Chapter 20 *extra long Hawaii chapter*

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When I got up my butt hurt from falling off my bed. Five times last night because I couldn't sleep it is now 5am and the plane leaves at noon. 5 hours and 15 minutes till we get to Honolulu. my phone rings "Hello, who ever this is even if you have the wrong number I haven't slept all night because I'm going Hawaii and I couldn't sleep so instead I just fell off my bed on my butt five times. so who is this and why did you call." I explain and ask. "Well it's me Jace and don't forget I'm coming to pick you up at seven so we can get to the air port early and everyone else is going at eight, and I invited two of my friends, if you don't mind one is like 19 so ya anyway bye beautiful" I laugh and say good bye. I get up take a shower and throw on some stupid shorts and some band tank. I look at my self in the mirror "good enough" I shrug and grab my bags and walk down stairs and there is a big old breakfast buffet with a very smiley aunt and my little cousin Noah. "Tessie guess what!!" I laugh at the little girl "What Noah" she giggles and says "I get to live here while my momma has to get better but now it's like I'm your little sister" I smile then look at my aunt she lips out 'god parent' and I nod. "so what's all this food for?" Noah perks up "Its because your going on a trip so we made a whole bunch of food so you can be full and don't have to eat gross plane food." I laugh and smirk at all the food "Aunty Jen can I pweease eat it now my tummy is growling" I say she laughs and says "Dig in" I grab a plate and dive in.
*One hour later*
I can do it! I think to my self as I try and eat the last bite of chocolate chip covered pancakes.I take the last bite and do the rocky. I hear a deep familiar laugh I turn and see a smirking boyfriend,"hey babe, hungry for some brunch and a rocky movie" he laughs and Noah hides behind me. I swallow my food "Noah this is my boyfriend, Jace. Jace this is my 'little sister' Noah" I give him the I will explain later look. "Hello Noah" he holds his hand out and she grabs it and shakes it, but since she doesn't shake hands a lot she also shakes her whole body Her blond pigtails flap everywhere. We laugh an I go and get my bags, I take the present bag and he takes my outfits. "Why in the world do you have two bags" I playfully glare and say "because now, did I grab my phone off the kitchen table" he shakes his head. and I grunt "lemme go get it really quick" I run inside and find my phone In a little Noah's hands I come up from behind her and pick her up. she squeals "Gimme my phone you little Turd" she shakes her head I set her down and start to tickle her, she screams and she lets go of my phone. I kiss her forehead, "Thanks noay bear, see you next Tuesday" I run out the door and make sure I have my gift for Jace. I got him Two tickets to some football super thingy and some stuff for practice. I get in and buckle up, to the airport we go"
"The noon flight for Honolulu, Hawaii leaves in five minutes" the announcer says, But Jace,Luke,Kim,lucy, and the other two friends of Jace's are here. Which I haven't met earthier but I will when we go to our on the beach condo with six bedrooms and seven bathrooms and a build in pool in the basement. I lean into Jace and he puts his arm around me and kisses my head. "Thank you so much Jace for this gift." I say looking up I him. "Anything for my lovely girlfriend" and I laugh pull out my phone and play games till I fall asleep. "Tess, babe wake up fifteen minutes till we're there" I look out Jace's window it's all beautiful clear blue water underneath all these white clouds.We get closer to the land and I see how pretty the island is, as I sit there in awe I hear a camera go off I look at Jace and he is smiling like an idiot, "Jace, did you just take my picture" he shakes his head and starts laughing. "You are a jerk, but your the best boyfriend ever!!"I laugh and plant a soft kiss on his cheek. "The plane will be landing please turn off al electronics" I look at Jace and smile, shut my phone off and wait for the best Christmas Vacation ever!
When we land people came to say "aloha" and give us leis it was amazing, but our condo is beautiful. " I run into the condo and look around, it has beach view and you would think because well we're on the beach. "Hey" I hear a familiar voice, when I turn I see a very happy Calum "Calum, are you stalking me?" I joke and give him a big hug. "Nope my best friend invited me to Hawaii so I just couldn't say no." he shrugs and laughs.The door opens and I see JOSH." when he looks up he spots me, the bruise on his face has gone down and no more arm sling, just a wrap. "Tessa" he screams "Josh" I scream back he picks me up "Hey bruiser" I laugh at the nickname and kick my legs for him to put me down "hey bruises, can you put me down before you get another bruise" he laughs and sets me down. I finally remember my bags and go to get them. I find Calum trying to guess the combo on the one labeled 'Presents and Junk' good thing I wrapped them, "Hey Cal" he stops picking at my bag and smiles "I better move right" I nod grab my bags and put them in Lucy and I's room. Jace and Calum's room is across the hall. Kim has her own room while the two other boys share. "Lucy can you believe it were in Hawaii" I say and fall on our bed. "ya this is amazing, I'm starting to love your boyfriend" I pause "that's the problem, I don't know if I love him, I think I do but there is that stupid subconscious saying 'no you don't' I'm just so Confused all of this is confusing" I explain, she just nods and shrugs. We hear a knock "Hey girls I'm coming in." Jace walks in "We are going to look around for some supper, so do what you need to do." we nod "I have no clue what to wear" I sigh "Well maybe you can look in that suitcase of brand new never been worn clothes." she laughs. I walk over to my suitcase open it and take out a black tank top crop top, and a black poka dot high waisted skirt. I go and take a shower, wash my face, hair, and body, I take out my make up bag put some on and some deodorant. I leave my hair naturally curly and put on my outfit, when I walk out Lucy is wearing a white strapless sundress. We look at ourselves in the mirror, "Man, we look hot" I nod put on my shoes and walk into the living room. "You girls look beautiful" Josh says we both blush. Jace walks over and says "Well let's get going"
Our rental car costed a bunch of money. After looking all over for a place to eat we found a big Cook out place and just settled there. Jace grabs my hand I smile up at him, "Are you happy so far with the trip" he asks. "Well we have only been here a day and I'm already in love with Hawaii" I smile and look at the Ocean. "Here let me take your picture" Jace says I look at him "nope" he makes the cutest face ever "fine" he points to a spot and I smile. "no a real smile." I give him my award winning best smile. His iPhone clicks and I drop my real smile and go back to my other smile, my I'm fine smile. Josh gives me a thumbs up with a wink and I roll my eyes and sit next to Josh and Kim sits next to me. Jace sits across from me, the lady who's serving us is very nice much like all people in Hawaii. "Hey, isn't this place cool." Josh whispers in my ear I nod. "It really is" I say in awe.
After Dinner I we decide to hang out on the beach, "Let me go get my swim suit, Lu wanna come" she nods and we run inside. "Josh is a total hottie" I laugh "I know right, but he is like nineteen." she just shrugs "Age is just a number babe" I laugh get into my suit cases and pull out my neon pink and black strapless bikini and Lucy have the same one only in neon pink and neon yellow. I put on my sweatshirt so I'm not walking around in a bikini, Lucy does the same."Awesome swim suit Tessa" Kim says sarcastically, I roll my eyes "At least the swimsuit I am wearing isn't a little piece of cloth that you labeled 'swim suit' so ya my swim suit is awesome" I say, Her jaw drops and Lu and I laugh. "Lets play chicken" I shout all boys look at me hoping for me in a swimsuit but, nope. Lucy and I pull off our sweatshirts. There reactions are priceless, "well let's play chicken" they shake there heads "o-okay" I laugh "I got dibs Tessa" Josh screams. "that's not fair she is my girlfriend" Jace whines. "But I'm older, little bro" Josh teases. Josh and Jace are related I didn't see that coming "We aren't related your my old step brother, you dumb a-" I cut Jace off "Apple dumb Apple Jace no cussing" he shakes his head. We get In the water and Josh picks me up, "ahhh let me go" I scream and laugh "I thought we were playing chicken" he whispers in my ear and shivers run down my spine. I nod, he is like the only person who makes me feel like this "right"
I hope this chapter was long enough for you guys!! I can believe I'm at 330 reads thank you guys anywho love ya. who do you guys ship? Well bye

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