Chapter 19

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I jump out of bed, because today is Monday and I get to spend it with my main Lucy!! Shopping all day and I'm stoping to get presents for everyone. I run to my bathroom take a shower, put on some make up, and just for fun I pluck my eyebrows, throw on some block high waisted shorts an a white rant with printed black jewelry. I grab my white sandals and kiss my aunts cheek and ask for my Max credit card. I call Lucy "Hey Lucy are you up cause I'm up and ready" she groans "Tessa it is ten in the morning we said noon and your picking me up" I tell her okay and decide to get my Christmas gifts while she is at home. Because this is senior year I'm getting everyone something amazing and that they can keep forever.
I drive to the mall and there is a spot right at the front I hop out of my car and walk around for a bit. I run into Calum "Hey stranger" I hug him, "hey girl, what's up." we talk he gives me some pointers for the guys and I laugh at his 'and don't give them stupid shirts' advice so I set off to target. I grab Lucy's brand new blue glittery Mac book computer, Kim's new just plain Mac book, Luke's brand new gold iPhone 6, and well Jace's is a secret. next I head to Victoria Secret Pink and buy a brand new pink cheer bag for Kim, I also swing by The ugg store and by Kim two pairs of those and Luke some Red Beats. I also swung by an liquor store and saw a flask that says 'Twerk Juice' that's Lucy's gag gift. I bought Luke and Kim couple cases that say his and hers. I also popped into game stop and bought Calum that stupid new Xbox one he wouldn't shut up about with two games and a controller: Call of duty Advanced Warfare controller and game and some Forza 5 that the gamer guy told me to buy. I get my self a pair of brown and white sandals, it's now 11:36 and I grab all of my bags put them in my car and drive home to put them in my room.
When I picked up Lucy it had just turned twelve o'clock. "I'm gonna get a whole bunch of crop tops and skater skirts and high waisted stuff" I say excited Lucy laughs "how did Christmas shopping go" I shrug "it was okay there was nothing good so I will have to wait" I lie. She just nods, I park in the same spot as last time, "lets go shop till we drop!" I scream and grab Lucy wrist and run.
4 hours later I have six super awesome outfits and a cute new sweatshirt for the way back. I drop Lucy off and stop at a fast food place downtown. When I drive up they take my order, and then you know the process. On my way back uptown I take a detour and see my house in the middle of downtown and uptown I stop and see that a family has moved in to my old family home where I grew up with my younger sister before she had cancer. Amber was such a healthy child she would always play and giggle like other little girls but yet she still got cancer, I hate cancer it took my younger sister, Amber away from America and I miss her like crazy I love her so much I just wish she had normal teen years and doing chemo all the time. When I get home I pack my bags and my other bags too, I charge my phone and text my boyfriend goodnight. I drift off to sleep dreaming about my lovely trip to Hawaii.
Omg I can't believe on Saturday or Sunday I'm posting the longest chapter I have ever posted and it going to be all about the Hawaii trip. the trip will lay a couple chapters so hope you all enjoyed this chapter I love all of you guys.

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