Chapter 24

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"The flight back to Malibu, California has been delayed due to some issues" the lady on the intercom says and I groan. I promised Noah to be home on Christmas but I obviously can't Christmas is in two days and this flight is delayed. "Tess, it's gonna be okay, it's just delayed." Cal says trying to calm me. "Exactly!" I yell and people stare at me. The rest of the group continues with there stupid couples, apparently the 'One night stand' Lucy and Josh had showed there love and now there a couple. Luke and Kim are back together, and Jace is making out with some girl, and Cal is texting some guy who goes to our school. "Bye I'm going to Starbucks" I walk away with out waiting for my nonexistent good byes. When I get their there is a long line, lucky me. Twenty minutes later I'm next in line, Finally the old man in front of me is done arguing about what the sizes of the cups are. I just order a Mint tea and a Birthday cake pop, gross combo right. The guy Rights a name on the cup and I wait, thirty minutes later mine is called as "Super pretty girl, but gross combo" I laugh at the same and smile at the Bastia. He waves me up, He has a nice tan and he looks very build. "Hey I'm Kai!" He says and I smile "I'm Tessa" He just keeps smiling and I stand there awkwardly. "Um, I've gotta go, but it was nice meeting you" I smile and he nods and waves bye. When I get back it has been almost and hour and everyone is doing the same thing, they didn't even notice I was gone. I decide to call my aunt, it goes to voicemail, I sigh and say "Hey, it's me Tessa and I might be a little late for Christmas because the plane is delayed. I miss and love you guys." I hang up and close my eyes. I hate all of these people now.
It's now night time and it's still delayed. "There will be no more flights tonight, due to the same issues" I groan and pick up my suitcase and walk out, not waiting for anyone. I wait outside until I see everyone walk out in couples, I gag "gross" I mutter to my self. I decide to find a hotel because those dumb boards are too busy sucking each other's faces off or texting. I find a hotel and walk in and go to the counter, "Hello, how may I help you?" The lady at the counter says. I smile "Um I would like about four rooms" she nods "I like your outfit, but about the rooms we have about two bedrooms each have two king size beds and a pull out couch" I nod and say that will be fine. I look at my outfit it's just a 'Dope' crop top and pink high waisted skirt. I go to the Devils group and say "Hear is your key two couples In each room, Cal you get the king bed in one room and I get fold out couch" they all nod and walk to their rooms, I don't follow they didn't even say thanks. Or anything at all. I stalk back to the main office and get my own room, I pay for mine and walk to it suit case trailing behind me. The room I bought is nice and lots of room and looks right at the ocean. I sigh and plop on the bed and switch into pajamas. my phone rings and it's from Calum "What Calum?" I ask harshly. "Hey I was wondering when you coming to the room" I laugh "I'm not I have my own room so bye" I hang up and turn on my tv. Jerk.
•Kim's POV•
Tessa is mad at us for nothing, she is such a drama queen. "Luke why is she mad at us?" He shrugs and Lucy pipes up "She probably is jealous of our relationships, considering she isn't in one" I laugh. Tessa is so desperate, But I do wonder where her room is. "Where do you guys think her room is?" They all shrug "Probably some where worst than ours" says Jace and Cal walking in to our room. "I'm hungry, lets go eat." Cal whines. We all get ready and walk to the main office, we decide to find Tessa. "Excuse me ma'am?" The lady at the counter glares at us. what did we do to her "What do you ungrateful children want" she says looking down at the paper. "We were wondering if you could tell us where Tessa Collins room is?" I ask and she laughs "Nope, have a good day though!" I roll my eyes "What's your problem with us?" She looks me in the eyes and says "She got you all a room and you didn't even say anything! For Christ sake it's almost Christmas and she thought you guys would say at least something but you all nod. brats." she mumbles the last part and she just sighs and says "Fine room 112" and we walk away to find Tessa.
•Tessa POV•

Knock knock
I scream into my pillow and get up to answer the stupid door. I instantly regret opening the door cause when I do I see the devil group. "How did you find my room?" I say and they tell me what happened. "Okay, I don't care leave" I say and shut the door in there faces. "Tessa please come out to eat with us" Jace yells. "I all ready ate" I lie and he says
"Pretty please"
"Pretty please with a cherry on top"
"No, now go away before I call the main office police"
I hear a sigh and I walk over to my bed turn off the tv and drift off to sleep.
Lol hope you all liked it!! Any ideas or comments please tell me
Bye love you guys.

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