Chapter 7

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"Man, you're a dumb-" Chase starts."Shut upyou guys need to grow up gosh". I gripe. "Sorry Tessa he just immature" Luke says. I shake my head for the last hour in a half they've been arguing over anything and everything. Lucy and Jace seam to be okay up there they've been laughing and talking. They would make a cute couple.Couples,dating,boyfriends, ugg love why aren't I dating someone what is wrong with me?am I undateable.snap snap "Earth to Tessa" Luke says."oh sorry what" I ask. "Do you want to sit in shot gun?" He says. "Ya sure" I say without thinking. We stop the car and I get out and fall. "Gosh Dang it" I screech. Luke and Chase both get out and rush over to me, Luckily I fell in the ditch, "I will help her she dosent want your help" Luke says. "Pretty sure if she wanted you she would have said so you dumba-" Chase starts. "GUYS SHUT THE HECK UP SHE DON'T WANT EATHER OF YOU GUYS HELP SO GET IN THE FRIGGEN CAR YOU IDIOTS" Jace screams. Luke and Chase look at each other nod and get in the car, Jace comes and helps me up. I put my arm on his waist to steady me and he hands me my crutches. "Thanks for helping me, again" I laugh. "No problem, I will always help you though no matter what" he says and blushes. I turn and Hug him.well as best as I can with crutches, at first he is shocked then he hugs me back. "We should get in the car" he says I nod, we get in the car and my phone goes off.
Lucy: you guys make a really cute couple;)
Me: we're not a couple I'm going to be single forever:(
Lucy: Ya right! You are to native to realize the three boys fighting over you:)
Me: I may be but I don't know if I want to date any of then I mean Luke and Jace are like my rocks and Chase is just a Cocky Jerk who thinks he can get any girl he wants.
Lucy: Your crazy, well I'm tired so night.
Me: Night;*
I turn my phone off and lay my head on the window. Windows, cars screaming,dying it all happened so quickly and I lost so much in just a matter of time . I start to breath heavy the doors feel like there closing in."Tess are you okay you look really pale and your sweating bad" Jace said worried."pull over" Luke commands. Jace pulls over and Luke gets out an says "Tessa is it them" talking about my parents. I fall into his arms "w-why me why did it half to happen to me, it's all my fault just like she said" I sob into his chest." Just like who said was it that dream you had awhile ago" I nod. "We should just pull into a hotel for the night and finish driving tomorrow" Luke tells Jace. He nods and I get in the back seat of the car and lay my head on Lucy's shoulder.
I feel my body being picked up from my seat and being held in someone's arms."mnhh" I mumble. "We're almost in the hotel suit just sleep" the voice says back. I open my eyes to see Chase holding me "Wow bad boy has a soft side for sleeping girls huh?" I ask. "We'll now that your awake you can walk well limp to the room" he says not answering my question. He puts me down tells me the room number and walks away.Jerk. I limp to the room and knock on the door, Jace opens it "hey come on in" he helps me in."suck up" Chase mumbles."we'll at least he cares you jerk" I snap back and grab my crutches and I start to walk away before someone grabs my hand "I do care babe just don't show it" Chase whispers in my ear sending a shiver down my back. I walk away and find a room and go to sleep dreaming about what Chase just said. In a minute or so of staring at the wall and thinking why in the world I even invited Chase."Tessie were going swimming wanna come"Lu called."sure" I respond. Sure I drag my swimming suit out of my suit case baby blue with a tie thing on the top and its strapless.Then it hits me why in the world are we going swimming at night in some town we dont know.Ugggg dang it.I walk out in a white tee and some black spandex shorts.When i walk into the living room everyone looks at me."What are you all looking at?!" I ask,"Nothing ready to go" Luke says holding his hand out I grab it and we start to walk. Jace looks at me and shows a small smile I give one back and we wit for and elevator.When the elevator comes its full except for like three spaces Luke,Lucy and Chase get on."we can wait for you guys" Lucy says."Its fine we will just catch the next one, right Jace" I reply. They all nod and the door closes."Tessa I.. um" Jace fumbles with his words like he is nevorous."its okay Jace you know you can tell me anything right?" I ask cause he is scareing me. He nods and grabs my waist and pulls me close to him and presses his soft lips on mine."Tessa I like you, Will you go on a date with me?'' he asks his eyes still closed."yes" is all I say.Then we hear lots of claping "Congrats Newly Wed" people keep saying stuff like that."Sorry to burst your guys bubbles but I just asked her on a date" he says. "Well congrats newy dating couple" someone shouts people clap agian.


Once we get to the pool no one is down there "Did we really take that long" I say as we walk in.Then i hear a wild native call.The freazing water hits my body I scream. Turn around A very cocky Chase looks back at me "You better run" I suggest. He looks at everyone they all nod he starts to run, I run after him. He runs around the pool.Bad idea, I tackle him into the pool then it hits me my ankle and crutches how did I forget I push off the floor of the pool with my good foot."Guys a little help" I ask. Jace grabs my hand and laughs "forget something" he says giveing me my crutches. I grab them and laugh. I go over to the seat and put on my waterproof foot wrap."Lets get our swim on" LUke screams jumping into the pool.

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