Chapter 17

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When I wake up Jace isn't next to me and his side of the bed is made nicely. I roll out of bed put on some black leggings and one of Jace's big hoodies. When I walk down stairs Jace, Luke, Kim, Lucy, and Chase are all in the kitchen. Jace sees me and pulls me in for a hug "Good morning beautiful, sleep well?" "Ya very well, also what are the three Devils doing in my house?" He laughs "Tessa they still are your friends" I glare at him "right" I gripe. I start running towards the fridge but Luke opens his arms but I duck them and he stare out dumbly I open the fridge and grab out the orange juice. Lucy laughs "Luke you totally thought she was gonna hug you, and apologize but nope! Good one Tess" I give Lu a high five "ya Lu, so wanna hang in my room while my wonderful boyfriend makes breakfast" I look at Jace "I'm not making breakfast" I give him a puppy dog face.

"Pretty please"
"Please babe"
I do a victory dance, and walk up to him and kiss his cheek. "Oh and Kim you can come too" I grumble. She gets up from her seat and follows behind Lu and I.
One hour later the Brunch buffet is done and my plate is piled high. I'm sitting next to Lucy and Jace and across from me are the devils."So for Christmas Tessa and I are going to Hawaii and we have six extra tickets and I was wondering if you guys would like to join us?" Jace says and we all almost choke on our food. We might be taking the Devils children on vacation with us. Lucy is the first to speak "sure my mom said it was cool" Lucy had texted her mom. Good, Lucy was going to be there she could help me pack. "My parents don't care what I do.ever. so I'm in." Kim said. "me too" Luke said quickly after that. Clingy much. "Chase what about you?"I asked the first word since our argument "I can't guys I have to spend it with my mom and little sister so ya. by the way I have to leave now so bye." he left without any replys. "okay then we leave Tuesday at noon
So be there" Jace said proudly and he wrapped his arms around me "or you can not go it doesn't matter to me." I added only looking at Kim and Luke. Jace gave me a look "babe I have to go" I pouted "fine" I got on my tip toes and kissed him. "bye" "bye Tess" I look at Kim and Luke they are staring at me. "What?" Kim blinks then speaks up "Tessa we know that your mad at us!okay gosh but you don't have to be so bi polar" that hit a spot I'm not bi polar am I? "Kim this is my house and I can gladly show you the door if you don't shut it." I smile "wanna help me pack Lu" she nods, and we walk off to my room.
Kim's POV
"She is really mad at us, isn't she" Luke says sadly. "She looked so upset she had never been that rude to me before, I miss the old Tessa." he sits next to
me. "Luke it's okay, you still have your girlfriend." he nods "your right, wanna leave?" he asks. "I thought you'd never ask" I laugh and we get in my car. Luke has an amazing singing voice, sometimes I just could just listen to him sing forever. I love his voice, I love his hair, I love is awful jokes, I love his personality and I just love everything about him. I think I'm I love with Luke Hemmings. "Luke I think I might um Love you" he pulls to the side of the road."What!" He yells. I think "I think I love you" I whisper. "oh okay, well then um."
Luke's POV

What do you say to a girl who's says she may love you? "Oh okay,well then um I love you too" oh dang it why did I say that. Her eyes open wide "really, none has ever loved me not even my parents." she tears up. I unbuckle and hold her "me too" I say into her hair. "Luke, I love you" "and I love you" that's it I'm I love with Kim I love her and she loves me. I am loved and by someone other thank the satins daughter. "I love you Kim, I love you so much!" I kiss her.
Lucy's POV

What do you do when your best friends are arguing and your stuck in the middle. You follow your girl best friend to her bed room and tell her your on her side while packing for Hawaii. "Guess what" Tessa says excited. "what" "on the plane you can sit next to me and Jace or next to Kim and Luke or you can can next to the last three." I smile in not going to be a third wheel. "lets go shopping on Monday so we can have new bathing suits" she nods and pulls me in for a hug "I'm so glad to have you as my best friend" I hug her back "me too" we let go of our hug."i will see you Monday" she nods and waves bye.
Okay So I'm super duper excited for the trip to Hawaii but Tessa life has been perfect these couple chapters.what will happen. *evil laughs* maybe someone will die, hahaha any who keep comments comming big shout out fandom_girl01 for comments and faves
Love you guys

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