Chapter one

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I scream as the car comes speeding toward us. The car starts to flip, I feel dizzy and see spots, dark spots. Soon all the spots take over, and darkness takes its place as my memory flies away.


My eyes flutter open to an all white room: white tiles, white walls and white blankets. A machine beeps, in a steady rhythm, then all of a sudden he comes: Luke my best friend.

"Oh my gosh, your not in a coma I'm so glad! I'm going to go and get the nurse." He says then I remember I'm in a Hospital!

Where are my parents! Are they okay? I need to know but my mouth isn't working.

A lady walks in, ''Okay, Tessa I'm Kat,y your nurse. I'm going to ask you some questions, okay? Just answer them as easily as you can," she says.

"Do you know your name?" I think for a while.

"Tessa Ann Marie Collins?" I say just above a whisper.

"Okay, do you know were you are?" She asks.

"In a hospital in Maibu, California."

She writes something on the clip board, "Okay last question, Who are your parents?" She asks, searching my eyes for answers. Parents? Were they Amy and Ken or Angie and Jack?

"Um.. I don't remember their names, But are they okay? Did they survive? I need to know please!" I break down and cry, but the harder I cry, the worse my head hurts.

"Tessa your parents names are Maya & Leo, Also we are very sorry bu-" Katy starts, but I cut her off.

"NO!! please please just don't say it,'' I whisper because my head is pounding, but I don't care, I just need to know that theu're okay. That I will hear their voice again.

"Tessa, please calm down." A blonde haired boy begs.

"Tessa both of your parents did not make it in the crash." She says with sympathy filling her voice. "I will leave you alone to take it all in, sweetie." She say and then leaves, I wonder if my mom ever called me sweetie.

Now I'm just crying, hard. What type of person can't remember their parents? ''Let it out Tessie, let it out." He says sadly.


*One week later*

"Okay, Tessa you can leave now, just don't think too hard and take your medicine."The nurse orders.

Katy reminds me, today I'm going and living with my Aunt Jenny. She lives in this big fancy house in Malibu. I know what your thinking, you get to live with your rich aunt, poor you.

No, its awful my parents died and all of a sudden I have to live with an aunt I barely know.

I pull my long brown hair in a bun. "You ready?" Luke asks with his hand out. I take it and walk to his car. On the way to Jenny's house we listen to 'My Happy Little Pill' by Troy Silvan as I hum softly.

Twenty minutes later we pull in to a huge driveway with a house next to it. It has large windows with a triangle shaped roof, its all white, it has a curvy pool, lots of room, and its on the beach.

"When they said wealthy I didn't know they meant like a stinking millionaire!" Luke said joking.

We walk inside, "Tessa, love, how are you?" My aunt, Jenny said.

"Well, my parents just died and I have some memory loss, other than that I'm just peachy!" I said with heavy sarcasm.

She smiles "Oh, love, let me show you your room then later we can talk about schools and activities!" She responded perky, ignoring my last comment. We walk into the house go up the stairs, turn right then she opens the doors.

"Holy Crap! This room is the size of a frickin' cinema!" The room was huge with a California king bed with a zebra blanket, A flat screen with sound system, Bluetooth, Xbox one, and a remote that controls the lights, sound system, and the TV.

Behind what I thought was an exit was a huge built in closet and an in-suite bathroom, with a shower, jacuzzi, and two sinks.

The balcony is the last thing, if had a perfect view of the beach.

"Do you like it?" my aunt asks bringing me from my thoughts.

"Like it?! I Love it!" I gush as I hug her.

"Good I will leave you to get settled." Then she walked out of my room.

"I might just live with you!" Luke said, gawking at my new room.

*2 hours later*

We had finished unpacking, "Ahhh, finally! I get to see how your Xbox works out!" Luke said, going straight for my Xbox.

Lucy: are you okay?!?! Where are you living now!?

Me: My rich aunts she is super rich and my room is awesome

Lucy:are you talking about your aunt Jenny?

Me: ya come over

Lucy: okay omw

Then I set my iPhone down and waited for Lucy to come over, by the way Lucy is Luke and I's Best friend we met her in 4th grade and ever since then we've been inseparable.

Ashton: Tessa, Are u okay? I miss you so much! I love you.

"Luke, who is Ashton?" Luke looks at me in disbelief.

"Your boyfriend, Tessa." He replies."He has been for years now" he mutters to himself.

"Well, he just sent me this text. What should I say?" I show him the text.

"Wow, he can't see you in the hospital but he can text you just invite him over and talk to him in person?"He  gave a dirty look to the phone and I giggled at him.

"Okay," I then send my a text that says 'come to my aunt Jenny's house and I will explain everything.'
Sorry this is my first fanfic I hope you all like it!!
Bye loves!

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