. "Yes actually, there tomorrow!" I say and she nods. "But your very talented in gymnastics, Any collages looking at you yet?" I shake my head and say "Nope, I quit gymnastics a while ago." she nods "I would like you check out my school, It's for arts and talents and you have talent, any other things I should know about" I think. "I can sing a bit and play a little of guitar, but that's about it" she smiles and hands me a card "We also have a Couple of senior classes, so you can just Finish school there and be ready for collage." I nod. "Where is this school?" She smiles "New York, of course we would pay for everything even your dorm" I think I just might go to that school. Then again my life here is perfect, but a change would be good. "I will think about it" I smile and she leaves, I might go to New York!!


hello little bit of an stupid chapter its almost the end!! untill my sequel LOL alf way to 1000 reads thank you all




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