Chapter 26

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After I said yes to Marcus we ran into Luke and Kim. "Hey Tessa what are you and Marcus doing after the mall?" Kim asks staring at Marcus. "Where going to celebrate Christmas at my house." I shrug and I grab Marcus hand link our hands together, Luke stares at our hands. "Is that all you guys wanted!" I gripe out of annoyance. I feel my shoulder nudged, I look at Marcus and he glares at me for being rude. They just walk away, Well who got there period panties in a bunch. When we get to the car I go to unlock the car but the keys were taken out of my hands, when I look up I see Marcus
holding my keys high above my head.
Jerk, "I want to drive my beautiful girlfriend, home" I kiss his cheek "okay, if you reck my car you won't be able to have kids, understand?" His eyes go wide "You would never, our kids would be beautiful/handsome!" He puts his hand over mine. "I would have cute kids, especially if they were Joe Suggs" I tease and he laughs and starts the car, "You and I would be related if Zoe and I got married!" We laugh and it goes to a comfy silence. When we get home Noah comes out pouting "Jenny said I couldn't open presents until you slow poaks got home." We laugh at the way she said 'pokes' wrong. She holds her tiny arms up and I go to pick her up but she glares at me "I want Marky to pick me up" He picks her up and I laugh at his stupid nickname. "Okay, Marky and Noah lets goo open presents!" I scream and run into the living room. "Tessa, how old are you" Jenny scolds. I laugh and hold up four fingers "I'm dis many!" I say in a baby voice. I feel strong arms wrap around my waist "Well I can't be with you" Marcus whispers, sending shivers down my back. We sit down and Start to open presents.
• 4 hours later•
"Tessa here is your last present" I take it. Its a wide rectangle box I take off the wrapping paper and see two plane tickets to London. "Oh my gosh no way" my breath gets heavy "No. Flipping. Way" I start to cry. I got tickets to London to see my sister Amber. I run over to my aunt and hug her "Thank you so much, I love you!" I cry even harder. I haven't seen my sister for two years, she was fourteen when she was diagnosed with leukemia. I was sixteen, I thought it should have been me instead of my little innocent sister. I pick up my phone "Amber, Merry Christmas I'm coming to visit" I hear a scream and crying "No. you aren't" she is crying "I am I promise, I miss you so much" she cry's "I miss mom and dad!" I continue to cry "Me too, I miss them every single day, But day after day I remember their always gonna be our parents and they loved us so very much." she sniffles "okay I love you, When are you leaving" I look at the tickets "Um the day after my birthday" my birthday is the last day of the year. "oh okay I love you" she says "I love you too, see you soon." I hang up. This is an amazing Christmas "Tessa can I talk to you?" Marcus asks. I nod but then my Aunt grabs Noah's hand and they go outside. "Your probably wondering what all that was about" he nods "My sister, has leukemia, she has for two years now and I haven't seen her since she left for London." he grabs me and hugs me "I'm sorry Tessa, but I think I got you something that will cheer you up" I blink and wait. He runs upstairs and I stand there confused, he finally comes down stairs. He has a little bag and inside is a little blue box, He hands me the box and I open it. Its a pandora bracelet with a gymnastics girl on it, Ballet shoe, and a YouTube play button with little jewels around it. I stare at it and lift my hand to his face and he flinches "Before you slap me-" I laugh "Why in the world would I slap you?" He shrugs "Maybe because you hate it." I laugh avian and kiss him on the lips. The kiss was soft and slow, he kissed be back and rested his hands on my hips, I put my arms around his torso. We pulled away "I love my bracelet, thank you." I hug him and he hugs me back. My aunt comes in and we start to pick up all the wrapping paper. I decide to take Marcus upstairs to my room and give him his presents, He loved all of it and he quickly put in his red beanie and had me take a picture with him.
"Tessa, when is your birthday?" He randomly asks. "New Year's Eve" he stares at me and nods "I leave on your birthday." he pouts I laugh "I leave the day after my birthday" he stops pouting and asks "Can I sleep I here tonight" I nod and we get into bed. "Night" I say "Good Night, love" I close my eyes, and drift off into dream land.
Amber Ann Michelle Collins
June 15, 1999
Loved Sister, daughter, niece

I cry as I look at the stone, As soon as I got to London she had died. "Why! Why do you hate me god?!" I scream at the sky and it starts to rain. Perfect, I turn too see Luke and Kim getting married I hear the I do's then hear a gun shot and Luke falls to the ground and everyone looks at Luke's dad, In The front row. "Luke, please don't die!" I scream again and try to run but I can't then the scene changes again to where I'm watching me? It's Marcus, A baby, and I getting into a car on a stormy night. I watch as we pull out of a house and drive down a highway and a semi comes out of nowhere and hits us. "Marcus, the baby get the baby!" I scream and I run over to the car the police are there and I see the baby being held by me but Marcus is lying dead on the ground blood everywhere "Marcus don't be dead! Please I need you, I love you just please don't die." I scream as loud as I can "I love you!" I scream until my voice is hoarse. I hear little screams that sound just like Noah's I look and see she had ran with a broken piece of glass trying to give it to Jenny but she tripped and stapped her own heart I tried to run or even scream but I couldn't. I jumped, I was being shook and yelled at I can't make any noise "Get up! Tessa I'm okay get up" I hear and I shoot up and see I'm drenched In sweat and my throat is dry. I feel an hand touch me I scoot back and see its Marcus. He scoots closer and I don't move he pulls me in for an embrace, "its okay baby, I'm okay it was all just a night terror" he rubs my back. "She-she died in my dream Amber died, Luke, Noah, and you all died. I could handle it, I was so scared" he holds tighter. We lay back down and I hold on to Marcus for dear life.
Kinda short chapter lol

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