Chapter 14

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Tessa POV

Friday finally I decide to go to Kim's party but before the party she said she will take me shopping. School was super boring as usual but I got to see even today so bonus! we walk into some store called Party town dresses galore "Kim this seems lame." I gripe while on my phone I look up and see the perfect dress it's black with a bow in the middle, a thin silver belt, and at the top is two cute ears and its strapless.I decide to get ready at Kim's "Kim where is your room?" She looks at me then blinks "the same room it was ten years ago" I give her a dumb look "oh right, duh down the hall second room on the left." I nod and find her room. I set my bag down and touch the picture on the vanity of two little girls and a boy holding hands in front of a beach. There smiles are so big they look so happy."Thats us when your mom and dad took us to the beach, that was the day that Luke, You, and I held hands and you said 'We are gonna be best friends forever I love you guys' then we hugged and took the picture" she said then continue "before my dad ruined it." she looks at me sadly. I walk up to her and hug her and remember the memory. she hugs me back, when we pull away her mom walks in and says "girls There is enough food in the fridge for you sleepover, and Tessa I'm sorry for your loss they were great people." I nod and thank her she leaves. We both look at each other and begin.
"Kim sit down I will do your hair." She sits and laughs I curl her hair in a bunch of curls. "okay curly fry my turn." I laugh at my own joke. she looks at me confused and shrugs it off. I sit and she pulls out her straightener and some temporary medium brown dye. "What are you doing with that dye." she laughs and says "its temporary die just for color." I nod and she straightens it and then adds the dye. next we go to her bathroom and do our make up I do some kinda bright pink lip gloss and some natural eye shadow then add a cat tip to the end. I grab my dress and slip it on, "Kim I don't have shoes for my dress!" I yell coming back from the bathroom. I stop when I see Kim she is wearing a pink dress with jewels and pink high heels big fake eyelashes. "Wow you look really good!" She looks down and blushes. "I have the prefect shoes." she runs into her huge closet and pulls out a death trap-silver peep toe heels. I grab them and put them on "aren't they the best my favorite pair so don't break them." We laugh and wait as the guest poor in.
Luke's POV

Tessa asked me to come to this party and I can't even find her. I look around and squeeze past sweaty and grinding body's. Then I see her in the Kitchen, "Hey Tessa I have been looking for you all over." she looks at me and giggles "I've been in here all my life silly willy!" She is drunk.Dang it "Tessa are you drunk." she shakes her head and laughs a drunk laugh.Again. "Whatever Tess stay here, where is Kim." she shrugs and walks over to a random guy and starts to flirt with him. My blood boils and I run and shove him out of the way to find Kim.

Kim's POV

The party is in full blast and there are hot guys every where! I grab a red cup and take a long drink the strong liquid burns my throat, and I grab another drink.
*six drinks later*
I stumble and land on the couch in the living room and the couch grabs my hips and whispers "lets go dance babe." I nod and realize the couch didn't grab me. I laugh all the way to the dance floor. (A/Q the 'dance floor' is just the huge living room.)
When we get to the dance floor he grabs my hips and I dance on him we dance for a bit and then he pushes me up against the living room wall and kisses me. Hard. I try to push him off but he doesn't move, he keeps kissing me I bite his lip and he pulls away and cusses under his breath "Knock it off babe" he growls and try's to go back in for another kiss. I push and push but he starts to grab my hips but stops, and Then I see Luke.

Luke POV
Once I finally find Kim some dude is grabbing her and she is trying to push him off I run over and growl "What are you doing." I try to keep calm. "Dude me and my girlfriend are having some fun right, babe?" He looks at Kim she looks at me pleading to help her. he walks up to her and grabs her head and kisses her with more force and she whimpers. I grab him by the back of the collar and punch him hard in the jaw, he holds his jaw and hunched over and punches me in the stomach. I fall on my back and he kicks me in the rib, face and head I start to see little spots covering my vision . "STOP IT!" I here Kim yell and she pushes the guy out of the way and grabs my face then I black out.
Man what did you guys think!!! Hard chapter huh but I'm torn on who Tessa should date. I think she should date Evan or Jace but I don't know I need help lovelys!


Don't be a silent reader and I would like to thank every one who gave me 205 views in my first book I hope to make more. also I would like to give a big shout out to DylinODonnell and @fandom_girl01 thank you guys for all of the favorites

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