Chapter 10

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Apparently I fell asleep last night. But when I got up the only thing I could think about Is Jace. Where is he? I got up and fell right back down because of running on my ankle last night it's all sore. Today is Monday were ment to be at school right know but my aunt Called the school and sorted it all out were going to be back on Thursday. I wiggle my way to my crutches and my phone I have 10 miss calls from

My aunt and 5 unopened texts From Amber I call Amber "Hey T. Amber is in chemo what do ya want" My sisters roommate, Lanie, says to me. We talk for another hour and I finally get off my phone and text my aunt and tell her I'm okay. What happened to Jace he wasn't even at the house anymore well I don't think he is. "Tessa are you awake?" Luke whispered. I look up and see Luke, he looks really tired. He has deep dark circles from lack of sleep and he is very very pale. "I think I ruined your chance with Jace" he put his head down in shame. "Luke, what are you talking about" I make a confused look. "When you ran away Jace and I got in a fight but instead of a fight like Chase and I it was about, well you." he sighed "He said he had this plan for you and him, but I was in the way so he told me to lay off and if I didn't I was going to regret it" Luke whispered the last part. "Luke, if he is going to be a butt about dating me then I won't date him" I pulled Luke in for a hug. "But where did he go?" I asked."He went back home because of a family emergency, and I know how much you like Jace so just give him a shot" Luke said pulling away! and handing me my crutches.


We came home a couple days ago and both boys were ignoring me. I didn't even do anythingto Chase so I dont know why he is mad at me.Boys are stupid , I think I might just become a lesbain. Never mind I dont like girls like that, I don't have anthing aginst gay people its just im not gay. Wait why am i even thinking about this. "Tessa are you even listening" luke asks not very happy. Right now were in the lunch room, I shake my head. "no sorry" he looks at me before saying "Tessa Talk to at least one of them" I look around the lunch room and I don't see eathier of them. I run out of the room and run into a wall. "ouch, stupid wall" I mutter and look up to see a smirking Chase. "Man I knew I was built but I didn't know I was a wall" I roll my eyes. "why are you ignoring me" I question. " I wasn't ignoring you I was avoiding you"he shruggs like its noig deal. "You have got to be kidding me right, what did I even do you what did I do to make on of my best friends ignore me for two or three weeks" I yell and cry at the same time. Then he does the unexpected and pulls me into a hug. A tight warm hug with his chin resting on my head and me crying into his shirt that has a peppermint smell to it. "Tess I didn't think it would hurt you, it just seamed like you didnt like me and after what I said to you about none ever loveing you, Tess I really am sorry I would say I love you but I don't want to make things akward" he laughed at the last part. I smiled and looked up at him "Luke says it all the time it would be fine but he says 'love you' instead of 'I love you' " I say and we both laugh.The bell rang about one minute ago saying I have Reading with Mr.Hood I stop at my locker, Luke and I go our seprate ways.


A bit of a short chapter and a little stupid i guess but if you guys like it then so be it!!




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