Chapter 23

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Tessa POV

"Like a boss" I yell while jumping off the dock and doing a triple flip. I also took swimming lessons. People clap and laugh I get helped out by some guys "that was amazing Tessa" I bow and run to the bartender "I want something fruity please!" I giggle at the word fruity, sounds like a sexy fruit. the bartender rolls his eyes and Lukey comes up to me. "Hey Lukey" I slur.

Luke POV
Tessa is totally drunk. "Tessa you need to stop." I say and she giggles over nothing I roll my eyes. "Someone is grouchy pants!" She giggles, again she is getting so annoying. she runs and yells at Jace "Jacey baby" she stumbles and he catches her. He says something in her ear and she laughs, I glare at him and he stops flirting and Tess runs into some stranger. He flirts with her before taking her hand and they walk away to the dance floor. I go to find Kim I find her sitting alone. "Hey babe" I go to pull her in for a hug, but she backs away. I look at her confused "What's wrong babe?" She shakes her head then says "Please forgive me," she starts and her eyes water, "I almost slept with Jace" she says and anger and sadness take over me. "Why?" I growl with out caring. She just whispers "That's just who I am, I always ruin everything" she starts crying and I walk away to find Tessa but when I get over to the dance floor people are circled around and there's lots of yelling. I push past people and see Josh and the guy who Tessa was dancing with fighting I runs pull them apart. "Knock it off you dip wits!" I yell and drag them off the dance floor and people start dancing again. Drunk tards. I push them into the sand. "Listen up neither of you 'get' Tessa okay?" I yell and they nod "Now Josh go take a hike because lord knows you have sobered up and if you weren't drunk still go" I yells and he slips before getting up. "And who are you?" I growl still mad. "I. I'm um Brad." He stutters. Then I remember that he was on our plane from Malibu, "Hey, your from Malibu, right" he laughs nervously and nods "I go to the same school as you, but I'm known at freak, or gayness" he frowns and I feel bad, because I called him some of those behind his back "Man I'm sorry, I didn't mean it." He gets up and towers over me cause he is taller thank me like and inch but so is Cal "Then why do it!" He growls. I back away "at least I didn't say it to your face because I only had one friend and it was Tessa" I stand taller and he goes to punch me but laughs instead. "Man, it's fine" I breath out in relief. He laughs and we go to find Tessa.

Calum POV

When Tessa came up to me she was drunk and well didn't understand what se was saying."There was a Fight and you were in it!" She exclaimed. I roll my eyes and run into Luke "Have you seen Tessa" I look behind him and there is some guy from school whose name is like Brandon. He is Hot. "Oh, ya, I have she is over there." I stutter. He leaves and Brandon stays behind. "Hey, I'm brad" I nod, his name is brad not Brandon. "Oh ya I know you I've seen you around." I scratch my neck. "You probably have called me those gay names before huh?" I laugh and shake my head "Nope, because I'm gay too so, um ya" I say. His eyes light up "Really!" I nod. We talk for a bit and swap numbers, then we have to drive back to the cabin and let me tell you getting Tessa and Lucy in the car was not easy.
Tessa POV
"Noo I don't leave now" I pout and giggle. He shakes his head, stupid Calum. "Come on please Tessa" he wines and I smirk and say "only if you kiss me" he gasps "no Tessa" I shrug and walk away now bored. He pulls me back and crashes his lips against mine, and I kiss back hungrily. He lifts me up and holds me, I pull at his hair and he lets out a moan. I smirk during the kiss, he lets go and I fall on my butt. "What the crap!" I yell and he walks away flipping me off. "you don't have to be mad at me! Your the one who took that kiss out of hand!" I scream and everyone looks at me and I run into the car where everyone is waiting on me.
When we get home I take off what I'm wearing and put in pjs and crawl into bed. All I can think about is that dang kiss, he says he's gay but during they kiss he sure didn't mind. Once again I'm left with the though boys are stupid, and I hate them. Lucy stumbles in with Josh there making out they fall onto the bed and I scream. They stop what there doing and I walk to Josh's room. Luke is in there on his phone, "Oh am I interrupting something?" He shakes his head and I walk over to him. Then reality hits me, I've been trying so hard to forget this subject. Then I just say it "You know this my first Christmas with out my parents" he nods "I thought you forgot." I shake my head "I've been trying to ignore the though, by any thing." I whisper. Luke pulls me in for a hug "It's my first Christmas with out my 'parents' too" I laugh he continues "We will get threw this together." I hug him and I feel my eyes dropping closed but before I close my eyes I feel my cheek being kissed "I love you Tess, your my only family" he whispers and I fall asleep.
Love all of you I'm Freeking out because I have 425 reads!! Thank all of you!! I still have some Ghost readers but oh well. Okay when ever someone new favorites, likes, or comments they will get a shoutout.

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